Greetings Friends on Steemit. Let's enjoy Success and Happiness, with Wisdom, Mind and Healthy Body.

I continue offering brief information, exercises and teaching/learning strategies, added to fun videos and weekly amenities, to help train and improve our brains.

According to multiple scientific studies, one of the characteristics of intelligent people is the "Mental and Thought Rapidity", demonstrated in the ability they have to reduce the "Response Time", in order to find the precise and effective solutions at the right time and before any approach, situation or problem that arises.

In this sense, to improve our "Mental and Thought Rapidity", it is essential to have power and speed of mental calculation, with assertive and refined logic, excellent memory and imagination, theoretical and practical education, experience, good Philosophical dose and much mental exercise.

As a necessary dimension, I must point out that many scientists have tried to show if the greater roundness of the brain can favor our "Mental and Thought Rapidity" by presuming that information can pass between neurons faster by decreasing distances; pretending to establish the relationship that may exist between the shape of the brain with intelligence, cognitive functions and memory.

However, the results that they have been obtained so far indicate that the mental speed only depends between 2% and 4% of the brain geometry, for which they are inferred that the brain form does not seem to be important in terms of our mental speed; However, they have been possible to demonstrate that both brain size and longevity and the appropriate mental exercises are key to our "Mental and Thought Rapidity".

Mental Speed

In some scientific, philosophical and metaphysical circles, they consider that we are living in the "century of the brain", which is why we aspire to know the necessary habits to help improve the function of the brain, increase its potential and slow down its aging.

According to the nutritionists, a balanced and adequate diet must be maintained to encourage proper brain function; because the brain requires an almost perfect balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for proper functioning.

Similarly, the diversity of daily activities, such as meditation, art, sports and recreational activities, in addition to social contacts with friends and associations by "hobbie", also contribute to the welfare of the brain and the consequent improvement of the "Mental Rapidity".

On the other hand, the ludic has been considered to positively influence brain development; therefore it is important to enjoy some pastimes (for example sudoku) that help to increase the "Mental Rapidity", by activating the neurogenesis that stimulates the production of new neurons and their connections.

Thought Speed

On the one hand, there are important scientific investigations, which suggest that "Thought Speed" improves with every action we take to help keep the brain in shape, especially when we improve memory and if it is periodically complemented when we perform joint games of logic and memorization.

That is, thinking fast is associated with good mental and physical health, because it is well known that games and sports favor positively, directly and indirectly in the brain, promoting the best use of oxygen and nutrients, besides being stimulators of neurogenesis. Then, it follows that the brain works better if we condition it, stimulate it and demand it a little more each day.

Exercises to Improve Mental and Thought Rapidity

Mental exercises allow to increase mental health and help develop our intelligence. In this order of ideas, below are some actions and exercises that help increase the "Mental and Thought Rapidity":

.- We can start listening to music and performing random mathematical calculations.

.- Also, we can read and converse simultaneously, while enjoying proper background music.

.- Exercise with mental games and hobbies (for example crosswords and chess) to speed up cognitive skills, logical reasoning, organization, memory and make correct decisions quickly.

.- Read every day to feed the processes of memory, thought and imagination.

.- Study a new language, which promotes neuronal regeneration.

.- Perform mathematical operations very frequently.

.- Help memory with mnemonics, such as associating a letter of the alphabet to each number from 0 to 9 and get: A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, D is 4, E is 5, F is 6, G is 7, H is 8, I is 9, J is 0.

.- Then write acronyms or initials of names numerically to practice the associations and remember them.

.- Also remember numbers when associating them with names related to this technique.

Finally, I leave 5 educational and fun videos, related to this interesting topic of "Mental and Thought Rapidity":

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