Gynostemma Tea

gynostemma-tea-organic.pngSECRET HEALTH UPDATE ** IT HAS BEEN PROVEN ** INformation about Gynostemma Penthaphyllum. Jiaogulan Tea Herb, Description, Use, Benefits, Health Benefits, Adaptogen, Anti Oxidant, Weight Loss & Control, Detox, Compounds, AMPK. Why Organic Gynostemma Tea?. How to Brew Jiaogulan Tea?. How does Gynostemma work?. The Immortality Herb!

GYNOSTEMMA PENTHAPHYLLUM is a ADAPTOGEN that improves general health.

Gynostemma is a very active plant, that grows very fast with the right conditions.
The plant Gynostemma is a climbing plant, that can grow up to almost 10 Centimeter in 1 night!

Gynostemma means Climber, and Pentha-phyllum means 5-leaves.

So the Climber with 5-leaves, Gynostemma Penthaphyllum is know for it's healing powers, given by Earth to us humans.. From the dried leaves you can make a delicious and super healthy tea!

About Gynostemma Tea's Healing & Health Benefits:

Jiaogulan is preventing and prevents diabetes, type 1 and 2.
Also is know to support and supports your internal-nervous system.
Jiaogulan Tea supports and imporves your immunity and the system.

Numerous Health benefits have been awared to Gynostemma Penthpahyllum!

Gynostemma Tea works an anti-Oxidant, it will slow down Age-ing and age related matters.
Gynostemma Penthaphyllum, the healhiest herbal tea on Planet Erath!

Jiaogulan Tea also know as Gynostemma - The Ultimate Detox Herb Medicine, :

Gynostema, will Detox, clean and protect your liver.
Also the tea is tested and confirmed as an Detoxing compound, these compounds clean the kidney.
Jiaogulan Tea, the ultimate Detox Herb works as a cleanser for the body.
Gynostemma is very good in balancing your hormones and homone static-levels.

Gynostemma Penthaphyllum and Weight Loss & Control, Facts:
Gynostemma will help to recduce weight by activating the metabolism, this is archieved by the so called 'Saponins' in the Gynostemma leaf.
Especially the Organic Mountain Jiaogulan is one of the most active weight loss & weight controll Adapotgenic Herbal Tea!

Gynostemma Tea, The CoolDown Herb,:

Jiaogulan known as XianCiao has many active Anti- Stressing factors and compounds.
Gynostemma Tea, especially the Jiaogulan Organic Teas will reduce Insomnia!
Jiaogulan Organic Tea Bio, will make your sleep much better due to Serotonine Activating Ingredients and compounds.

  1. Gynostemma Penthaphyllum, Jiaogulan Tea, Is the best AMPK Activator and has Many High Valued Active Compounds: Jiaogulan Gynostemma the only true AMPK Activator!

  2. Jiaogulan Tea the Herbal Tea thats a Natural Medicine or AMPK!

How to Brew Gynostemma Tea. (How to make a delicious and healthy cup of Jiaogulan tea!)
Take 0.5 / 1 gram (1 teaspoon) for 5 until 10 minutes in Hot but NOT boiling water.
When you over-cook the water it will kill the Active Compounds, Vitamines and Minerals.

Gynostemma tea from Bioherby Organic Farms

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