Where Sin Abounds...

My Lord:

Where sin abounds a righteous man abounds more in your loving grace. The grace that teaches to deny that ungodliness of sin, as sin abounds all around the righteous grows stronger and stronger. The Truth of the fact that real grace teaches and does not hide. Grace abounds more were sin is upon every side, the righteous man abounds in the teaching that grace provides. For lack of knowledge the people of God are destroyed. Lacking a basic knowledge of the truth of real grace. When temptation is all around rejoice in it, for by grace are ye saved and not of works of circumcision, the law, or mutilation of the flesh, not of yourselves. The Holy Ghost came to reprove us of sin, correct us and teach us, were sin abounds they having knowledge of the Truth will abound more. Simple to a degree of perfection!!!!

They say this grace is for their sin, they truly have hidden their hearts from understanding, always looking for that provision, unable to to see that it speaks not of a righteous man sinning and grace abounding. But in the face of evil, when all around the enemy stands seemingly strong, sin abounding all around, the RIGHTEOUS, the INNOCENT abound more and more in grace, the teaching to deny the ungodliness that is all around the innocent, the worldly lusts that abounds all around the righteous. The man whose eyes are kept upon the Lord, the prize, they know the Truth and they live sober, righteous and godly all the more as they see the evil so much more near, it animates them indeed, propels them the more forward in the ways of righteousness. It has not one thing to do with anyone being freed to sin because they have some foul nature to do evil, that is the trick of the devil and you should not be ignorant of its devices and them that wield its ways.

This is the true meaning of Romans 5.

Romams 5:20, " Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: "

Not opps I sinned and now grace covers me again, opps I sinned now grace covers me again, opps I sinned now grace covers me again, the vicious repetition of sin confess repeat, sin repent repeat. That work in progress that never progresses. What point is there to bear a Spirit of Power (if you have truly received) then be stuck in some pattern of fail, regret, fail, regret? When does the power of godliness that so many deny come into effect, that effectual operation that faith ABSOLUTELY supplies if one adds virtue to it?

Not a man sinning and being made better by grace, but a man surrounded by sin, an innocent man washed in the Truth of the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ, grace teaching that man and that man becoming stronger and stronger in grace, grace abounding more and more as the enemy layeth, seteth, standeth upon every side. Where sin is found the righteous man abounds more, bold like lions, to their face he is able when they say none are righteous no not one, when they make provision, he makes none. When they scream out inability, he shows forth ability. That teaching of true grace abounds in the man that is washed, set free, I have set my heart upon the Truth and I will not place my hope, my trust in any other. There is a way that seems right to men but it leads to destruction, death and hell. They who trust in the Lord go not astray. As written the righteous hold on to his way, they with clean hands grow stronger and stronger.

They say God sees Jesus and not them, what would be the point then? Is God looking for Jesus replicated a billion times, or is He looking for them that have distinct person but bear the quality's of Christ in them? Is God looking for drones or individuals whom truly love Him and desire to walk free of evil because that is what they yearn for, thirst for, hunger for, fight for, seek after righteousness, obedience so they can be in the presence of the Lord? God will look at us and see that we are either washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus or we are not. God will look at us and see that we have been washed in the blood and returned to the mire or we have not. God will see you, and naked you will be, there will be nothing hidden, not known, and this knowing is instant as I have tried to express over and over. It is instant in understanding, this is what I did and this is what I am. Like a train coming the shock will be awful, as said the day of the Lord is a dark and terrible day. As written one must be able to love His appearing and those who do not will want nothing more than to be hidden from Him. The presence of a spot, blemish or wrinkle will tear through you like that train coming and you know you have taken one to many steps without watching where you were going. As I lived it I am trying my best to share it, God forgive me for my lack.

The perfect opposite of what they say, they in their own sins are making grace abound more, they with their dirty hands grow stronger and stronger. This is why we are told "they say they are delivered to commit abominations", they do this even when they say they do not, they twist it so subtle and some not subtle at all. They truly think they are wicked forever and that in that wicked state they will be delivered, but their wickedness will not deliver them, there will be weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth. This is not so, wickedness does not grow you or make you better, they are foolish indeed hiding their hearts from the Truth, they themselves are unwilling to be gathered, they refuse to accept the Truth, to acknowledge it, to chase it and fight for it. Sin saves no one and yet they teach it does, grace does not abound in a man of sin, it abounds in men that are surrounded by sin and are unmoved by it. This is power, this is godliness and the power of being godly. To have clean hands, to be moral and upright. When Christ was being spit on, beaten, mocked, scourged He did make any accusations, He displayed the true power in Him. AS EVIL ABOUNDED ALL AROUND HIM, HE DID NOT FALL, BUT GRACE ABOUNDED MORE IN HIM, THAT KNOWLEDGE HE ATE OF, THE BUTTER AND THE HONEY TO KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE. THAT IS ARMOR, THAT IS THE SWORD, THAT IS POWER BEYOND THE FLESHES ABILITY TO COMPREHEND.

Again, temptation is NOT sin, read James for many error of this. Temptation is just an offer made, until you give into the temptation is can not become sin. Once you do give in and DO sin then you conceive sin into the world by DOING it. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, no one is blessed for not being able to endure. Temptation is the war, will you give into it, once you sin, you have lost the battle. The offer is always being made it is upon every side, everyday. Jesus is not walking around doing it for anyone, is not keeping anyone from falling prey to that roaring lion. They who are doing the works of the Lord, the example set, the book of the Lord, they who keep their minds set upon the Truth, they who loveth the Truth, they who do righteousness are righteous, they who have knowledge given to them by the Truth and are doers of it, they who obey, the obedient. In them grace abounds more and more and they do not lose their way. The innocent man stirs himself up against all the hypocrisy, he does so by the knowledge of the Truth, the ability, the Spirit of Power found in the Truth. It is not done for him, he must stand up right and do it. Having the Truth and OBEYING IT. In the end there is one Word, obey. They who obey the Truth will know the Truth and they who do not obey will not know the Truth. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

Again, the Truth there are men upright, innocent, righteous and having clean hands. Again, they say there are NONE upright, innocent, righteous and having clean hands. One is a liar and one is the Truth, you choose? One is a hypocrite and the other is not, you choose?

Job 17:8, " Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.

Job 17:9 The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

Job 17:10 But as for you all, do ye return, and come now: for I cannot find one wise man among you. "

Remember, they speak words that are great swelling and empty, it is subtle. Sounds like they are saying the right thing but they are not.

Ecclesiastes 8:8, " There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. "

Jeremiah 7:10, " And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? "

The more I am afflicted by whatever may be, the nearer I draw to the Truth of the Grace of God. The more I lean upon the teaching, deny self, take up my cross and follow, the more I stay the course, the more I will not be moved, the more I get my revenge. I can rejoice in the fear of the Lord and trembling, knowing the Truth allows for this, to rejoice where few are able. I will not be moved by the calls of them who say I am set free and no matter what I do I will always be free, if this were true, I would want it not, I have no desire to be free to do evil no matter what that evil was and I have no desire for anyone who would allow me to be evil and there be no recourse for it. That absolutely disgusting vile and hateful thing they teach goes like this, you will just lose rewards if you continue to be evil after being truly washed in the blood,when there is but one reward, one true reward waiting for us all, life. How can there be anything else, what else, if heaven consists of things, material, then I am running in vain for something I have no desire for art all. I have things in this world and I want them not, in fact I am sick of things, I want life and freedom, and the presence of the Lord, beyond that is what we already have in this world, death. There is one reward to be lost, life, the presence of the Lord and there is nothing else I desire. I must be free of doubt, inability, lies, fake, pretense, pretending and all the nonsense. I must be obedient and if that is wrong then all of this is pointless indeed. That image they are selling of God I do not want for it is not what I found, I reject their lies and their false image. The fire burning deep inside of me will not allow me to take hold of such foul vain imaginations as they project into the world and foolish men chase after. Truly caught between my desire to be with the Lord and the work I was told to do. I hate this life and love my new life in Christ, free from the bondage of sin, my affections and lusts crucified, my passions and desires are new. I do not want this world, I want Christ in me, as I lived it. That night He revealed Himself in me I tasted of something no words could ever express and I want that and nothing else. I am able to endure for my heart is set upon this, I am fighting for it, running for it, racing for it. I yearn deep within my soul and I cry for it. There is nothing that this world has I want but to be free of it and back in the presence of the Lord God Almighty. God help me, God help me remain free indeed of the vanity of this world.

I will not use my liberty in Christ as a cloak for evil, fully aware least I be reprobate as they that are shipwrecked upon the shore of inability. I will not frustrate the grace of God. The call of the flesh will not be able to move me. Preaching to others the ability in Christ, if I do not keep myself, I to will be castaway. Losing what I have, my freedom, my true liberty and sadly find myself placed back into the bonds of inability for my lack of temperance, though I preach it. I will abound by the Grace of God, I will stay the course, the race set and I run it eyes set to what is to come and not what is behind, yet I have not forgotten what I have been saved out of. I will not be shipwrecked by all the temptation to run not, work not, all done for me already. Making no provisions for the flesh to conceive evil into the world by doing evil. Enduring the temptation that is upon all sides, my battle was sin which Christ forgave me and set me free, my battle is now temptation in the new man. Or why bring my body into subjection? If I am a born sinner, having a nature to sin, then what is point of any of it? If God only sees Jesus what is the point? If once I am saved I can do nothing to frustrate the Grace of God, can not out sin grace? I vomit out those lies and I will not eat of them. If any of these things are so then I truly run in vain.

1 Corinthians 9:27, " But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. "

Greek - G96
Word: ἀδόκιμος
Transliteration: adokimos
Phonetic: ad-ok'-ee-mos
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: not standing the test, not approved, properly used of metals and coins, that which does not prove itself such as it ought, unfit for, unproved, spurious, reprobate...
CASTAWAY, noun That which is thrown away. A person abandoned by God, as unworthy of his favor; a reprobate. 1 Corinthians 9:27.
CASTAWAY, adjective Rejected; useless; of no value.

castaway, thrown away : rejected cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck, thrown out or left without friends or resources...I read all the time how God will not reject anyone, once saved always saved. I can not understand it. I read all the reason Judas was not saved to begin with, but he certainly in that special place reserved for him. Esau sold his salvation for a piece of food but they manage to explain it away. David they love to use as an example of being able to sin and no matter what not lose ones salvation. The inconsistences are bold in your face but they have no problem dismissing them. David writes over and over a clear travail and seeking through Repentance the Lord again.

Greek - G96
Word: ἀδόκιμος
Transliteration: adokimos
Phonetic: ad-ok'-ee-mos
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: not standing the test, not approved, properly used of metals and coins, that which does not prove itself such as it ought, unfit for, unproved, spurious, reprobate...

REPROBATE, adjective [Latin reprobatus, reprobo, to disallow; re and probo, to prove.]

  1. Not enduring proof or trial; not of standard purity or fineness; disallowed; rejected.
    REPROBATE silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them. Jeremiah 6:30.
  2. Abandoned in sin; lost to virtue or grace.
    They profess that they know God, but in works deny him, being abominable and disobedient, and to every good work reprobate Titus 1:16.
  3. Abandoned to error, or in apostasy. 2 Timothy 3:8.
    REP'ROBATE, noun A person abandoned to sin; one lost to virtue and religion.
    I acknowledge myself a reprobate a villain, a traitor to the king.
    REP'ROBATE, verb transitive
  4. To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme dislike; to disallow; to reject. It expresses more than disapprove or disallow. We disapprove of slight faults and improprieties; we reprobate what is mean or criminal.
  5. In a milder sense, to disallow.
    Such an answer as this, is reprobated and disallowed of in law.
  6. To abandon to wickedness and eternal destruction.
  7. To abandon to his sentence, without hope of pardon.
    Drive him out to reprobated exile.

Clearly God rejects many, clearly many are going to hell, even if you think hell is not real, part time or whatever lie you love to use to make provisions for sin and hell. Even if you think one ought not preach of hell, of the burning fire that will consume all who are rejected, that is the torment that will burn in them, for they have rejected the Lord. A burning fire in them knowing they have chosen to be separated from the Lord. It is far worse then many realize.

Jeremiah 6:30, " Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them. "

Just as a man can reject the faith, being reprobate, useless, for any man that has not the Truth is useless until they have it, they have no value. They can not increase the Lord God Almighty. They to can be rejected, turn to God and He will turn to you. Confess the Lord and He will confess you.

2 Timothy 3:8, " Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. "

To be useless in good works, of no value, shipwrecked, castaway, rejected.

Titus 1:16, " They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. "

2 Timothy 3:5, " Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. "

God gives men over to minds that are useless and have no value, they can not increase anything, they are indeed shipwrecked as men lust for men and women for women, proud, boaster, haughty, high minded, rejected! Teaching that we can break the Law and live, can walk in the flesh and live, can do these things and profess to love God and that God loves them just the way they are, that is filthy, and ugly and makes stronger they hands of the wicked, to promise anyone life when it is death. What a hateful thing to do, to lie just to appease the flesh, yours and theirs. There are men who had the Truth and then reject it, walk away from it, bury it and hide, the slothful man is that man, the man that will not work is not the man who did the will of the Father, it is the man that REPENTED and came back and did the work the father said to do. Turn from God and He will turn from you. Confess the Truth and the Truth shall confess you before the Father. Confess the Truth not and the Truth will confess you not, it will reject you. A name blotted out had to be first written in to be blotted out.

Romans 1:28, " And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; "

To put something away you must first have had it, possessed it. But some put away the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds and have become shipwrecked. What use is a shipwreck, held fast by the sand or a broken upon the rocks? Useless, vain, of no value, no profit, what it contained spilled out into the sea, lost. What profit it contained, that it could of had if it had maintained the course (obeyed), is no more. If that ship had turned back in time to avoid the rocks it would have been saved and not lost. Many put off the faith for that fake grace, for a cover to be hidden in their inability to obey the Truth. They have become ships wrecked and lost.

1 Timothy 1:19, " Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: "

1 Corinthians 9:27, " But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. "

A man of God clearly saved, absolutely known of Christ and yet says without wavier, if I do not do as I say, or as James wrote, "say and so do", he to would be of no use to God, castaway, rejected, USELESS, OF NO VALUE, NO PROFIT, for they who do not increase God are of no value. The slothful servant has all that he had, taken, and is cast out into outer darkness. Paul makes it perfectly clear that he, a man of God, could lose what he had if he so neglected what he was given. Why even say you can neglect something you can not ever lose no matter how hard you tried to lose it? You can find thousands of so called grace teachers who defile the very word of grace to be nothing but a means for endless failure and never able. Certain that the sins unto death are always just around the corner to be fulfilled by a so called believer. The Truth is clear over and over again, Salvation is by Grace, Grace reigns through what? Righteousness (OBEDIENCE). They want this to mean Christs righteousness is imputed to them by just believing and then nothing they do matters they are saved and even is they try they can not out sin grace (how many times has one heard this lie, "can not out sin grace"?), that nothing they do no matter if they are trying to go to hell they can not do it? That is why they sell "CHRIST OBEYED FOR THEM"!!! They refuse to obey and they know they must invent a lie to make their disobedience, obedience though another. It must be done for them for they refuse to do it themselves. God told them to WORK and they refuse to go and work it out for themselves. Endless provisions made for inability and none made for ability.

Romans 5:21, " That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. "

They who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous. Always proving the doer of the word is justified and not the just the hearer of it. Through righteous behavior grace abounds all the more over sin and death, for the saved, for the unsaved have to turn back first, they can not work until they return to the Father. Sin had reigned unto death but through righteousness grace abounds unto Life by Jesus Christ. His righteous example, His teaching, the teaching is DENY, DENY, DENY or REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, one in the same which is OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENCE, DOING what He has said, call Him Lord and then DO what He has said. TO DO WHAT IS SAID IS TO HUMBLE YOURSELVES, NOT YOUR WILL BUT ANOTHERS. Grace is sufficient why? It teaches you the very thing Christ said, deny thyself, take up your cross and follow Him. Follow His righteous example, the standard, the pattern, the bar set and met by you if you Love Him. Grace teaches you to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live sober, righteous and godly in the present world, which means right here and right now. Right now if you believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ you are able to do all things that grace teaches, not a lifetime of trying, but instant power to overcome NOW! More than conquers through Christ, through the knowledge that you are free if you will acknowledge the Truth and be that doer of the Truth. If you will be gathered, if you will cease to refuse to hear, to see, stop hardening your hearts against the Truth. If you will work you will eat, but first you must make the Way straight for the Lord, to be meet/worthy for the Masters use, Repent. Return to the Father who said you must work with Him. Then you can do the work, you will search and you will find gems, gold, silver, treasure of God, Wisdom. He will forsake none who love the Truth who truly desire to know and to Love Him with their ALL! The cost to stay is "ALL", but they say it is not all. You choose?

Titus 2:11, " For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, "

What shall we say then shall we continue to sin so grace abounds? No, that idea is utter foolishness, for where sin abounds grace abounds more in them that are doing righteousness in the face of sin, not in them sinning grace away and saying you can not out sin grace. For what is the point to be taught to deny ones self and continue in the thing grace teaches you not to do? What then, should you be free to sin so grace abounds? Nonsense, you can not have grace and sin, sin has no dominion over you, for Christ freed you from the Law of sin, which required your death for the wages of sin is death. You are freed from this the moment you truly find Christ and are washed in the blood. You being free are now under grace and the teaching that requires you to deny ungodliness and worldly lust, to make no provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. Now you have the power, the ability to obey Him out of love, to Go and Sin No More. To come to realize that where sin is found (not in you) but all around you, you will abound in the grace that has taught you to deny all the temptation that is in the world trough lust, wantonness. You grow stronger and stronger with clean hands, not with dipping them into the mire from time to time, for blessed is the man that endures temptation not gives into it. Blessed are they who obey the Truth not make provision for not being able to obey.

You are under the teaching of denial of self, taking up your cross and bearing it, following Christ with "ALL" you have.

Romans 6:1, " What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? "

Romans 6:14, " For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. "

We are not under what the Law? your death being required, the Law of sin, circumcision, mutilation, times, washing of hands and so on and so forth.

Romans 6:15, " What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. "

Grace is a Law, something taught is a rule, a fact, a thing that must be or it is not been taught.

What strength of sin was removed? All the Law, no, the part that requires your death for sinning, for not enduring temptation and conceiving sin into the world through lust. You are made free by the sacrifice that Christ made once and for all, the other Law that is nailed to the cross, mutilation of the flesh, circumcision, for it could not clear the conscience of sins past. Christ removed the righteous requirement of the Law, the wages of sin is death. That requirement is still true, if you go back to the mire, become castaway, you will have the same Law placed over you, sin unto death! There remains no mare sacrifice for sins, it is a one time free gift and if you truly think you can go and sin all you want and even if you want to go to hell you can not out sin grace you are deceived indeed.

1 Corinthians 15:56, " The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. "

What good is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ if you are just going to take it in vain and go back to the mire, or make some provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. Christ died to free you from the requirement of sin, death, not that you are free to sin, but this is what they truly believe and sadly teach it. They trample underfoot the precious blood that washes anyone who will acknowledge the Truth, you are not washed until that moment of believing, of calling out, of obeying the Command, REPENT, DENY, OBEY. You are in that moment free from the requirement to pay for your sins PAST and walk in the newness of life free to do righteousness, yet still free to sin and die if you so choose. To be castaway is your freewill choice.

What good is grace received, which is salvation in the end, if it be you truly have received it, and then to frustrate the Grace of God with all the foul, vile inventions of men applied to grace? What good is the new man that is not new at all? Why would anyone want to be able to sin and do so to the a point you know you are basically trying to go to hell and yet saved no matter what? They are making God a liar, for it is written sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. The Way to have received the true Grace of God and the free gift of sins past forgiven, is to have laid sin down, to not desire it, to have the affections the lusts crucified with Christ. If this truly the case why would you still walk in the flesh and allow the desires and passions to rule over you? To have been forgiven, washed in the blood, you had to have and enough of being vile and filthy. Now washed you go back to rebuild what you tore down, why? What grace is this that allows you to be anything you desire to be and no matter what God has to accept you? Like they love to say, God loves me just the way I am, which is pride indeed, foul without limits to put no standard upon love. Christ surely did, if you Love Him you are to OBEY Him, to do what He has said to do, this is called a CONDITION, a REQUIREMENT, there is no such thing as unconditional love. If it was as they say then why Repent and the very reason people tell others they do not need to REPENT! Lies breed confusion, the Truth sets you free indeed. To take this time of grace to learn to rightly divide, what is evil and what is good? What is the perfect and good will of God? Then knowing what this is, to do it, to judge righteously with righteous judgement.

Deuteronomy 7:9, " Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; "

Here is a condition of love set forth in the book of the Lord. It is not wrong nor can it be, for God is God and nothing else need be said if you know.

Proverbs 8:17, " I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. "

Why would anyone that loves God want to sin? Why would anyone who loves God be unwilling to be gathered and cease from wickedness? Why would anyone sick of sin want to be free to sin freely, whether they desire to sin or not, yet still do makes no mind. Why would anyone in love with God Almighty want a provision made to be able to sin and yet be forgiven? WHAT POINT IS IT TO BE WASHED TO JUST GET DIRTY AGAIN. WHAT IS THE POINT TO BE FORGIVEN JUST TO GO DO IT ALL AGAIN? What POINT is there to have a SPIRIT OF POWER AND NO POWER, or not use the power? Why would anyone that loves God teach anyone that they could try with all their might to go to hell and no matter what they did they would not lose His love or their salvation? Why would anyone desire such a disgusting doctrine, teaching? How could anyone teach such a vain and useless idea? Why would anyone washed in the blood of Christ trample that blood under foot for the illusion of pleasure sin gives to all who partake of it? Why would anyone want to live an illusion? WHO WANTS TO LIVE THEIR LIVES IN MAKE BELIEVE LAND, HOLO DECK, SIMULATION, VIRTUAL REALITY? BECAUSE WHAT THEY POSSESS IS NOT WHAT THEIR SOUL DESIRES TRULY DEEP WITHIN. That hole in all mankind, each of them whether they fake it not, all have that same hole and the only thing that can fill it is Christ!!!

Freed to walk in the newness of life freed from the Law of sin that was against you, Christ nailed this to the cross with His own flesh, so you did not have to die the true death, separation. Making you free to walk a moral, righteous life, upright as God has made all men from the beginning, upright and moral. Why would you not want to give your all? Why would you want to serve your own will over Gods will and profess to love Him? What good is a Lord that is not Lord? If you can not out sin grace then there is no point to any of this, to suffer for what? To suffer for doing well for what, when all I have to do is say I believe and then go do whatever fleshly desires I have regardless of who it hurts. Married? so what, I can not lose my marriage, I can not lose my salvation, if I see something that pleases my eye I will do as I please, commit adultery, get a divorce until I have pleased myself, my lust, my want, forget all as long as I have my pleasure, can get my sin on, live like a pig and wallow in the filth. Truly why endure till the end if my name is already absolutely written in the book of life? Why lean upon the Lord once I believe in Him, I can go back to trusting in myself? What Paul wrote is useless, it has no value, by the freedom from the Law they profess to have it is all pointless. No virtue required, no effectual operation of proving your state of being. What a useless thing to be taught "denial of self" when I can do all I want and I have no worry of losing anything. This is the rest in Christ they speak of, I do not have to worry of anything, no need to fear God, to hate sin, no need to give it my all and endure till the end it is all ready done for them, for us all. If this is rest then I am a fool indeed and whatever this foul thing is I want none of it. For what I found surely is not this.

Romans 8:2, " For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. "

You must be righteous to stay in the way of it, your hands must be clean to grow stronger and stronger. Christ does not impute His righteousness to anyone or it will not be you doing anything, just a robot, told how to think, when to think, where to think. Who desires this, what God desires a people that have no moral compass? It says put on the mind of Christ, not it is put on for you. You must by your own person choose to walk in the Truth, I just can not see the joy in being a person clothed in the righteousness of Christ but I do not do the things Christ said yet I am magically righteous like Him. I see the value of it in my flesh, but my Spirit has no desire for such foolishness and would rather not be at all, then for their lies to be true. I would rather there be nothing upon my death then to have what they say is coming. What is the point of being me if I have no future but to be a drone? Utter foolishness and worthless ideas.

The affliction for well doing is to keep your eyes on the prize, to not trust in the flesh for no flesh may glory before God, to trust in the Lord for all things. Despaired of life even, PRESSED OUT OF MEASURE, ABOVE STRENGTH, so to not trust in the flesh but in the Spirit of God in us, God who raises the dead.

2 Corinthians 1:8, " For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life:

2 Corinthians 1:9 But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: "

Is it not a marvel that in 1 Corinthians is says:

1 Corinthians 2:5, " That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. "

Sadly few OBEY IT! Trusting in men only, leaping, heaping and with all their might loving the foolishness of men.

How many ways can this be said? Yet they still refuse to be gathered by the simplicity of it. NOT WITH ENTICING WORDS. What words entice your flesh? All paid, once saved always saved, all done for you, no law, nothing required or it would not be a gift, total depravity, just believe but live anyway you want, can not out sin grace, irresistible grace, eternal salvation, even if you tried to go to hell you could not accomplish it. Wow, does not that entice and allure? How great is a god that sets you free indeed so you can live your will no matter what it may be? It surely is not any god at all! What great power of God is this, what power did Paul demonstrate through the Spirit? How he could sin and live anyway he wanted to, doing whatever pleased his flesh, or was it the power to bring his body into subjection and rule over his flesh and not be led by his flesh but by his Spirit in Christ, in the newness of life given to him? Who really thinks Paul would teach anyone they could not out sin grace, and that is what is meant by sin abounding but grace abounding more? Who thinks Paul demonstrated the Power of the Spirit by trying to get into hell but just was not able because Gods grace is so loving and merciful that there is no condition to His love? Sadly most believe this.

Surely one realizes the OBEDIENCE DOES NOT PLEASE THE FLESH. Teaching sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness does not entice the flesh in anyway whatsoever.

Simplicity, you who are freed indeed from the Law of sin and death, abound in grace by being ABLE. A true demonstration of the Spirit of Power in you. As sin surrounds and abounds all about every side, you who are freed from the Law of sin and death abound more and more, grow stronger and stronger showing forth the Power that is found in the Truth. His grace is sufficient for you are taught to abound where sin abounds more. To be unmovable, bold as a lion in the face of all the lies and them lost in their sins. To express through the doing, that you are saved indeed from the law and are now able to do all that must be done, if you truly love Christ. For the test is by fire and who will be able to endure the furnace? Who will let go of the plough/plow and turn back? Who knows the worldly sorrow that works death. Who knows that godly sorrow that works repentance unto Life?

2 Corinthians 7:10, " For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. "

Again, it is not you sinning and making grace abound, it is those who are sinning around you that make grace abound in you who are innocent, clear, cleaned, justified, sanctified and free from the Law of sin for you have been washed in the blood of Christ. Seeing sin and evil you abound more and more in the knowledge that YOU ARE TO DENY YOURSELF UNGODLINESS WHEN THEY ARE BEING UNGODLY ALL AROUND YOU. YOU ARE TO DENY YOURSELF WORLDLY LUSTS WHEN ALL AROUND YOU NO ONE IS BUT RATHER CALLING YOU TO PARTAKE WITH THEM AND TELLING YOU NO ONE CAN ENDURE, NO ONE CAN KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD. YOU DO KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS AND YOU ARE ABLE THROUGH CHRIST TO DO ALL THINGS.

It says what? They profess to know God but they do not do the WORKS of GOD, they say it is all done for them, Christ did it all already, paid for in full so you do not have to do anything but just believe, just call out in that time of need. Being ABOMINABLE and DISOBEDIENT!!!!

They call Him Lord, Lord but they do not DO what He says to DO. They make up their own ways, teach their own commandments and people love them, for that allows sin to reign. They are free to walk in the lust of the flesh whenever they want without fear. It has to be without fear for you can not fear God and not hate sin. You can not be willing to sin freely and love God for He hates sin and wickedness, you do not do what he hates and then get to say how much you love Him. You do not get to marry and then go cheat with another, that is not love at all, that is strong delusion. That is double mindedness and a double minded man is UNSTABLE in all his ways.

Titus 1:16, " They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. "

Psalms 145:20, " The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. "

Again, salvation is not by works but by grace. You can not sacrifice any flesh for the work Christ already did do. You can not circumcise yourself and be set free from the righteous requirement of the Law, the wages of sin is death. Christ took that out of our way for it was against us, all being found guilty of sin. You can not do the work of any Law that Christ did fulfill and nailed to the cross. Salvation comes by obedience to the Law that says you must Repent, this is grace and it is a teacher that teaches you to deny yourself and obey the Law. The Law is denial to be ungodly and worldly, to live sober (grave), righteous and godly lives in this present world. You can not come to the Truth but you obey and obedience is greater than sacrifice. To obey something means there must be a rule, a Law, an ordinance written that says you must do this thing to have this thing. The free gift of Christ was His death, it is done and no one can undo it, or do it, the gift is done already. You have to obey to receive it just like any will and testament mandates. Just as the testator must die for the will to be put into effect as explained in Hebrews 9, the testament can not be enforced until the death. What is written in them must be fulfilled by you to receive it. As the false love to say, "can not be a gift if you have to do something", they do not understand what a testament is? No they do, they just do not want to do what must be done to receive it. They love the provisions made for their flesh to be able to not obey. If they decide to not obey then they already have a provision set in place as to why no matter what they do they are saved and can not lose it or anything, truly they love the inventions of men.

Again, Repent is deny thyself, take up thy cross and follow. To Repent is to deny thyself ungodliness, to Repent is to bear your own cross, being guilty, confessing forsaking, broken, contrite, lowly, humble, turning back to Christ and you follow Him. Repent is denial of self, it is grace, the grace God has given to all if they will not refuse it, frustrate it, take it in vain. This time of grace is to work this out, it may be a lifetime for them that come to the end and find the Truth, but for them who find the Truth it is not a lifetime to cease from sin, to be able to endure temptation is now for the truly saved! For now is the time for salvation and salvation comes by grace, the teaching to deny evil and choose good. It does not come to anyone but they endure till the very end!

It is the same message over and over from beginning to end, eat of the butter and the honey to know to refuse the evil and choose the good. Have you received it, then you must know it. Have you been saved and set free then you must know it, know that you are now able, not anymore a life long walk in sin, you are now free from sin, you now walk in that newness and are able. A teacher of grace indeed knows all of this. Grace teaches denial of things ungodly and worldly, to not have pleasure in these things, they can not please you if you know the Truth, they are a bore, they are tired, used up, of no value to you, pointless to go sin more when you know the Truth. Pointless to Name the name of Christ and not DEPART from iniquity. Pointless to make provisions for some future failure. Of great value it is to trust in the Lord and know you are not going to fail and make no room for it to be so, to know you will not be moved by temptation, to expect it, to require it of yourselves. Grace teaches how to live a moral life, SOBER, RIGHTEOUS and GODLY now in this present life. Sober, to understand the gravity and having the fear of God, you seek after righteousness, thirst for it, hunger for it, to no more be that old man, that foolishness. They who hunger will be filled indeed. To live moral, godly, by a standard set before us all through Christ whom we follow. He set the bar and He did raise it, like that Truth or not, changes the Truth not.

Repent, to change your mind indeed, so having done so (changed your mind), why do so many then make provisions for their flesh? Why do so many return to their vomit, rebuild that which they had supposedly torn down? The word (repent) is filled with much, it bears great contents, great effectual operation of a fact of ones state of being. Fruit overflows from the branches of the good tree, and from the bad there is no fruit, but much mouth and lip service. They who make words swelling and empty, they who foam out their shame like waves try to remove the effectual operation of words like Repent. To make grace a simple cover for a forever filthy rag wretch who just believes but never brings forth any fruit of the word believe. Yes they sometimes change their position and go to a so called church, or change their music position but within they lust after the dead works and no fruit ever appears. God is always working on them but God just can not seem to ever get anywhere with them. Grace never seems to teach them to deny anything, they never say without pause what grace is and yet they all are into the Word of God. In my short walk with the Lord I can count on one hand how many I have heard express what grace is and that is awful.

Again, faith is a WORK of love and it is proven by deeds. Faith is faithful, loyal, fidelity, obedience. Grace is a teacher of denial of self, of the flesh, the want, the lust. Grace teaches to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live sober, righteous and godly in this present world. When all around you hear constantly no one can live godly, they are all predisposed to sin, born to sin. They always find provisions made and never a provision for the reason they can obey and Go and Sin No More. No faithfulness, no fidelity, no loyalty, to obedience, but plenty of mouth service and lip service filled with provisions for the flesh. True faith is powerful, to love is powerful, words filled with contents, not empty but overflowing. Where sin abounds, true grace abounds more in them who are faithful, not unfaithful. Always a way to divorce themselves from the Truth and yet they are certain they love the Truth.

Again, they say just believe but these people just believed and they are told what?

Matthew 7:22, " Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. "

For grace did not abound more than their love of sin!

They called Christ Lord, they called upon Him but they did not receive forgiveness, or they had and forsake it, trampled the blood under their feet. Either way, they BELIEVED and they went to hell for they refused to depart from evil, they refused to OBEY!

This is a day of rest, it is the forth Commandment and it will forever be the forth Commandment of GOD and not men!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...



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