Whom Have I ...

My Lord:

The cost made perfectly clear, have ye weighed them, counted them, preparing for to pay them, ever ready and willing to give it all. All that a man has, heart, mind, body, soul, and might. Who can save thine soul, who can forgive sin, who can allow the past to die and one to be born again, truly a rebirth, not a metaphor, not just a change of thought. A literal death and rebirth through Christ and Him alone. It is not difficult for God to do this. It is a literal thing, I know, I lived it and speak not of imagination but fact. I am nothing, no one, not asking anything from anyone but you chase after Truth and Life which is Christ. I was freely given and I freely share what I was given to the best I am able. There is much more to the world then what eyes of flesh can see. Knowing this truly is a blessing, it makes Life so much more real, or alive. To know there is a God, there is another Life beyond all of this, that this is not all there is, God be blessed for it, bless Him who created the heavens, the earth and sea and the fountains of waters. How many times did I say before knowing the Truth, "there has to be more to this life, if this is all there is then I want none of it". I do not care what they think, I hated this life in this world, hated what this world thrives upon, the injustice, the filth, the horror, the pointlessness of the things men chase after. God be praised for letting me know there is purpose. What have a man that hath no purpose? God be praised for the last six years. Letting me, allowing me to write about Him, to have this testimony that I still can not fathom, and I lived it. I love You God Almighty and the Son. I am so thankful to be free, free indeed, I cry, my eyes run rivers of tears and yet I joy in the Truth. I am free, I am free, God allowed me to see, to hear, to live, to be et free from the filthy of sin and death. Me, why me? I will never know maybe, maybe one day I will. Thank You O Lord for such a beautiful gift, to be forgiven and set free indeed. I proclaim it, I profess it, I tell you no lies, I heard from the Lord and was forgiven things I could of never forgiven myself for. I can not say it enough, I can not repeat it enough. I can not share it to many times. I pray you all hear the Truth and waste not this time of grace to REPENT from the heart and world out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Plow the field of thine heart, wash your hands, purge yourselves, be clean, be clear in the matter that is far greater than my ability to proclaim it. Truly, truly, verily I tell you what must be ENDURED in this life can not be compared to what is to come. I can say this without doubt and I want you all to have the same faith as I, faith without a single cell of thine whole body doubting.

To whom is thy love and hope beside Him? There is none, no not one, all my heart, all my desires are You O Lord. You I love without question, knowing You are faithful, You will never forsake me, turn from me, leave me, walk away from me, but I first turn from You. God forbid I ever look back, God forbid I ever fall from my steadfastness. God forbid I cease to run the race, to fight the fight, to endure it all. I am free, I am free, I am free indeed I have been set free. The crown laid up for me, I strive to enter in. Praise ye the Lord God Almighty, praise ye Him all you in the heavens, in the earth, the waters, the rocks, the creation, praise ye the Lord God Almighty. Magnify His Name, in words, in deeds, in all that ye may do. Praise ye the Lord Amen.

I love to cry to God, I love the power I find in doing so. I love the feeling after I have praised the Lord with tears of joy for being set free, for knowing the Truth. So thankful for it all, I am free and I can not get over the fact that it is all true. I am so sorry for all who do not truly know, who do all they can to deny the Truth, who refuse to be gathered, refuse to hear, refuse to see. I pray they realize the Truth and turn back from the wickedness so many call good. I pray they learn to speak correctly, that they fight for it, study to be approved and know the good and perfect will of God Almighty Amen.

How could I have known such love was real? That so much mercy could be, so much peace, rest, kindness, joy, that one could truly be forgiven, so much forgiveness Amen. My debt was great, but my Lord is greater, praise ye the Lord with all thine heart, praise ye the Lord with all thy mind, praise ye the Lord with all thine body, praise ye the Lord with all thy might. Hear me O Lord, hear my heart, it belongs to Thee. Whom do I have in heaven but Thee? Whom O Lord has Life, rivers of living waters flowing out of them but Ye O Lord, my Rock, my Shield, me defense, my City with walls, my Lily, my Delight, my Love. THERE IS NONE UPON THE EARTH THAT I DESIRE BESIDE THEE. Who makes an oath and breaks it not? You O Lord. Who is ever faithful unto death? You O Lord. The beauty of God, holiness, and that holiness never cheats, never forsakes, never unfaithful, always there, always watching, always and forever.

Psalms 73:25, " Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. "

Nothing before Him, not father, mother, wife, son, daughter, friend. Nothing in the world is worth losing the Truth. What could be desired above what I know "is" the greatest thing a soul could know. Having tasted of the Lord within me, revealed in me. The perfection chases me, drives me, how can I desire anything more? What I do here is for the Lord, oath given, oath kept, to do as I find I must. To be that doer of and not just a hearer. The Gate, deny thyself, take up thine own cross and follow. To partake of the sufferings of Christ, denial of self, to suffer that which is right, in this true growth is found. The riches of God are given in the Truth and not in a lie. Out of the pure heart one will find what matters above all that is. To be built, regard ye the Lord! To fawn over the Lord, what I felt, I cry for it, I yearn for it, I hunger for it, I long to be back in that presence, truly caught between that which I truly desire most and that which I know needs be done for that which I want most.

Having been told I was forgiven and to know whom forgave me, there are not words for it. I prayed for years to never be forgiven, knew I was going to hell and deserved it. I did not believe in God, had no faith in Him, I searched from time to time, wanted there to be more than what this world projects, and I would say "if this is all there is, then I do not want it". How great it was to know there is more then just what we see. There is so much more and in the presence of the Lord it is beauty beyond imagination. Without the Lord there is hell beyond imagination. Truly what must be endured is a small thing, the cost that must be paid is a small cost, everything! Endure it all, give it all. The price is worth it, what must be endured is worth it. There is nothing, nor will there ever be anything that will be more beautiful then Lord God Almighty. It can not be comprehended, it can only be shown. I do beseech, have faith, I lie not, I heard, I died, I was asked to stay or go, I stayed, now I tell you, beg you, RUN! Nothing matters more then your salvation. I implore you to Repent from the heart, and Go and Sin No More.

The cost ever before me O Lord, for whom do I have in heaven more than Thee?

Matthew 10:37, " He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. "

Matthew 19:29, " And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. "

Luke 9:62, " And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. "

Remember Lot's wife, remember the cost of looking back.

Luke 17:32, " Remember Lot's wife. "

Remember the cost of worldly sorrow. Do not allow them that have no sobriety, no gravity; they who lessen the Truth as to not offend a persons person. Do not hear them, avoid them, withdraw from them, beware of the leaven that leavens the whole of the lump. Many speak of it, but few speak the Truth of it. Many pervert the Way, turn it upside down to please their own flesh. Many lower the bar when the bar was raised by grace. Many want the luke warm happy grey area, few want the whole Truth. People love placation, love to be lied to, to lessen the severity of the Truth, few love the whole Truth! For a morsel of meat most are willing to trade their birth right not accepting the gravity of what lies before all man.

2 Corinthians 7:10, " For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. "

Having been set free from so much I love so much more. I must by the necessity of this love I found in Christ, speak. Pressed not by force of another's will but by the force of love, to tell, to share freely what was freely given to me. In my death I was told to tell about Him, knowing nothing greater I have a desire out of love to obey that which set me free from the bondage of sin and death. Who purged me from the dead works, set me free from the Law of circumcision, from sacrifice, from mutilation of the flesh. Set me free from the righteous requirements of the Law, the wages of sin is death, through His death, set me free. Fulfilled the Law, for it required my death, to partake with Him in His death, being born again able to do through the Power of the Spirit all that is required of me. All that is asked of me, if ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments. If you call Me Lord, Lord, then do as I have asked. "NO" man of God profits from the free gift. Rather giving it all for Him, having truly tasted that the Lord is gracious beyond measure, set me free from PAST sins, how could I desire anything but Him, but to increase Him? Who do I have in heaven but Him, whom do I desire in all the world but Him. Doing it all as unto the Lord and there be none beside Him.

Casting all my cares upon Him, diligently seeking Him, running the race for Him, for Him I fawn, for Him I love. Wanting none to perish, to be that righteous example that He set for all to be. To be a witness for this fallen world, to be a light in the darkness. Standing fast and holding fast to that which I have heard, seen, felt, and that which I know as certain as I breathe now, Christ and Him crucified. Set free from the passions and desires, the affections and the lusts of this flesh and yearning in the Spirit for that which pleases Him. Desiring not to please men but God, making no provisions for this flesh, nor excuse. There is no excuse for evil, no reason for it, no reason to error in the faith if thou will obey the Truth and keep constantly in thee the Truth. The mind stayed upon Him, having nothing and yet having all things. To be poor and yet rich beyond mans ability to comprehend it. Walking by faith and not by the sight of the flesh. Going over it and over it till the end. I will with patience continuance endure till the end. I will go over this till I can go home, remember, remember not to be a forgetful hearer, not to lose sight of what I was freely given. It is not grievous to repeat this over and over, whom am I doing it for? As I stand caught in a betwixt. What is better for me and what is better for You O Lord. Forgive me for being torn into. Forgive my tears and yet rejoice in them. Forgive my constant sigh, mourning for all that is in the world, for all the hate that is against the Truth, all the pretense, all the lip service.

Luke 18:5, " Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. "

Always looking for that word that might express the greatest thing I have known. When I already know there is not such word to express what it was to be in the presence of perfection, to know spotlessness, not a single speck of darkness. The joy it made alive in me, the peace that awakened in me, the mercy I felt, the compassion, the kindness, the peace, the love that could not be measured by any mans comprehension. No mathematical equation could or ever will quantify it. No measure of time could reveal it. One balks at the ideal of mans wisdom in the face of it. Balks at any attempt to be above it by any imagination of man.

Obsequious - To fawn with great intent. Extreme compliance to moral fortitude, to moral character, (the beauty of God "holiness", so be just without fault, to obey perfectly, to keep perfectly, this is beautiful, it is beauty that can not be understood by the world, it is incomprehensible, the being moral to perfection is a display of beauty beyond what the human eye could ever comprehend), servile, to cringe at the mere idea of mistake, to be ordered and to do that command absolutely. To fall short of it, is to cringe, to almost be unbearable or to be unbearable. That fear of God, to hate sin and to find it upon you, to cringe at the lack of service owed to Him that Commanded you. To know the cost of failing, the severity, not just to self, but to all watching, with all sincerity to put forth ones all, as it was put forth for you. One finds this example in a child and that Truth will set you free.

Mark 10:15, " Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. "

One will not be able to enter in a the Gate that is Christ. For the reverence that a child has, is owed, it is a cost, one cost of many. I hear none speak of it, all I ever hear is the lessening of it, the lowering of it, the provisions.

Sober - marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor, marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness, showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice.

I find no sobriety in this world, all are drunken with the desires of their own lust. I find no severity, no reverence, no fear, just grey areas where many stand in the false image of the god of this world. There is a reason it is written all seek after the beast. A reason it is written that small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, receive a mark. No severity, few sigh and mourn the abominations that are in the world through lust, want. Most have pleasure in unrighteousness, in condemning others, in the wickedness that is called good, pleasant and to be desired. To watch it and cheer it, to have pleasure in them that are doing it, to clap for them, to hold them up, to esteem them, even fawn for them.

Philippians 2:21, " For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's. "

Revelation 13:3, " And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. "

It is sad, painful to see so much, with knowledge comes grief, it bears down on you, pressing more and more. Knowing how easy it is to ignore the Truth and mock it, having done so many times. How easy it is to be distracted by things that have not a single drop of value and yet men will kill one another of that illusion. Over something that does not truly exist. Trying to beat the air, to grasp the vapor that appears upon the road, to find the end of a rainbow. Faith with no works, works with no faith.

To whom ye yield, ye are servants to whom ye obey. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. The suffering of Christ or the pleasures of the world. All who are friends with the world, hate God. Even if they confess with their mouths Christ is Lord, where the heart is, is where thine treasure is, God is not mocked by pretense. It is a lesson not easily learned, to see others as better than you, to work for the betterment of others and not just yourself. To seek the riches of others and not yours. To walk through the Gate, deny thyself, bear thine own cross and follow. To be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God. To do the weightier matters of the Law, Judgement, Mercy and Faith.

To hear some teach there is no moral reform, that the Holy Ghost did not come to convict anyone of sin, to hear that grace is just some cheap cover for the forever inability to cease from sin. That holiness, godliness, righteousness, piety, uprightness, moral fortitude, obedience, faithfulness, monogamy, fidelity, loyalty, trusty, WORK, fight, digging deep, and many others things are said to not be needed, before or after coming to the Truth. That all one has to do is repeat some words, the horror of it all. To hear them say none need give their all, that none can obey, that none are righteous, that none truly seek after God, that none need to. That Christ paid it, obey it all and all one needs do is nothing. To say just believe, to abuse the Truth of John 3:15 and 3:16 to the point ones ability to define believing can not be done. So that is becomes just and empty word to parrot, to just fill the air with more air and think one has done some great thing, we can not say "work", for that word truly denotes actions to be taken on the part of the believer. It is just a thing, a thing that can not be explained, just repeat it and go about thine own desires. For God just wants you to be happy and would not want you to suffer anything, to live like the Truth demands. God is love and yet no one expresses what that love does. Why do so many not obey? Stop flattering, stop trying to entice and allure them. Show them their sins, tell them the Truth. Believe yes, but then quote the whole Truth, with all thine heart. It can not be an empty word, but a word filled and overflowing.

Put on the whole armor of God each day, going and sinning no more. Having no pleasure in the unfruitful works of darkness, no pleasure in unrighteousness or them that do unrighteousness. Being separate, peculiar, let them wonder why you do not run to the same excess of riot. Do not get entangled in this life, in the world but not abusing it. Mortify the members, bring ones body into subjection, rule over yourselves by the power that God as given us. Consider, do not weary. Consider the gift of His grace, to have such mercy and longsuffering us, to give us the understanding of what real power looks like. Not what this lost world gives false witness of, but real EFFECTUAL WORKING POWER. Power is by the wisdom of God, the knowledge and the understanding of it. The Truth of His grace being sufficient for all, that is the teaching is enough, the understanding is enough, the knowledge is enough, the wisdom of knowing is enough. To have tasted and given the power to choose. You can exercise righteousness or evil, you can eat of the butter and the honey so you can know to refuse the evil and choose the good. You can be effectual in operation as your faith so it be unto you.

Ephesians 3:7, " Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of His power. "

Hebrews 12:3, " For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. "

Go over it again, faith is faithful, fidelity, loyalty, these things are all obedience. The power to whom ye yield it to, true weakness is submission, submitting to one or the other. There are but two choices to be made, to whom will ye yield yourselves to? Faith works by love and is proven by deeds. Faith is trust in that which ye believe in. Vain if you say ye believe in something and then place your faith in another thing, hypocritical, deception, false. What good is that faith that works not for that which ye have placed your trust, your belief? It is dead, vain, useless, of no value, cast away, ship wrecked, reprobate concerning that faith. Faithful obedience is being humble. Weakness is submission to that which ye obey. We are made strong out of weakness, you are increased by what the world speaks evil of, to suffer for doing right, to turn the other cheek, to obey at all cost to self, to deny self. The word faith must have the contents, the virtue, it must be effectual, it must be working, in operation, to the tearing down of strongholds. Power indeed to be of great cheer, for Christ has overcome the world. He has left us an example, His righteous example for all that are His to follow. To deny thyself, take up thy cross and follow Him by faithful obedience. It is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

Abstaining from all appearances of evil, casting down EVERYTHING that exalts itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Bringing every thought to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST. This is weakness, this is Truth, this is the Way, this is good doctrine, good teaching, good instruction. Remember, bring others and yourself to always remember, for the world turned on numbs the heart, the mind, the soul, the might. Kill, steal and destroy is this not the way of evil. To beguile and distract, strife, conflict, hatred, anger, vengeance, to get you to look in here, look over there, look everywhere but in you. To get you to murmur, complain, to gossip, to be ensnared in this life, entangled, trapped, filled with wantonness of the fleshly lusts.

Again, someone said love is unconditional and it is not. That is a filthy lie. Who can read the book of the Lord a find no conditions? This person did the same thing I have heard now so many times it can not be counted by me. To placate not just others, but themselves with just part of the Truth, saying, "there is no condemnation" and scripture DOES NOT say that. It clearly states there is no condemnation in Christ for those who WALK IN THE SPIRIT AND NOT THE FLESH. There is a very large difference between just quoting "No condemnation in Christ" and leave out the "condition" of there being no condemnation. Partial and half truths do a disservice to all. A lie consisting of the all Truth but so subtle it was made into a lie by the improper use of it. Just a satan tempted Christ quoting Truth but leaving out the whole Truth, a little here and a little there. This verse goes with that verse, one hears it all the time, "just believe" which is Truth but by itself becomes a lie, without the rest of the Truth that goes with it, to fill it, to make it effectual. Words with no virtue added.

Who reads Repent and does not realize this is a condition? Who reads must come as a child or YOU WILL NOT enter into the Kingdom and knows this is not a condition set upon entering into Life? Who reads one must be born again and thinks there are no conditions? Who reads endure till the end to be saved and can not see the condition set upon being saved IN THE END? Who reads a steward must be faithful and thinks nothing is required of them? Who reads counteth the cost and thinks there is no cost? Who reads purge thy heart, break up, fallow the ground of the heart, wash your hands and thinks there is nothing to be done, that it is all done for you? Who reads it is easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle then a rich man to get into heaven and realizes not the condition of it? It is impossible to thread a camel through an eye of a needle.

Romans 8:1, " There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. "

At every turn of the page one finds conditions, run, race, chase, seek, search, watch, wait, dig, strive, study, fight, steadfast, holdfast, standfast, remember, forget not, work it out, temperance/self control, patience. Words defined show even more depth of ones digging, loyalty, trusty, faithfully, obedient, obedience, monogamy, fidelity, sacrifice, denial of self, follow, bear, bare, endure, weigh, be not offended in the Truth, the whole of it. Do not fall for that buffet gospel they sell on every corner. Rather it is by every word, and it is a little of this goes with a little of that and the whole Truth then is built up in you. Withdraw from them that live in error, do not be leavened with half truths, hypocrisy, intentional willful choices to hide the whole Truth to be placated with just a part of it. Do not do this to yourselves or to others. The devil tried to flatter the Lord Jesus with parts of the Truth. Jesus knew the WHOLE Truth, was not willing to pick and choose what would please the flesh. Rather He was to deny Himself and do the will of the Father.

Nothing I could say could make this point more self evident then this Truth of Jesus being tempted by evil. Could Jesus have turned stones into bread, if He had asked it would have been done. But not for the purpose that evil intended it to be done, evil desired to see anothers will being done over that of the Father. Jesus' sole purpose was the business of the Father. Jesus knew not to ask amiss, to consume it upon His own lust, to show the devil, to shut the devil up. Jesus knew the whole Truth and quoted not part of the Truth but the whole of it. From one part of the Truth, to Christ pointing out the whole of the Truth. Do not pick and choose, do not ask amiss, do not thy will, rather find what is the good and acceptable will of God and do that. This is the Path that leads to Life, this is the example Christ showed, not thy will but the Fathers.

Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Deuteronomy 8:3, " And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. "

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

Psalms 91:12, " They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. "

Matthew 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Deuteronomy 6:16, " Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah. "

Matthew 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Matthew 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Deuteronomy 6:13, " Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name. "

Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. "

Who reads about the Grace of God being turned into lasciviousness and then hears someone teach about the freedom thy have in Christ is the ability to sin and knows not this is them spoken of that turn the Grace of God into a license to sin? Who reads men have crept in unawares and thinks not that men have crept in unawares and devour the flock likes wolves do with empty words, promising liberty but serving corruption, selling part of the Truth but leaving out the whole of the Truth? Who reads this and hears it not? Again then, liberty as you serve corruption, you have freedom to live in the vileness of sin and death and imagine you are already saved even though you have not even begun to run the race yet, let alone have finished the race? Why do so many make it sound has if the race is run for you? Why do they make it sound as if you have already obtained the prize, when it is only to them that endure until the end? To keep you from running, even starting the race. Shutting up the Gate to you, they will not enter, they will not run and they prevent you from doing so. With flattery, with enticing Truth but only part of it, with enticing words that allure you through the lust of the flesh. They who make provisions to keep you from the greatest thing there is. Something so beautiful it will make you cry rivers of tears. To kill, steal and destroy this before you ever get to know it. Trust no man, lean upon no man, rather trust in the Lord and obey from thine heart.

They are trying to murder your ability, steal your effort that is needed to make it. Provisions offered and sadly provisions bought. The Lord said you need no provisions, you will have what you need to accomplish what I have asked of you. Do not doubt, you do not need these foolish provisions, My Grace is sufficient for thee. For in weakness you are made strong, obey Me and you will not fail, can not fail, will abound in the Truth. Deny thyself, deny the ungodliness and worldly lusts and live soberly, righteously and godly lives now in this present world. This is the power of submitting to His will. Faithful obedience unto death even. Knowing the cost and gladly paying it. Bear your cross, follow Him, and look not back. It is worth every thing one must endure, in the end the reward is beyond comprehension. All of this is a light thing indeed compared to what is to come.

Do not allow anyone to keep you from the beauty of holiness. From something that makes me cry every time I set my mind upon it. What do I have but You O Lord, what do I desire but You O Lord. Do not let them rob you of this, remember, they think they are in the service of God, they may appear like angels of light, they can be the sweetest person you have ever known, but they are willing to kill you, if this does not set off the alarm, the warning, that one must be diligent in working out their own salvation with fear and trembling then words do not exist to express such grave alarm required. They look like sheep but are wolves, they go churches "so called" but that does not make them brothers or sisters. You have to be sagacious, have discernment, not just follow the many into the same ditch. You must put forth the effort, the work. Faith without works is death, works without faith is death. Others can not study to show you approved, you must do the work to be approved. You must do the works meet/worthy of repentance. You are not worthy until you show yourselves worthy. Fighting the good fight of faith working by love and proven by deeds. It is not fought for you, obeyed for you, finished for you, all those lies they sell are not going to save you in the end and it is in the end when one is saved and not before.

Go watch sheep, look at them, all creation testifies of the Truth. The Lord did not use them to warn us for nothing. If you do not put in the effort these false prophets looking like sheep will devour you, will show no mercy in fulfilling the lust of their own flesh and they will kill you. They will prevent you from knowing the whole Truth. They will appear so kind and nice, but like sheep, who at just a simple shadow will freeze, will stop and give heed to it. What is this, is it the whole Truth or is it just part of the Truth? Cast your cares upon the Lord, He is ever faithful, He forsakes none, He will never not be there. You must be faithful, you must obey if you truly love Him. You must heed the warnings and strive to enter in that gate that is straight and Way that is narrow. You must be wise, for lack of knowledge the person of God is destroyed. You must put in the work and produce the fruit that is good. No one is good as they go about sinning, there is NOT a thing called a sinning saint. That is just one of the many lies the blind sell. They can not see, you can not see, so who will you put your Trust in?

The warning is, be wise, be harmless and in this you will be built up, safe from the wolves. But it must be you following the Shepherd. You must "regard" the Truth, give it the due diligence owed to it.

Matthew 7:15, " Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. "

Matthew 10:16, " Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. "

Acts 20:29, " For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. "

2 Corinthians 11:14, " And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. "

John 16:2, " They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. "

Pleases God to do the work, to put anyone in remembrance. Warn them, show them, as you fight, they will fight. Not lip service but all thine heart. Who has built a tower and did so by doing no work? Only the rich in the world, and no camel will ever be threaded through the eye of a needle. You can not be built up by the works of the Law that was nailed to the cross and taken out of the Way, it is by faith, this is not a lie but the Truth, but it is only part of the Truth. It must be dug up and fully exposed so you can see the whole of the Truth. Faith must have virtue added to it, it must be filled, it must work by the Law that is not nailed to the cross. The flesh taken out of the way, so it is by the Spirit, it is all spiritual now. One ought learn what this means.

It is a blessed day, to write, to share, to talk, to work for the Truth. To run the race, to work by love, to prove thyself, to study, to do the will of the Father. To know who is brother or sister, but they who do the will of the Father.

It is the a day to rest, to do good, it is the fourth Commandment, the seventh day. It is a day God Himself rested from all His works. A day made for man and not man for it. This is the Lords day and it is not any day created by any man. This day was not written by the hand a man, but by the hand of God in stone.

What is the desires of thine heart?

Remission of sins past and not permission for sins future.

Seek, Repent and Sin No More...

No love greater is there then the love I found in Christ. All my heart desires Him.

May the grace of God abound in all that love Him. God is love, if you love Him obey Him. Love is walking in the Commandments, it is the proof.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...


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