The Story Of Judas

I try to make my posts apolitical and non Religious but this is something I have been considering for some time.

There is a point of contention for me about the Bible. Was Judas a traitor and a coward, or fulfilling his and Jesus' destiny as predicted by the prophets ? this should elevate him to the level of sainthood surely, to be the Fall Guy, the one who took the blame.for humanity, who bore that cross is hard and unforgiving. Are we not all to blame in terms of original sin ? is there not one of us who has in this or another life committed an act of betrayal small or big. This act of betrayal is divine and destined." In John's account of the Last Supper, just after Jesus has again identified Judas as the one who will betray him, he tells the traitor: "What you are going to do, do quickly." This implies that Jesus knows the plan, and the part Judas will play." Judas played his role and perhaps sacrificed his sanity and place in Heaven for a higher purpose, this is perhaps controversial but if we cannot forgive him then we cannot forgive ourselves.5812460-v3.jpg

"To err is human, to forgive is divine."

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