Open Mat

Wondering what a good first post should be..... I wasn't too sure but I thought I would start out with some pictures from Sundays Open Mat with my friends @jiujitsu and Calvin. It was just the three of us but it was still a good time. Pictures taken with my phone.

Made sure to get the STEEMIT BJJ patch!

He's trying to work on that arm.

Wanting the sweep!

Calvin told me he shouldn't have ate that cheeseburger...

These two guys are great to train with. They're very trustworthy training partners that really help others dig in and learn the moves! It's great to have these guys because they can slow it down and explain the move or speed it up to see if you got it. I really enjoy watching these two flow!

Let me know what you all think and would like to see photos of in BJJ, MMA, and other martial arts.

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