Strong Confidence, The Clearing...

My Lord:

Christ did not come to hide anyone, to make it so God only sees Christ or any of that other foolishness the so called churches sell and teach.

Christ gave His life so YOU could have a clear conscience, having done evil, conceived it by actions of doing, and by the law of circumcision no one could purge their defiled conscience of sins. Christ gave His life, spilled His blood for this very reason.

Hebrews 9:13, " For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:

Hebrews 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? "

What they can not understand, even though it is perfectly simple. Again, out of love we are able to keep the Commandments of God. The forgiveness of sins past which is the gift so many can not realize. Out of love we obey, out of love we do, out of love we are doers. Having been forgiven much, we love that much more.

When you wallow in the mire your conscience defiled will not allow you the strong confidence to be a doer, a keeper. Being a hypocrite stops you from being able. Not having your OBEDIENCE fulfilled you can not know the power of the Truth. Being a hypocrite silences you, stops your mouth and your ability. If satan can keep you trusting in lies you will never know the power of the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost. If you endlessly follow men and go to churches (so called) that teach failure, inability, all done for you, all paid for you, the finished works of Christ, faith alone, grace alone, believe alone, just call out alone, Christ alone, not of works, the law void, the law changed, your just a filthy rag, a forever wretch, chief of sinners, just believe, none are righteous no not even one, none seek after God, none do good, born to sin, born a sinner, sin nature, liberty in sin, license to sin, total depravity, moral depravity, no moral reform, nothing required, God will not require it. All these things are true but they are used out of context, held to be true of the born again saints of God, they empty the words of effectualness, of operation, the kill the work, steal the works, destroy the works. They all (words) become swelling words of emptiness, they that do this, flatter with their mouths, open tombs.

If you can be kept in this state of do nothing, all done for you, you can then only pretend to know the purging of the conscience, you can never be free to truly express the whole Truth. Yes you can name the Lord but you will not be able to depart from iniquity. You will not want to depart, you are told you can not depart, by provisions always standing at the ready to free you in sin. God will not require your soul this day or any other day, you will not surely die. The serpent is always talking through them, deceiving and they deceiving themselves, loving the lie more than the Truth. Yes you can call Him Lord, Lord, but you will not be able to do what He says must be done, nor do they think they have to do. Again, they say if they have to do anything then Christ suffering the cross is not a gift. This logic is so vile a twisted, truly waves of the ocean foaming out their own shame. Yes, you can profess to love Him with your lips and mouth but their heart does not. Yes, you will think you are in the service of God as you kill others, history is filled with them, protestant, catholic, mormon, there a many others, branches all who fostered death and hate, murder and persecution in the name of being of God. All are acutely aware of the history, of the false witness that leads so many away from the Truth. Persecution is of the devil and they who persecute are of the devil doing their fathers work. They who build upon the foundations of men reap what is sown by them. They keep the same foolish traditions, handing them down over and over, the same foul vile disgusting lies. No matter the lie they sell, no matter then name they use to for it, it always is the very same freedom in sin, liberty, license, you are not surely going to die if you eat of the knowledge of good and evil. Always the provision made for the inability to obey. Always KILLING the confidence, STEALING the confidence, DESTROYING the confidence.

The second one is truly born again they attack with their lies, their provisions, to make certain that the child dies, to make that child indeed twice the child of hell. Stacking provisions after provision upon the new born to not be able, to realize the old man is dead and a new man is given, the old heart removed and the new heart of flesh given. They immediately go to work on hardening the heart again as they profess to be in the service of God. Rather than foster the Spirit of Power, the ability, the kill it, steal it and destroy it. The seed newly sprouted plucked up instantly, scorched in the sun, withered away from lack of watering, being smothered in doubt, in the lie of no newness of life, in always being a filthy rag wretch that will never do good. Hidden by the cares of the world, the seedling forgets and go back to the world pretending it remains upon the path FEW find, FEW are able to keep, but MANY find that broad way and misery loves company. Going over this always to keep in remembrance the devices the devil uses and those that serve him. Do not be ignorant of these things. As I witnessed it, so I speak of it, by the Grace of God I was shown the deceit. I struggle and fight to understand why I seen the things that I did. Time passes and pieces to the puzzle are put into place. Just out of reach is the image I seek to see, at times I feel it is just one more piece and other times as if the puzzle as been changed and I must start again. I know not why, but have my opinion of it.

Seeing them possessed, the black eyed ones, the different looks I received from them, from extreme fear, to joy, as it looked upon my joy and my suffering. Always wondering why I was allowed to see them? It increases my confidence, and yet it takes from me something? It helps to me to remember things, for to remember and not forget is vital indeed. One must go over it and over it, for in this world it is easy to forget, to be led off on some foolish fable, or care of the world. Easy to lose sight of the Truth, for the enemy is always trying to call you off. To not take the time to seek out of the book of the Lord and read. To not pray, to not have you mind stayed on the Lord, always trying to kill your peace, steal your peace, destroy your peace. Always trying to get you to go back to the old man. Much is to be endured, most miserable indeed and yet I always can rejoice in the Lord. The moments I lived that were so unbelievable, give me a point to remember, besides the self evident reasons for the things witnessed.

Everything is one thing, faith is faithful, belief is faithful and to be faithful you are being obedient to that which you profess to have placed your faith, your belief, your trust, your fidelity, your monogamy, it is all in the end obedience. Out of love, true love undefiled, unfeigned you are able to obey from the heart the doctrine of God, the teaching of God. The new heart given to all who Obey the Commandment, Repent. They who find that godly sorrow in repentance, doing Works worthy of repentance. As written only they who OBEY receive the Holy Ghost, so there is something required of all at ever single step, obedience. One thing is absolute, obedience unto righteousness or sin unto death.

If you do not truly know the gift of having forgiveness of sins past and your conscience cleared, purged by forgiveness that only Christ can give, many will only pretend to know it? All around you will be those that will gladly sell you back your inability to obey, they being, them that pretend. If you actually do come to know the forgiveness of sins past and conscience cleared, purge, to be born again and set free. Then you will be surrounded by the very same people who will insist you are not new, just always a work in progress that never progresses, they love this type of testimony. I have heard it over and over again. They will sell you that no one can obey, Christ obeyed for you, Christ fulfilled the Law for you, so you do not have to do anything, and if you do anything then you are working out your own salvation, and it is not of works, they will say. They are liars, lost, they are not forgiven or they have turned from that forgiveness back to the old man, back to the mire. They convince many to be moved back to the filth, thinking they are in the service of God and they are not. Thinking they are known of the Lord and they are not. They can only please the lust of the flesh with empty words, with traditions of men handed down. They do not have the spirit of power and they admit it. They love to boast of being unable, of being just a filthy rag wretch chief of sinners, loving the ways of unrighteous. Love thinking they are Romans 3 and 7. Love applying their images upon all men, love selling the images of their own corruption. Love to be lied to. Love to sell lies. Love to buy lies. Love the books men professing to know the Truth, love being merchandised. They love death for they hate the Truth. Hate to hear they are only unable because they have chosen to be unable. Hate to hear they have refused to be gathered. Refuse to hearken unto the voice of the Lord. Have heard the voice even and did not recognize it by their own lust.

They openly admit to being carnal and yet will say they are of the Lord, in the body, are known. Yet anyone who seeks out of the book of the Lord and reads, knows they hate God. For the carnal mind is hatred towards God, they can not please God for the CAN NOT BE SUBJECT TO THE LAW OF GOD. The lies are very subtle and without the Spirit of Truth you will not be able to withstand them. Without the Lord you will not be able to do anything, yes you can do good works, cast out devils, prophecy in is Name but you will continue to work iniquity for you do not possess the Truth. You can not walk in the flesh and in the Spirit. If you walk in the flesh you are carnal sold under sin and death and as long as you are in this state you will never understand any of what must be. You will remain in the traditions of men handing them down to one another until the end and never receiving the gift of forgiveness of sins past, never having your conscience cleared, purged, never be strong in confidence. You must be crucified with Christ having your affections and lusts through the flesh put to death. You must Repent and come to acknowledge the Truth.

Walk by faith and not by sight then why are you carnal? Why do you make provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof? My do you not mortify your members? If it is true then define faith, do not just say the word, fill the word with the contents it must contain for that statement to be true. Faith is faithful, faithfulness, fidelity, monogamy, trusty, loyalty, each of these things are but one thing obedience. Belief is no different, it is the same thing as faith, as trust is, as monogamy is, as loyalty is, as fidelity is. It is obedience unto righteousness, righteousness is obedience. To be humble is to obey from the heart the Truth.

What Law is established by faith? The very works of true faith, love, and what do you love that you do not obey? Just as grace abounds more where sin abounds. They who are righteous, forgiven, have received the gift and do not take the grace of god in vain. This is how grace abounds in them, not some arbitrary force abounding where sin is, no, an actual person who has the grace of God, the teaching abounds more in the presence of sin. So the same is of faith, where true faith is, which works by love, then out of that love those who truly love Christ keep His Commandments, THEY ABOUND IN THE FACE OF THEM THAT DO NOT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS. They are able to do all that He asks of them, they are able out of love. Having been forgiven much they love much more. If they do not take the Truth in vain, frustrating it, making it of no value, no use. Where true love is, obedience abounds more and more in the face of the disobedient. Where true love is found, you find those who out of love obey from the heart more and more. Here take another hit of doubt, NO, you abound more in that moment and see the temptation offered and you do not take it up with your hand. You know the teaching of grace and you refuse the evil and choose the good. In that moment you deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. You choose to live sober, righteous and godly as real grace teaches.

Romans 3:31, " Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. "

OBEYING FROM THE HEART THE TEACHING OF GOD, this abounds in them that love the Lord. If you love Me, keep My Commandments. This is grace abounding, this is Law established by the faithful. Faith is faithful, believing is faithfulness, and it is out of love you keep, maintain, do, are a doer of the word and not one who makes them (words) empty and of no value. You can not be a servant of sin and not a servant, you either serve it or you do not. You can not walk in the flesh and the Spirit. You can not know the Lord and not know Him. You can not be free from sin and bound to sin. You were servants of sin, but now you OBEY FROM THE HEART, if you know the forgiveness of sins past, if you have been purged of the defiled conscience, if you have the new heart, if you have been born again. Then with these things which are all one thing, you fight to endure till the end working out your salvation with fear and trembling. If you are carnal, then the word "were" does not apply to you and you have not been purged or you have and returned to the mire and forgotten your sins were forgiven you.

Romans 6:17, " But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. "

Which sins? Past, present and future? or the OLD SINS PAST? They are liars and they act like they love the Truth but they do not. They do not serve righteousness because none can be righteous they love to say. They appear like sheep but are wolves devouring them that have been forgiven. How can one forget their OLD sins were forgiven them when once one is forgiven they are forever forgiven and only have to worry about being chastised and losing rewards? What utter nonsense all that is and it does make one angry to find others selling these foul disgusting imaginations of men. Just inventions of men chased after to their own destruction. They even speak well of them that invent these vain things, they love them that make provisions for them. Love to hear they should not fear God, but love, love, love. They love fables and fairy tales, love the path that is broad and many are upon it.

2 Peter 1:9, " But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. "

What is lacking? Contents, virtue, they said the had faith but they had not works. They had works but they had not faith. They held up those great swelling words of emptiness. To faith add virtue and virtue is effectualness, an operation and proving ones fact of state of being. The proof is knowledge, which they lack and the people of God are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, charity or love. From faith to love they lack the contents that must be found in between and in each word. So some are clearly forgiven and forget, returning to the old man. Some never have known the forgiveness and yet pretend they have and walk foolishly onward to the pit they dig themselves. Listening to all the lies of how it was all done for them already and how it was not of works without any understanding of the works of the Law it speaks of, so they continue on that broad way to hell none the wiser of never knowing the Truth but certain they are in the service of God. In a lie they have strong confidence, in the Truth the have nothing. They refuse to be gathered upon the call of the Truth and for it they are destroyed.

Out of love the purifying of thine soul by Obeying the Truth.

1 Peter 1:22, " Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: "

Just keep going over it until it is cemented, no matter how sure I will not be moved by all their filthy lies, filthy inventions, filthy imaginations, filthy traditions, so I will not chase the greatest thing I have ever known. A love so perfect it hurts deep within my soul to be kept from it, torn between being here and telling of this love and wanting so very much so to be with Christ. Knowing I might again be lost, regardless of what I was told, I know one can be lost again, I know one can not be able to endure till the end, where one is actually saved, actually receives the crown of life. The only reward I am interested in, for it means I will know the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ forever. They say obedience is not required, not needed and no one can be anyway, they sell the sin nature and all the filthy doctrines of men that are ALL a license to sin no matter what they name these vain imaginations of men. Once saved always saved is just a filthy license to sin. All paid and done for me is just a filthy license to sin. Christ obeyed for me is just a filthy license to sin. All of them are spawned from the original lie, and not the lie of original sin, which is you shall not surely die and I as God said will repeat what God said, you shall surely die if you eat of the knowledge of good and evil.

As I define the Path by definition as told, I quickly see that it is all one, belief is obey, faith is obey, righteousness if by obeying, all the things I read out of the book of the Lord lead me to obey the Truth with my heart, all of my heart. I have heard over and over how all you have to do is believe and not one time by the professed so called Christians did I hear it requires your heart. I can find them that even teach it requires nothing, especially your "all", to be forgiven, for they say saved and that is a lie, you are not saved until the end, if you endure, so the once saved always saved are filthy indeed leading so many to a pit and doing so with pride and boasting so sure of their service being to God as they kill, steal and destroy souls with lies.

So I find myself just repeating the same things over and over for the most part. One part is a little here and a little there, to search the scriptures you find the whole Truth a little here and a little there. Yes believe, yes have faith, yes grace, yes call out, yes confess with thine mouth (for them that can speak). Yet it requires something more than lip service, it requires thine heart. Believe with thine heart. Faith with thine heart. Yes confess but from the heart. Yes be baptized but if you truly believe with thine heart, all of thine heart. Not to play it safe, doubting anything, but absolute belief from the part that matters most, out of love from the heart.

Romans 10:9, " That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Romans 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. "

Acts 8:37, " And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. "

Just as one Repents, the very beginning of being set free, the forgiveness. You do not JUST change your mind, change your position, you change your heart. Being guilty before God, contrite, lowly, broken, pitiful, lowly, confessing and forsaking, amending thine ways, turn back to God and turning from sin. Obeying from the heart the Commandment "REPENT", for God has called all men everywhere to REPENT. Even though I had not understanding of any of this when I Repented that faithful night near six years ago near. Looking back I see what I had done and it was from the heart, like I had never done before and instantly when I had from the heart obeyed, I literally heard from the Lord that I was forgiven, I had not ceased from sin, but I knew I wanted to and that I could not do it alone. I knew I needed help and that is what lead me to realize there had to be more than this lie of evolution and being some freak accident. Everything I witnessed in this world testified of God but I ignored the Truth of it. Not that night, that night I realized everything testified of God was absolute and I knew in my heart, it was not just a change of mind, it was so much more than that. So as I hear others make what I lived into a simple mind change, I feel ill, and sad for them and anyone who hears them and buys their errors.

I had not one single person to tell me about the blood that clear the conscience that Christ gave for me to be set free so I could walk with Him and learn to obey Him with my all, to be morally changed, to have a new heart, to literally be born again having my affections and lusts crucified with Him so I could have this strong confidence in Him. That He would not forsake me, that if "I" maintained the Path, the way and was unmoved by all the lies of the so called churches. If I would not lean upon men and put all my heart, mind, soul, body and might into leaning upon Christ, I would in the end be saved. That I had to endure until the end. That this faith I now had in Christ established the Law in me, that was written upon my new heart. I could do all that He asked, if I would not listen to them telling me I was a filthy rag wretch chief of sinners, that my new heart was infinitely wicked, that God gave me a new heart that was just the same as the original heart. If I could endure the barrage of lies, being told I was just a liar, told I was the devil, told I was a Jesus freak all by so called Christians, told I was legalistic, told I was crazy, wacko by my own family who said they believed in the very Lord I was confessing. Yet it was all good, I understood it a little then and as time passed I understand it perfectly now. I am not blaming anyone, I would have done the same in their positions. It is just the facts of what I lived to bring me to the Truth I know this day.

In all of that I see how the devil uses them closet to you to try and defile your conscience, your new heart, to get you to go back to that old man and it is nothing like I had ever heard from anyone testify of the Lord but in the book of the Lord I found my only true testimony that I could relate to what I had lived. As long as I put in the work I will eat of the Truth. As long as I stand fast, hold fast, endure, affirm, prove, show the proof, confirm, dig deep, run, race, chase, work it out for myself and every other word/words that are like unto these. I will be saved in the end!

Evil tried to steal, kill and destroy what God had just given to me, the clearing of my soul, the confidence of being forgiven and not being that old man that lied, cheated, stole, sold drugs, used drugs watched filth, had pleasure in unrighteousness and them that did unrighteousness. It has been a war, and I must wake every single day and fight the good fight of faith that WORKS by love and is proven by deeds. Must remind myself of the Truth constantly, constantly going over it again and again. What I heard, saw, lived and what I have been taught through the Holy Ghost. To take up my sword and slay all the evil, tear down all the strongholds that boast of evil, that call evil good and good evil. Utter lay waste to the filthy inventions of men, having nothing to do with them, fleeing them that live in error, escaping from them that try to teach things contrary to what I was given.

Place all my hope, all my trust, all my faith, all my fidelity, all my loyalty, all my love into Christ and He alone, for without Him I can do nothing and with Him I can do anything, I surely as I live and breathe and heard from Him, I can GO and Sin No More. I am not a filthy rag wretch, I am no longer the chief of sinners, I am not carnal sold under sin, I am free indeed. Having strong confidence that I am free to endure till the end to be saved, to be crowned, for it is laid up, waiting for me to finish my race. If I will maintain and obey the Truth from the heart, with all my heart and not allow them who appear like sheep but are devouring wolves trying to kill me, drag me back into the very filth they say is freedom. The very thing they sell, liberty in corruption and I do not want any of that. I want the the Law which is Christ in me. What true loving faith establishes, that Law in me, I want it. I want to Go and Sin No More. I have been awakened and I have no desire to sin. Awake to righteousness which is obedience to the will of God and sin not. All about every reason that I can Go and Sin No More and I have nothing to do with excuses that would allow me to go and sin. I look not for any reason to be freed in sin, for I am freed from it. Yes I have sinned but I Go and Sin No More to the best of what God has given to me. Working out that divide, what is evil and what is good? What is the good and perfect will of God?

The more I work, the more I eat and the more confidence I have in the Truth. Having no confidence in my flesh or men, any men, I trust in the Lord which is to say I obey Him alone. This is the only Christ alone I understand, that filth they sell I desire none of it, to be kept free from it. I am bound to the Lord Jesus Christ and I never want to be freed from Him. He called and I heard the call and I did not refuse to be gathered up.

Faith, faithful, steadfast, hold fast, steadiness, fidelity, loyalty, monogamy, trusty, stand fast, obey, obedience. Real faith upholds, establishes the Law out of Love, the Law of Love, faithfulness. Faithfulness which is filled with trust, loyalty, monogamy, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, fidelity, trusty, steadfast endurance in the face of anything. Love having no pleasure in wickedness but in all that is good, even when the whole world follows after the evil calling it good, true faith stands fast and will not move with the world, it will not call evil good and good evil. It will not look at the mixing of the cup or the sharing of the table as good, pleasant and to be desired. It holds fast, it holds true, it endures and suffers whatever must be suffered to be unmovable till the end, till the very end.

Faithfulness is obedience, as obedience is righteousness, as righteousness is faithful as it is all one thing, good is good and evil is evil. That night the Lord revealed Himself in me, it was all good, not one single drop of anything bad. It was pure to a perfect understanding, there could not be anything more absolute then this. It was one in the body of Christ. Love, mercy, kindness, gentleness, peace, rest, joy, glory, fidelity, loyalty, trust, understanding, a knowing it would endure forever, it would not fade, it could not fade, it overflowed and could not be contained. I have never known such love, mercy and peace all at once, who could of known it was real, tangible, receivable, that one could find this and have it. A treasure so grand that is makes what this world offers laughable. Yet in this world is the test, is the school you can not pay for with money or material. Something no man can give or take, it is there for all to accept or refuse, to work out or ignore it.

That same night seconds after having Christ revealed in me, a vision before me eyes, the image of lust, wantonness, it took all the good from me instantly. Not one single drop of good could I feel. It was disgusting beyond the worlds ability to comprehend it. It was perfect evil, perfectly bad, it wanted and it there was no faithfulness, loyalty, monogamy, mercy, kindness, gentleness, love, Truth, understanding, no fidelity, no obedience. Just pain of wanting and it could not be satisfied. It was a terror in me and I was acutely aware of it and the lack of the Lords presence. I was tormented instantly within myself and I felt filthy, vile, foul, disgusting and it was to a perfect degree. So perfect that no man could ever express it. Hell will be a place of torment and I do not want anyone to go there, so please AWAKE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SIN NOT!!!!

Unspeakable joy or unspeakable suffering, we all have the free will to choose. To be strong in Truth or strong in error. To be confident in the Truth that is Christ and Him crucified or confident in the lie, you surely will not die. You can be bold sinners and there are many or you can be bold as a lion and obey the Truth which sadly there are few. You can Go and Sin No More or you can trample underfoot the blood. You can be able and free indeed or you can love the inability they sell without limit. You can be forgiven or you can be once saved always saved in hell separated from the presence of the Lord and the smoke of your torment will rise forever and ever. That everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord is your choice.

Faithfulness establishes the Law, keeps the Commandments. If you love Me keep My Commandments John 14:15 written so perfectly. Such a simple Truth so ignored by the many. To Repent is an act of faith and it is a Law for God Commands ALL men to Repent. You can not be forgiven for past sins by sacrifices of the flesh. Christ did that work for us already.

The law by which no flesh shall be justified is circumcision, and Galatians were under siege by Jews trying to circumcise them. We know though that the Law is Spiritual and that the circumcision of the heart is the only way, for it is spiritual circumcision which is the Law and it must be kept. The very reason true faith working by love establishes the Law, upholds, keeps, does, doer, do.

Circumcision or uncircumcision means nothing. How is it the Paul clearly calls faith a law and no one seems to stop and take notice?

The Law means nothing when it comes to purging your conscience of dead works, that is the work of Christ on the cross. Yet no man will be justified without it, the Law being established in them and obeyed from the heart.

The book of James is Iron, Steel, tempered and tried, a book that can not be bent to the vain imaginations of men or inventions of them.

James 2:24, " Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. "

Just this one verse condemns them who speak lies of faith alone, who have built upon the doctrines of straw, that will easily be consumed in the fire. They who twist what Paul meant when he said "by faith", without truthfully defining the contents of faith, or how a child has faith in its parents.

Justified by grace, a teaching that requires one to obey the Truth of denying ones self. Taking up thine own cross and following Christ. Grace that teaches us all to deny evil, deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world, to fight for it with all your heart, mind and soul. With all ones might and strength, for we will be put to the test. We will be tempted with many temptations, we will suffer affliction, physical and mental, and in this we can rejoice. We will rejoice in knowing the Truth and we will cry and sigh. Grace is time, time to work it out and in that time we will learn what is required of us, faithfulness, obedience from the heart out of love. We will learn what is the perfect and good will of God and we will either obey it or turn from it. Nothing can make you turn back but your own lust (you), nothing can keep you facing God but your own love(you). No man can take it, but you can forsake it(you).

Titus 3:7, " That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. "

Faith alone is dead, a faith without the works is dead, faith without the works of love is dead, useless, vain, of no value. Luther and all who have built upon the foundation of sand he created with his foul lies will fall, will fail, will not stand in the fire. His words of straw are not worth their weight in dung. The very book of the Lord, word for word tells all "FAITH ALONE" is a lie and them that speak of it are liars. It is faith filled, not faith empty.

James 2:17, " Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. "

Obedient to the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds. A working faith out of the love found in the Truth. From the heart obeying the Truth.

Acts 6:7, " And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. "

Stephen was not filled with what pretends to be the church, the doubt, the inability, the just a filthy rag wretch none are righteous nonsense. The all done for him already lies, he did not go around speaking of his nature to sin, how he was born to sin or his faith alone. No his faith was and his power was absolute by believing and working by that which he believed. The words were not hollow and empty like this thing parading itself as the church. His words were filled with power of the Spirit of God to be a doer of the Truth and not just a hearer. Strong in confidence, and faithfulness, obedient unto righteousness. He was clear in the matter, his conscience was clear and he showed for the power of being able to do all things through Christ who was his strength.

Acts 6:8, " And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. "

Heart purified by faith, which is fidelity, faithfulness.

Churches established in the faith, were faithful and had fidelity.

They had strong confidence in their faithfulness to the Lord Jesus. Being cleared, purged of their dead works. Not going and sinning, not liberty in sin, not God seeing Christ and not them, not there story being replaced with the story of Christ, all these things are lies. No they became bold and out of love they were able, they had been forgiven much and they loved much more. Bold as lions to come to the throne of grace and know they had to deny themselves the lust, the passion and desires of their own flesh. That it was not done for them, obeyed for them. The works of Christ are no mans but that man does, do, doer, keeps, maintains the works.

To open their eye and turn them FROM EVIL TO GOOD, FROM THE POWER OF satan UNTO GOD, THAT THEY MAY RECEIVE "FORGIVENESS" OF SINS PAST, not past, present and future. Hear the order it is written in, read the order it is written in. REPENT, SEEK and GO AND SIN NO MORE. Sanctified by faith, by faithfulness, by obedience that is in Christ.

Acts 26:18, " To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. "

Christ came to destroy the works of the devil not hide you in them. Who wants to be confident doing the works of the devil? They who are of the devil. Safely hidden from the eyes of God because you refuse to obey His Commandments of Go and Sin No More. Better to be strong in the Lord, confident in the Truth that you are able to Go and Sin No More, able to obey from the heart, able to bring your body into subjection and rule over yourselves. Rather than being bold in being freed to sin, past present and future sins being already paid in full and Christ obey and keeping the Law for you, why not be bold in the ability to keep the Commandments of God and to call Him Lord and to do what He has said to do? Much better it is to be bold in making no provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. To be confident in knowing you are able through Christ to do all things. Knowing that without Him you can do nothing, you are unable. So then why are you unable?

No such thing as a sinning saint, a born again sinner loved just the way they are. That love bears not conditions! They who commit sin are of the devil. Grace abounds in them confident in the Lord, in the face of them that are not. The true witness is able, the false witness has provisions and is never able. Being bold in sin, being bold in making void the Law, even the least of them, is a fools errand. Who has hope unto salvation but can not be faithful?

1 John 3:8, " He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. "

We are the words we speak, they testify of the treasures of our hearts. For where the heart is, so is our treasure. We will give an account of every idle word, either justified of condemned by them. Out of our own mouths we shall be judged and we shall be judge by our own works be they good or evil. No one will escape the judgement that is coming quickly. They who work will eat, they who work not will eat not. What is sown will be reaped.

This is a day of rest, this is the Sabbath, it is the forth Commandment of God written by His own hand into stone. It is the only day made for man and not man for it. It is a day sanctified by God alone. God rested upon this day and no other day did He rest. Whom will you serve this day? Whose image do you conform to, mans or God? Whom do you yield yourselves servants to obey, man or God? Whom is you Lord?

Blessed are they who obey from the heart. Grace abounds in then that obey. May the true Grace of God abound in all that love Him from the heart. May He be your buckler in the time of need.

May all who love Him with all their hearts be Strong in Confidence and the Clearing given by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.

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