Common man or unsung super heroes? # 1 -JONAS SALK - “the father of bio philosophy” who forfeited 7 Billion

In the times of comic book super heroes, where we only hear about the likes of Iron man, spider man, bat man and so on.

Always thought we need those special un human powers to be like one of those super heroes. But have you ever thought, it's not the powers that make them a super hero, but it's their sacrifices.

In this series, we will remember some real super heroes who lived among us. The heroes who made the difference.


JONAS SALK( 1914-1995, New York, United States), known as “the father of bio philosophy”, was the one who invented Polio Vaccine.


Image Source: Wiki

He forfeited almost 7 Billion American Dollars (as per approximate calculations provided in a Forbes article) worth by not patenting his invention so as to cure as many lives as he can.

When asked about it, Salk once said: “There is nothing as patent, can you patent the sun?”

As he says: “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more”

How many of us can even imagine letting go so much wealth? It all takes a super human courage and heart to do so.

God bless such people.

Stay healthy, keep smiling and happy steeming.

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