What are you willing to sacrifice for a job?

I've been applying to regular jobs again. I guess it's where I belong. On the plus side, I'm also feeling much happier and far less anxious. I've also gained back the weight that I lost earlier this year due to the anxiety.

I've been for several interviews recently, and I've scored many second interviews. I've bombed most of those second interviews (and some of the initial interviews). This past week, however, I had a great interview with a former employer. I've been offered a second interview for this job much faster than anywhere else. Only now I start to wonder: do I for sure want this job?

The pros:

Decent pay

Could lead to greater things

Plays to my strengths

The cons:

It's downtown

Business dress (tie, shoes)

The health insurance isn't so great

I realize that the cons don't sound all that bad, but I really hate downtown. If I drive, I have to pay upward of $120 per month just to park. If I do public transportation, then it takes 45 minutes one way at minimum (plus the drive to and from the station), and sometimes there are delays.

Next, I'll have to buy some new clothing. I actually have a problem with my ankles that affect the way my feet land on the floor. I need a specific brand and type of shoe to correct it, and it's not a "business" shoe.

Lastly, I think my wife and I are going to try for another baby, so we need good healthcare coverage that covers the hospital and doctor that she likes. This means that I might need to figure out another way to pay for a new baby to be delivered. That really sucks.

But this job could lead to a new career path for me. The other jobs that I qualify for are either database jobs or business analyst (software development), and I frankly don't like either of those.

Of course, I am getting ahead of myself here. I don't have a job offer! But I know where the pay tops out and if I drive, then I'll have less money for my family. So it would help to have a decision in mind before getting an offer.

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