Stefan Molyneux Needs Your Help - He Was Mean To My Sweetie!

"Please, help fund my legal defense, for the price
of freedom is about $250 an hour."

Recently, there was a horrific shooting in New Zealand involving a mosque, a GoPro livestream to Facebook, posted in 4chan, of a highly sophisticated mass shooting at Christchurch.

This is what was said of the shooter:

“He was a very dedicated personal trainer,” Gray said. “He worked in our program that offered free training to kids in the community, and he was very passionate about that.”

Stefan Molyneux has an unfortunate history of artistically defending actions such as this, all around the world with his troupes.

Stefan Molyneux has issued a cry for help as it seems he is under surveillance by official, international law enforcement entities, for he has a long and lavish career in advocating for free speech on what is considered superior human existence, based upon homogeneity that is not exactly like his homogeneity.

Stefan Molyneux likes to aver in support of the trafficking of tiny humans, too.

He is putting out a call for negotiation as I shall assume this to be a preemptive desire for a plea deal.

Stefan is truly in fear of being stripped of his freedom and liberty, asking the public to make his call for help go forth into the cyberverse.

So, I have decided to heed his cry for help.

I want to make Stefan Molyneux an international sensation because he was mean to my Sweetie.

This is some of his best work.

Thank you, everyone, in advance, for helping me make Stefan famous.

Enjoy his performance.

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