Seablue Journal: The Inner World. The last great frontier.

I've often been struck by the idea that we humans, as a species, are exploratory creatures. We have moved across great landscapes and populated all the places of the world. When we came to the oceans, we built the craft required to cross those vast expanses in search of new places to inhabit. It seems to be our instinctual condition.

Many of the stories we tell are stories of discovery. We even have an age, the 'Age of Discovery'. A time when European powers crossed the oceans and discovered the Americas and the Indies. Having found those places, men crossed the oceans to explore these new lands and inhabit them. Our restlessness for new places seems to know no bounds.

Years ago, I pondered how stifling it must be for such an exploratory creature as man, to find himself with no more unknown vistas to explore. As we filled the land, we began to quest under the oceans. As technology allowed, we pushed out into space.

Where will we go when we have explored all of the outer world that our technology will allow?

Another journey has been embarked upon in parallel to this outer journey. The journey inward. The journey to explore the heart and soul of man. Is there any end to this frontier? Will this be the last great frontier?

Perhaps the outward journey in some way allows man to put off this last frontier. We can ignore what mysterious forces drive us, and just succumb to its bidding. When all else is inhabited, we may have no choice but to look within.

The teachers of wisdom seem to conclude that it is the most important journey of all. So I set sail each day, into the sunrise and blue ocean of my soul. To find where this restless journey takes me. The last great frontier. The journey within. The great Unconscious Realm. I hope to see you there.


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