Greetings Friends on Steemit and Venezuela. To achieve Success, Happiness, Wisdom, Mind and Healthy Body, it is necessary an unbeatable Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

We in our communicative capacity need to understand and make full use of language and symbols, to interact properly with our peers, recognize our environment and adequately express thoughts, feelings and ideas.

For example, to transmit a news story we must choose the precise words that will be spoken, so that the event can be narrated as accurately as possible. Likewise, abstract ideas related to this news are included, which are added to the internalized language, and require to be externalized when communicating.

In this sense, words and symbols arise or are associated with reality for various reasons, including philosophical or theoretical thought currents, and behavior characteristic of a culture or idiosyncrasy, among others.

Regarding the term "Reasoning", it is recognized as the action of "To Reason" and is understood as a faculty to solve problems, generate hypotheses, infer or induce results and concepts, draw conclusions, philosophize and learn and act in a conscious way, establishing causal and logical connections; in this sense, in general, at least two types of reasoning are recognized:

.- The Argumentative Reasoning, relative to the "Verbal Reasoning" and corresponding to the linguistic activity.

.- The Logical Reasoning, based on the "Non-Verbal Reasoning", is a mental process that is produced from information, judgments and abstract elements, to derive the validity, possibility or falsity of another approach (Deductive Logic, Inductive and Abductive, among others).

Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning, is fundamentally about the ability to reason the precise words, in terms of memorizing, classifying, ordering, relating, knowing meanings and discerning; and based on five essential aspects: Synonyms. Antonyms, Analogies, Prayers and Reading Comprehension.

In this context, Synonyms and Antonyms (Semantics) allow to recognize the meanings of words; whereas the Analogies (Logic and Semantics) establish the relationships between the words; On the other hand, Prayers (Grammar, Logic and Semantics) are linguistic schemes for ordering words and expressing a judgment, argument or action with full meaning and syntactic autonomy; and finally, Reading Comprehension (Etymology, Grammar, Logic and Semantics), allows us to assimilate the contextualized meaning of words.

The obvious importance of Verbal Reasoning is circumscribed in the Argumentative Reasoning proper; In addition, it is the structural basis for the identification, modeling and solution of problems; understood as an issue, thought, word and action that aims to resolve or generate an effective response that is far from obvious from the initial approach.

Non-Verbal and Abstract Reasoning

Non-Verbal Reasoning and Abstact, is based on the human capacity to understand all the symbolic information transmitted and received, and for the purpose of finding effective answers by practical or visual reasoning and of the abstract ideas of the internalized language.

That is, it is based on the ability to understand, discern and remember visual or sensory sequences in general, interpret the meaning of perceived symbols and understand the relationship between their objective conceptual structures, visual and sensory analogies and the recognition in their imagination of context and the perceived.

Therefore, it involves solving problems with analytical skills (for example in mathematics and in computer science) without depending on language skills and making use of visual ideas. Non-Verbal Reasoning is very useful for solving practical problems, which include abstract symbols without the need for verbal information.

Finally, we can see 5 educational videos and fun, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning:

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