Greetings Friends on Steemit. I Recommend Enjoying and Practicing Construction by Imagination to Achieve Success and Happiness, with Wisdom, Mind and Healthy Body.

These days I have been reviewing the philosophical foundations of one of my favorite authors: Immanuel Kant and especially his magnificent "treatise" entitled "Critique of Pure Reason"; in consideration and analogy, I will try to address the present theme based on the aforementioned author, who in my opinion managed to relate the determination of the construction by imagination based on "sensible intuitions" and experience to enable the meaning of concepts and objects of understanding, which may even be unknown.

Construction, Schematic, Imagination and Sensibility, According to Kant

The thought of Kant, presented in his "Critique of Pure Reason", based on rationalist and empiricist, infers that there are two sources of knowledge "and are namely, sensitivity and understanding. Through the first we are given objects; by means of the second are the objects thought."

Therefore, the aforementioned author tells us that "the capacity to receive representations" is sensitivity "and it only gives us insights", but, through understanding "they are thought and concepts originate in it", that is, the imagination.

On the other hand, Kant points out that Imagination is crucial to fundament transcendentally the empirical concepts, and of course, for the construction of transcendental schemes; with two types of Imagination: the Reproductive Imagination based on the understanding and that can subsist without needing to appear the object in front of our senses (madness, fantasy, innovation, invention or genius?); evocative of images that have not been made present to the subject through "sensible intuitions"; and the Production or "figuration" Imagination, as the ability to "figure" or imaginative figurative capacity, to think about the object under an intuited concept, with a clear idea of what the categorized object is.

In short, Kant directly and indirectly points out that both Intelligence and Understanding can be significantly improved if the "Construction by Imagination" is practiced, both for previously recognized concepts and objects through our senses, as well as for that which is purely recreated by the mind without having been acquired by any sense.

Future Vision and Construction by Imagination

It is a common place the saying: "Imagination has no limits", and I totally agree with the aforementioned assertion; because with an adequate Imagination we can "build" everything we propose, "be" what we please, "travel" where we want and have everything we want.

In this context, the "Future Vision" implies that with an excellent Imagination we can travel to the future, and once there we can determine through our "hypothetical senses" how our life would be in the best scenario that we can have or manage ; including the ideas, concepts and objects that can be "built" or needed, by imagining our "way of life" in that "Future Vision".

That is, the recommendation to exercise the "Future Vision and Construction by Imagination", is based on the Law of Cause and Effect, which indicates that our present is a consequence whose causes belong to the past and therefore our future will be a consequence of all thoughts, words, decisions, facts and omissions originated in the present; since any current modification will redound for good or bad in our future.

The "Future Vision and Construction by Imagination" implies imagining how our future will be, visualizing what we want to do or have (inventions, innovations, ideas, concepts, objects, car, home, work, couple, family, friendships, health, happiness and success, among other aspects). It is about "seeing" with seriousness the details of the desired things.

In conclusion, it is essential to spend moments of privacy with ourselves, meditate, let the imagination fly, "build" and internalize and analyze the repercussion of all our actions in the construction of our future, of our dreams and goals and of our lives in general.

Mental Exercises to Improve the Construction by Imagination

As conscious subjects that we are, it is important to exercise the conscious and unconscious, so that from the imaginary, we get the starting point from where we can build everything we need as if the activities were actually done; to go later to reality and execute the pertinent actions to achieve the goals set in the imaginary scenario.

In this sense, when we imagine something, neuronal connections are activated for their development in reality; but, only those who really intend to do the things we imagine will succeed, and those who do not believe in themselves will fail irremediably. In an authentic reality, if we want to be creative, we just need to imagine, be creative, plan and execute everything we have to do to achieve it with patience, commitment and discipline.

As a result, we can do almost any exercise of imagination; for example, to meditate and imagine any object, generate new ideas or projects, or simply activate applied creativity, based on concentration, intelligence and willpower. Being more specific can be practiced by "imagining and building" the elaboration of a painting, such as a landscape, giving it all the details mentally and then proposing to make it come true as we have imagined it.

Finally, I present 5 educational and fun videos, related to the interesting theme of "Construction by Imagination":

Source of the Videos:

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