The Real Truth About Hell Nobody Knows (from "IN JESUS WE TRUST FOR SALVATION" youtube channel)

Hellfire, suffering and torment is it really true and Biblical? Or is it a Lie from the Devil to misrepresent God and cause fear?

This video "The Real Truth About Hell Nobody Knows" answers all these questions and more. WARNING: Please take the time to watch it all as it is very important not to be mislead by the Devil and jump to conclusions.

Questions and Answers covered in Video:

*Hell meaning?
*Jesus Parables of Hell and its understanding?
*Origins of Hell and its History?
*Hell is it Biblical?
*When people are judged when they die? Is it straight away?
*Are people aware when they die?
*Why are there two resurrections?
*Will hell last forever? Will the Devil always be around?
*Will the wicked suffer for all eternity?
*Would a lovely God punish the wicked forever?
*Is there a Purgatory giving a second chance?
*Why did God make a Hell?
*Does Hell always translates as the lake of fire?
*Does God take pleasure in our destruction? How can we be saved?
*What really happens when you die?

Only through Gods son Jesus Christ if we believe in him we will be saved. Jesus paid for our sins by dying for us instead. Only though repentant in him alone will we have everlasting life. (John3:16)

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