What if I actually turn this into a real blog?

Greetings, anyone viewing this,

My name is Omar, and I've been a blogger since back in my Live Journal days... which came before my MySpace days. And all of those came before my Facebook, and eventual Steemit days. Now, here I am on Hive.

It's been a long life, friends. It's been full of ups, and downs. It's been wild in both directions, but for the past two years it's been much more the downward trajectory, if ya get my drift.

Today, however, was special. I woke up feeling like finally things are really on an upturn, even after a brutal setback that occurred last night. See, it turns out, that the email account I've used FOR-FRICKING-EVER, is finally going to be shutting me down and out. This means I've got to change EVERYTHING, that I've ever connected to that email, and it's been a real reflection for me, friends.

I spent until 4am in the morning ravenously changing email accounts from many services I used, and then many more hours come morning/after/evening. It's been an awakening for me in many ways.

You learn about the FRAGILITY of access to your digital media. I will be losing many movies I'd purchased on Google, because they simply cannot be digitally transferred! BUY DVDS VHSs AND BLURAYS MY FRIENDS!!

Still, at least I've got my Steam account...and it is loaded. The day I lose access to that, will be a real down drift indeed.

Anywho, I hope you haven't actually read this, so that way I can feel like it's a semi-private blog. I haven't blogged in a long time, actually. I haven't even regular logged... diaried? Diarreahd? Journaled??

...But still there was something special that happened today, in going through all of my old emails, dating back almost two decades....

...I found old pieces of myself I'd forgetted. Pieces that heated the forge that drove me here.

It was a forge that grew cold.

But I can feel the embers warming again.

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