Greetings Friends of Steemit, Among the Keys to Success is Happiness, Enjoyed with Wisdom and with Mind and Healthy Body.

In this new year 2018, I will continue to provide brief information and short weekly exercises that can be used to train and develop the brain; through various teaching/learning strategies that include fun videos and amenities.

Therefore, on this occasion I have dedicated myself to write about the necessary improvement of "Listen"; which is basically defined as the capacity of our brain for the voluntary application of the necessary mental and neuronal activity of focus in the required senses, with respect to a certain stimulus, object, phenomenon, living being, mental thought process or "sensitivity" acting.

Philosophy and Psychology of "Listen"

From the point of view of Philosophy, it is considered that to reach a high level of objective "Listen", it is necessary to have a good rational logic, high concentration and a fine capacity for abstraction and decision; required to apply a reasonable attitude of discernment and immediacy for the perceptual and thought recognition, which require the brain and the senses response towards the aforementioned "Listen" expected.

That is to say, the "Listen" has its starting point based on the attitude to "attend" to what is due or important, conceived in the behavioral, perceptive and cognitive process, focused on the selective concentration towards the information or sensation received; ignoring the elements of the environment that are not considered essential.

On the other hand, for Psychology, "Listen" is geared to a variety of phenomena, thoughts and subjective and objective perceptions, which derive as a quality and human attitude, discretized in the selective acquisition of sensory and mental stimuli, which are decided in terms of the recognition of the most relevant and priority stimuli, in use of concentration and rational consciousness.

In this sense, "Listen" is an important part of the control mechanism of cognitive and evaluative processes, such as learning, decision making and logical reasoning, among others; and it can occur consciously or unconsciously.

Exercise To Improve "Listen"

In general, although it sounds contradictory there are no key exercises to improve the "Listen", but it is possible to exercise the brain for the recognition of thoughts, information and perceptions that should be considered more emphasis to give them the due "Listen".

An example is when you "Listen" to music and try to perform mathematical calculations or engage in a coherent conversation with two or more people at a time, while maintaining the "Listen" in the background music. I recommend doing this test and you will see how your results will improve with daily practice.

And finally, I leave three educational videos and fun on this topic of "Listen":

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