I’m Giving Up Antisemitism And Anti-Semitism

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Wilhelm Marr as a Nazi by AI

I first declared this in 2012:

I’m Giving Up Antisemitism And Anti-Semitism

From now on the only term I’m using is Jew hatred.

Happy New secular Year everyone! Here is one of my resolutions; I wonder if anyone will join me?

I’m giving up antisemitism and anti-semitism for the New Year. It’s all Jew hatred for me from here on.

And if anyone in my presence says “Judeophobia”, I won’t be responsible for the hospital bill.

Here is a very dry article explaining where the term “antisemitism” came from:

Marr’s conception of antisemitism focused on the supposed racial, as opposed to religious, characteristics of the Jews. His organization, the League of Antisemites, introduced the word “antisemite” into the political lexicon and established the first popular political movement based entirely on anti-Jewish beliefs.

Update: OJ asks in the comments, what is the problem with Judeophobia? Here is my answer:

If you have an irrational fear of a Jew or Jews then you are phobic and yes, Judeophobic. A phobia is introverted and internal. As soon as you act on that irrational fear you are, in my eyes, a “hater”. So, whilst many Jew haters are also Judeophobic, it’s not their Judeophobia that causes me a problem.

This post came to mind because I found myself listening to a Podcast by a comedian from New York (who have met a few times) called Modi. He was talking to a Brooke Goldstein who has been involved in a number of important freedom supporting lawsuits in the USA.

You can find that show here. Right at the start Brooke says pretty much exactly what I say in this post from 2012. I'm not saying this is a new way of thinking, but I"m glad when others come to the same conclusion as me and stop calling Jew hatred by any other name.

I originally wrote this post in 2012 on Israellycool. I'm reposting it here because it is important and I want it written on Hive.

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