Looking for a JOB? Someone commented on my post that she was suicidal because of all the rejection. Today, I want to pray for you guys.

"Lord I bring before you all those that are job searching. Lift that spirit of discouragement and depression that may rest upon them. Open doors that have been shut. Create new opportunities. Those that are going on interviews, give them wisdom and divine favour. Put the right words in their mouth.

As we enter this new week. Let not their hearts be troubled. Soothe their souls. Give them fresh hope, courage and the assurance to know in spite of what happens, you will always make a way, where there "seems" to be no way. Bless their families. Bless their homes. Bless their finances that they may lack nothing. Guide them, protect them, grant them mercies and give them your peace. In Jesus precious name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen."

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