While browsing the internet, I stumbled on this picture and it got me thinking really deep and hard. (I tend to do that a lot.)
Why should I or someone be joyful for missing out? What chill should I have because I missed out of something? Is that statement really going to be a thing?

Well, you may be wondering what the hell is JOMO. Simple, "Joy of Missing Out."
There should be joy in everything we do and with the internet of things helping us make sense of what is happening and what will happen in the future, innovations that will help us grasp are needed and JOMO is it.

Do I have a JOMO story?

I do have couple of JOMO stories, So I will briefly share just 2.
I remember when the MMM frenzy was at an ATH in Nigeria, everyone I know was into it and they were making so much money that their statuses changed. For some sick and weird reasons, I didn't participate and never had a rethink as to if I should.
I knew it was a pyramid scheme because, there was the assurance that I will get double my funds, but there was no explanation of where the funds will come from after the first round. Many took the scheme as their occupation, (just as many of us take Steemit now). Guiders became gods amongst men and the followers worshiped in spirit and in truth. Mavrodi held a place in the hearts of so many that, if you are not on MMM, you are missing out.
FOMO set in and many jumped in just at the end of the scheme. And, it was a wrap.

Another JOMO Story.
I also remember when it was time to get a career after school, my mates were so desperate that they settled for Government paid jobs, some joined the Police force, Customs and Immigration services, but I didn't because I was so sure I was not cut out for taking whatever comes. Although, I must confess that, not taking whatever comes caused me. I was broke and practically a nonentity.
Year down the line, the story kinda is tilting my way as I am really happy being who I am and those moments of stress helped me seek the right things to do.

Looking back now and seeing those Guiders now looking down whenever they are asked "how far?" makes me so very thankful for missing out on that. Had I joined, I would have taken it so seriously because when I believe in something, I give it my all.
I also look at my friends who opted for the easy way by taking up employements they never dreamed of taking and most of them are mostly unhappy and unfufiled. One of them recently resigned and backed his bags and embarked on a Sahara trip to Libya onward Italy. ( I have no idea if he made it though.)

I Feel Blessed!

My PoV.

Missing out on some of life's important moments has its perk. It may feel bad, but there always is some happy place. The recent wave of crypto and the need to jump in early on certain transaction has seen so many jump into fire all in a bid to make it quick.
I believe there are things we are not supposed to have no matter how good they appear and there are also those things we must have no matter how dirty they appear.
Knowing what works and what will, is the first step to knowing if you are going to have a FOMO or JOMO moment.

As life is unpredictable so will we have FOMOs and JOMOs. We should not see ourselves as missing out when we cannot get on somethings. We may struggle so hard only to end up not getting it; and we never lift up a finger and we get it.

Moments will always be a part of our lives and it is left to be seen if they will be FOMOs or JOMOs.

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