The Millennial Age is Very Concerning

In millennial times this was very worrying for social life in the community

In millennial times this was very worrying for social life in the community. The era is not far from the word teenager who is identical with the word "yesterday's child" who still does not understand the black and white of the world. In general, teenagers do not think in real terms, but they think emotionally and the emotions are still unstable.

Today's teenagers are very lazy to move and they prefer to spend their time in front of a small glowing glass screen rather than physical exercise which results in many teenagers increasingly forgetting what activities should be done.

Just as worshiping the Almighty God is now increasingly more concerned with technology for super-sophisticated technology, even though all that creates is their god through previous scientists who until now have used adolescents not at their limits but over limits.

Social adolescents in the midst of society are now very graceful, which is also the work of teenagers themselves who use sophisticated tools that are too anchored. For example, when the community held an oba Agustusan program held in their village to enliven the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia, the people from children to adults, even grandparents and grandparents took part in the event.

But the event could not be as compact as it should be because the teenagers were busy with sophisticated tools that could be called paste stones. Which should help the community in organizing the event to be successful.

In fact, what is now a conversation is the social interaction of adolescents with adolescents and adolescents with the community is increasingly broken due to the paste stone. The impact of social interaction that is increasingly graceful is to create an individual atmosphere that should have a high social spirit for the sake of the unity and unity of the nation found in the third Pancasila precept, namely Indonesian unity.

In today's age the awareness of adolescents in practicing the Pancasila is less than the threshold. Even the Pancasila is underestimated by teenagers because they are more concerned with the paste than the nation's ideology.

Millennial teenagers often with the word selfie . Selfie is the activity of shooting a camera to yourself with an interesting object. Therefore it is actually not strange if anyone who entertains at the end of the week, surely wants to capture those special moments. But now this has become a debate. Along with the mushrooming of the use of paste stones, more and more people are selfie in dangerous places such as ravines, hills, peaks, cliffs, and others that become attractive backgrounds .

It turns out that on other holidays, selfies can also interfere with many parties. Among them are the selfie hajj and umrah which can interfere with the devotion of worship.

In this millennial era there were many parties who were not responsible for hoax news that was disseminated to various social media. For example, lately many HOAX news circulated in the community. Actually not only the contents are dangerous, but the spread is also dangerous.

Especially if the news contains lies about the country and everything in it. The integrity of the nation and state can be threatened. Therefore, not just spreading the news is one manifestation of love for this homeland. Finding out from the truth and really understanding the contents of the news can be a step to save the country.

In today's social media, many rounds are found that end in death. Initially the social media party used social media as a place to have fun. But in reality using social media has exceeded the deadline. For example, party A is acquainted with party B through social media, Facebook and then they are very familiar with their families but later A party has a very beautiful girlfriend.

Then the B party knows the information about the A. With jealousy, B wants to take the girl from her friend's grip. Apparently the B managed to snatch the girl with no knowledge of A. And it turned out that A was suspicious of the girl's changes. Finally, the A knows the behavior of B.

With the B's actions, the A is furious. Initially, A threatened the conversation on Facebook. Then after passing the conversation, A immediately went to where B was with a sharp weapon.

Then when the two parties met a fight between the two parties could not be stopped. And finally Party B died because of being pierced by a sharp object from the A. In the example of this incident is a violation of human rights. With this incident in the millennium, there was very low public awareness of human rights.

For the millennial generation, having thousands of friends on social media and getting thousands of likes each time uploading photos on social media seems to be far more important than having friends in the real world, technology keeps the close and the distant closer. When gathering with friends of the same age, the millennial generation tends to be more engrossed in their own cellphones than to chat as the writer mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Technology really separates humans from other human beings. No wonder millennial is said to be an individual generation. And the danger, it can lead to loneliness and mental disorders such as depression even to the point of death which is not a reflection of the Indonesian nation's morals.

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