1000th Post on Steem: Thank You \Gratitude offering closed\

I have learned a lot from the Steem community. It is hard to believe it’s been over a year and this is my 1000th post! I don’t always find people I connect with in my day-to-day life so to those of you who’ve been reading and interacting I truly appreciate it. I want to offer you a small token of my gratitude.

I try to write clearly about ideas and topics I consider important. I think digital technology (email then bitcoin) flattened many hierarchies and most people are going through the motions as if not much changed. I try to write everyday. In the future I would like to write more developed articles because I know my intelligent audience will appreciate the deeper discussion. In sum: I want to interact directly with you.

I am offering a unique proposition for a unique audience. For the frequent commenters and also any comment in the next 24 hours on this post I will offer a one-of-a-kind token I made on the BitShares blockchain: POWTOKEN – http://open-explorer.io/#/assets/POWTOKEN. I, @john-robert, hereby promise that the holder of POWTOKEN may redeem with me and in exchange I will write an article on the subject of your choice (within reason).

Hall-of-Fame Honorary Token Recipients

To receive the POWTOKEN, please leave your BitShares address in the comment. It’s easy to get set up:
Web: https://wallet.bitshares.org/?r=johnr
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fund.trusty.trusty

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