Web Browser Mining or Simply Get Your Referral Rewards before JSECoin's ICO [第一次當礦工就上手的JSECoin]

Hey guys! This is probably the first time I dedicate a post to introduce you a new coin - JSEcoin or Javascript Embedded Cryptocurrency. I will get some reward if you use my referral link below of course, but I wouldn't do it for this small reward if it is just that.

The point is ... I am a non-techie so mining is never something I will ever consider relevant for me. I know nothing technical about it and my computer is very old to compete with any other fancy ones out there... But today I learn about this coin from a friend @kenny-crane so I use his link to sign up just out of curiosity. And after I input my name, email and select country etc... (I left the address blank like kenny did) and I have got myself registered (need to confirm an email from JSEcoin).

On my dashboard, I saw I have 0.5 JSEcoin. No idea how much that is, but must be very cheap as it is free. Kenny told me that he earned 10 JSEcoins as I registered. Ok, so introducing some friends seem a better way to earn. At least in this very early stage of their development.

But wait! After I click the "mining" tab, there is a button showing "START MINING" and I was like really? I can mine too? So easy? So I clicked it and viola! I started my first ever mining in my life! (if blogging on steemit does not count). How cool is that!? With my lousy equipment and zero knowledge, I cam mine too! I know it is impossible to make big money but to get a taste of mining for me - it is priceless!

You may see those running information under the Hash Rate Chart. I love them!! See how they are talking to each other? _ Oh how lovely, they say Thanks! So many numbers there and my old computer is able to find some hash (hash browns? lol)... I am so glad for it as it is so old that might need to prove itself still kicking... Bravo JSEcoin!! You made my and my computer's day...

"Hashrate Speed Test: 45 hp/s"
"JSE. New Block Received."
JSE. Submit Response: Thanks
Submission: {"block":20458,"hash":"00005bb99120811937031e6d296822b6674857e6ceb495ea85a4a04429507599","nonce":"26070258","uid":825,"siteid":"Platform Mining"}
JSE. Found Hash: 00005bb99120811937031e6d296822b6674857e6ceb495ea85a4a04429507599
Hashrate Speed Test: 378 hp/s
Hashrate Speed Test: 375 hp/s

Of course it doesn't matter that it only earns me $0.03 JSEcoin after mining for two hours. LOL.... My dashboard looks like this after two hours. I believe you can do much better than me as you have better computers and they actually have some secret weapon "WEBSITE MINING" So for anyone who owns a website, you may try this. Allegedly, you the website owner can "Replace ads or earn additional revenue from your websites with background cryptocurrency mining" so more visitors mean more cash flows!! Yeah! Go ahead!

Go check for more details on their website (like they are registered in UK and you may now purchase this coin by PAYPAL, BTC/ETH or Bank wire...). Use any JSEcoin embedded link in this post to visit the site and register (then it would be under my referral) if you find this interesting. I can only manage people, not machines, to increase my JSEcoin. So... thanks, my friend and I hope you enjoy mining like me too! :)

Chinese version / 中文版

大家好,這大概是我第一次介紹新的幣 - JSEcoin or Javascript Embedded Cryptocurrency. 預告通知一下,透過我的介紹連結,我會得到一些獎勵的。但你也知道這些獎勵都不多,為什麼我還要寫一帖?

原因在於... 歐耶!我這個不是太懂電腦的書生,竟然也可以簡簡單單的「挖礦」!在虛擬幣世界泡這麼久,自然知道挖礦是什麼,問題在於大概知道跟能做到是兩回事啊!何況本美女電腦老舊,大概10年老了,應該無力與目前各位手上的電腦同場競技吧?那還挖什麼啊!只是今天剛好有朋友介紹,我就好奇去註冊了這個什麼JSEcoin的。只要填英文姓名、電郵並確認信件後(地址似乎可以空白喔),就可以進入平台來挖礦了?真的嗎?


再看一眼。咦?有個挖礦的按鈕可以按耶!"START MINING" 我有點疑惑地按下去,結果,哇!真的開始挖了耶!我人生第一次挖礦!我是礦工了啦!感動!勞動人民從土地裡挖取寶藏~~~~ 很酷吧!以我這種爛設備,一點知識都沒有,我還能下礦坑去挖礦耶!我知道我挖不到什麼寶貝的,因為人家用機器我只有圓鍬,只能分一點煤炭渣吧!但我還是挖得很開心哪!

你看這些一直跑動的挖礦圖表,非常酷啊!我超愛的。看看他們還能彼此對談的樣子是不是粉可愛?你看看,我又找到新的hash了!接收到新的block了!機器還會說謝謝捏,唉呦,可愛爆了啦!我一直看看好久.... JSEcoin 好棒棒!

"Hashrate Speed Test: 45 hp/s"
"JSE. New Block Received."
JSE. Submit Response: Thanks
Submission: {"block":20458,"hash":"00005bb99120811937031e6d296822b6674857e6ceb495ea85a4a04429507599","nonce":"26070258","uid":825,"siteid":"Platform Mining"}
JSE. Found Hash: 00005bb99120811937031e6d296822b6674857e6ceb495ea85a4a04429507599
Hashrate Speed Test: 378 hp/s
Hashrate Speed Test: 375 hp/s

所以我看到面板上顯示我在挖礦兩小時後賺到0.03 JSEcoin 一點都不傷心,我很開心。當然啦!各位科技大小牛一定有更好的電腦,可以挖比我多更多啦,試試看吧!沒什麼筍絲的。他們還有個秘密武器,就是 "WEBSITE MINING" 所以如果各位自己有網站的,可以設定一下,讓你的流量幫你賺 JSEcoin 喔!聽起來很像是廣告收入吧!流量換錢的新實現!我是木有網站啦,只能靠早點告訴你,賺你介紹費囉~~~~ :)

到他們網站逛逛吧,據說是 在英國註冊 目前正在pre-ICO sales可以用PAYPAL, BTC/ETH or Bank wire...(我不懂喔,投資自己看清楚). 文章裡任何 JSEcoin 的內置連結都可以連到網站,註冊的話就會是我介紹的,先跟你說謝謝囉。我只能處理人來賺JSEcoin,沒辦法用機器來挖很多!:)

Enjoy Easy Mining!! 好好的第一次當礦工就上手吧!

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