Piety And Holiness, Obedience To Righteousness Ridiculed As Some Thing To Hate, To Dread. To Deny Ones Self Is A Gross Injustice.

My Lord:

In the Path defined, this is just me defining that Path, a Path that leads to a Gate that is straight and narrow. Few find this Path, and many who do find it, turn back from it. I share my walk, my questions, the testimony given me and in this time of grace, showing, sharing, me working it out for myself. For I need no man to teach me, I not will I be taught by any man. It was not what I was given to do. No man gave me this, no man set me free, no man forgave me, purged me of dead works, for Christ was no mere man. No one need anyone man to teach them, to follow, all have the same ability through Christ to be taught the Truth and to obey it. You can rise this day and work or you can go do as your flesh desires. You can obey from your hearts out of love, or you can serve the lust of thine flesh. No one can force you to do anything, you are free to choose. You can mourn the Truth or rejoice of Him. You can follow the many who never find, or you can go the Way of the few and work it out through obedience unto righteousness.

Who am I am? I am nothing. I heard from the Lord, told to tell of Him and I desire none to follow me, I desire all to follow Christ, follow me as I follow Christ, but never me. I desire all to work out their own salvation as Commanded, to do so with fear and trembling. To define the Fear of the Lord themselves and obey it. I do not want your money, I have no book to sell you, no silly building that needs keeping, no name to attach to you. You either work and eat or you work not and eat not.

Clearly there are two types of fear, the fear that love casts out, the filial fear one finds through the Holy Ghost when they are filled in the moment they truly acknowledge the Truth. One could stop right hear and end with OBEDIENCE, reverent obedience. It all just keeps proving that obedience from the heart, obedience out of love, obedience with all a man truly possesses, heart, mind, body, soul, might, strength. It is the first greatest Commandment that so few seem to acknowledge. I have no desire to stop right here, let us continue down the Path.

Two types.

The quality's of godly fear out of love.

Fear - profound reverence and awe especially toward God...

The quality's of ungodly fear.

Fear - to worry, to be anxious, scorn, derision, mocking, hatred, etc...

Psalms 2:11, " Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. "

Quality's of love, mercy, Truth, iniquity is purged. When one comes to acknowledge to Truth, they find mercy from the Lord and this purges them of the dead works, the wages of sin (death). Not freedom to continue in sin, (as many profess), but freedom from it, the ability to obey from the heart, Go and Sin No More. This is the Lord, this is the Truth, this is the Way. When one finds the Real Truth they have that filial love and they DEPART from evil. This is the freedom found in Christ alone and no other. The reason we are told, they who Name the Name of Christ DEPART from iniquity, lawlessness, disobedience...

Iniquity -

corruption, dishonest or illegal behavior
debauchery, extreme indulgence in bodily pleasures
depravity, the quality or state of being corrupt, evil, or perverted
immorality, an immoral act or practice
iniquitousness, bad, black, dark, evil, immoral, nefarious, rotten evil, sinful, unethical, unlawful, unrighteous, wicked, wrong...
libertinage, a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality specifically, the quality or state of being libertine....
libertinism, the quality or state of being libertine....
licentiousness, which is what? License! Rebellion, disobedience, not keeping, maintaining the Commandments. It is that liberty so many think they have in their inability to cease from sin. It is what so many sell and ought not. What makes the saints sad, to hear them say peace and there is no peace, no rest, no safety. When they say you are loved just the way you are. When they save them that should die and kill them that should live. When they say they are delivered to commit abominations by not just words but their actions, deeds, works prove this is what they believe in, trust in, have faith in, are loyal to, have yielded themselves servants of, are bound by oath. They have shaken hands and made a deal with lies.
profligacy, riot, excess, wildly extravagant, completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness...
sin, an offense against religious or moral law, an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible (if we take away the standard, spare the rod, show not the Way, but give into the lawlessness so many show forth, lower the bar as this world is doing at record pace, the actions that are deemed reprehensible are no longer thought to be so), we must maintain the standard at all cost to self, not resist the evil of men but spare not thy child, obey what is the Truth. Do not depart from it, or be moved from it, hold fast to it. They try to make void the Law, why? LIBERTY as they serve corruption, they have LIBERTY it what is an abomination. Provisions made, setup in advance so the Truth can not have a chance, the seed sown is easily devoured, snatched up and stolen. If you buy from liars you buy lies, you will reap what they have sold you to sow. Obey, escape from them that live in error, you need NO MAN to teach you, no man to follow, trust in no man. Obey the warnings and heed the Commandments which are many. Seek them out and define the Way to the Truth to have Life.
vice, moral depravity or corruption, a physical imperfection, deformity, or taint (be without spot, without blemish, without wrinkle, it is said with purpose of life and love not to condemn, or to make one sad, to be ridiculed by ignoring it, taking it all in vain), sexual immorality, (look at the effort the world is putting into corrupting the young)...

Proverbs 16:6, " By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. "

To shout it out, to work it out now while there is time to find Him. To beg, beseech all to do the same, to be of one mind, one purse, one life, one Truth. To fight for it, yearn for it, to be doers of what is produced in thine works. Not just hearing but doing.

I was not told how to tell of Him or what to tell of Him. I was given a testimony and I sift through it and work it out. Given much and much is required by whom much is given. For what I was forgiven, I could never feel as if I could do enough for that forgiveness. Yet I fight, run, race, chase, strive, yearn, hunger for righteousness, to be all that I know the Lord desires for me. To be shaped into the image God desires, holiness, the very beauty of God Almighty. Not above, but as He is. It is not robbery to be equal...

Piety - fidelity to natural obligations, a conventional belief or standard...

When one reads below, a Path made perfectly clear, it leaves no doubt of the Truth and the Way. Leaves not a single question of the Truth is all one absolute thing which love contains absolutely. Words filled with contents and not just speaking them. Piety like faith, like believe, like perfect, like clear, like complete, like righteousness and on and on, they all lead to the same Truth, obedience. Unfeigned obedience, absolute loyalty, eye single, face forward and it does not turn to the left nor to the right, the face of God ever does thy face behold. The more I read, the more I study it all says the same simple thing. No matter how the pie is sliced it is the same through out. No matter where one starts the end is the same. Beautifully perfect and simple, so that anyone with a true desire for the Truth will find it. There is no private interpretation, the interpretation is solely of the Lord thy God.

fidelity, allegiance, fealty, loyalty, devotion, piety mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty.

fidelity implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty. marital fidelity allegiance suggests an adherence like that of citizens to their country.

pledging allegiance fealty implies a fidelity acknowledged by the individual and as compelling as a sworn vow.

fealty to the truth loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray.

valued the loyalty of his friends devotion stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication.

a painter's devotion to her art piety stresses fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental.

filial piety, filial obedience, filial love.... CHILD LIKE FAITH IN ONES PARENT... It does not leave room for doubt, for provision, it is absolute, it does not fail.

Filial is descended from Latin filius, meaning "son," and filia, meaning "daughter," and in English (where it has been used since at least the 14th century) it has always applied to both sexes. The word has long carried the dutiful sense "owed to a parent by a child," as found in such phrases as "filial respect" and "filial piety." These days it can also be used more generally for any emotion or behavior of a child to a parent.

This is not to be mourned, ridiculed, lowered, hated, despised, turned from, seen as something that hinders, takes from. It is a thing to rejoice, to love, to trust, to have faith in. Sin is not inherited, it is taught to the child by ones own deeds. Handing down of the same lies, fables, learning what the heathen do and doing likewise. Ignoring the Truth, by not regarding the works of God, one is not built up but torn down. One sinner destroys much good.

If one follows the word "filial" it will lead them to "Abba" or Father. This sentence was found simply by defining the word itself, the logos, Christ. This can not come but by God, it is not a trick or magic, it is simple Truth fought for, worked for and in the end what is produced, the fruit of thine labour with God in the vineyard, led me, leads you to this Truth. It is beautiful, it is a marvel, and yet to just hear it is not enough. We all must be the doer of it or one will never find the good fruit, the riches of God, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the ability to retain it and apply it to ones life. It is these little moments that make me rejoice, that fill me when my cup is low, lowly and I need that lift back up. Seek and ye shall find...

Matthew 18:4, " Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "

A the Path is defined, one is smacked fully on the face with the Truth, so it can not be missed. Many refuse to take it up though, ignore it. Like the itch to be scratched with lies and liars.

Mark 10:15, " Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. "

It is ones DUTY, yet it must be out of love, like a child that loves the parent. It is the duty, but they who do so out of duty only, have not love. It is of no use, becomes vanity. The worship of ones will, love does not behave in such a manner. Duty only, like faith alone produces dead works. Reward alone is the same dead work. There is duty, and reward, but it is out of love, from the heart we keep the Commandments of God. Without that love one will not love to do, to keep, maintain, it will be a burden, for the flesh is indeed weak and they who walk in the flesh are weak, are not able and those in the flesh teach the inability for it is what they know. They can not give what they do not possess. To the pure all things are pure, to the unpure nothing can be pure or just.

Name the Name of the Lord it has one obligation, it is required of them to be faithful.

Fealty - the fidelity of a vassal or feudal tenant to his lord, the obligation of such fidelity, intense fidelity...

fealty (n.)
c. 1300, feaute, from Old French feauté, earlier fealte, "loyalty, fidelity; homage sworn by a vassal to his overlord; faithfulness," from Latin fidelitatem (nominative fidelitas) "faithfulness, fidelity," from fidelis "loyal, faithful" (from PIE root *bheidh- "to trust, confide, persuade").

Strict - stringent in requirement or control, severe in discipline (self control), inflexibly maintained or adhered to (will not partake with them, will not run to riot or excess, a standard set and met), rigorously conforming to principle or a norm or condition (I will not turn to the left or the right), of narrow erect habit of growth (the way is narrow, many called few chosen, uprightness, the way God truly makes all mankind Ecclesiastes 7:29).

But man seeks out many inventions, willfully chooses to go whoring, fornicating, cheating, adultery, playing the harlot, to turn from God and to turn to sin, not that man has a nature to sin, was made to sin. This is the cope out, an excuse, a provision. It is a way to blame the innocent, to blame God. Then it must be done for us, rather than anyone able to do it with Him, together as one. Men made strictness into wickedness and history is ripe with the example of so called churches who have done horrible evils in their own images of what they thought God was. Wicked it is to worship a false image created by ones self or any other man. Wicked it is to teach inability, to make others drunk, to lead them astray, to steal sobriety, the gravity, the sincerity. Wicked it is to invent reason to sin and not understand all the reasons one can obey from the heart and Go and Sin No More. It is wicked to call doubt, encouragement. Wicked to call evil good and good evil.

This applies so much to the world at all times but right now more so. There is no strictness, no fealty, no rod, no staff, no normal, no standard. Let them be as they want to be, as they want to do, to quote them, "I am going to do what I want to do".

Romans 13:14, " But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. "

Provision - to prepare for in advance, for the supply of wants (when I was shown the image of lust an open vision, it was pure, not 99.9%, but 100% wantonness. It was vile, I never could of known one could feel so dirty, filthy, I was disgusted and instantly being in the presence of pure evil, pure lust I was tormented, I could feel the smoke rise up out of me as it tormented me to be in the presence of it and to be 100% out of the presence of the Lord which I had just had been in, truly hell is far worse then one can express), pure wantonness, laid up in advance for ones desire to sin, to get my sin on, the need understood in advance that one desire to do evil and will not show temperance but will gladly give into that desire and conceive sin into the world willfully.

Rather than say I will not be moved, they say, I know I will be moved. I will fail, it can not be, no one can, no one has ever. It is doubt sold as exhortation, as encouragement, it is provisions already made for the flesh to be able to do what it wants over what the Spirit desires. They say they walk in the Spirit but they do not, they walk in the flesh and are condemned to death. Partaking of sins with them that have no desire to cease from sin, for they have all the provisions for sin, the leaven, hypocrisy, to take Gods Name in vain. Born to sin, sin nature, license to sin, Commandments are void, or they can not be kept, maintained, done. No one can be a doer, just hearers. Just live as you like and then when the time comes plead the blood, just believe, just have faith in the end it will all be done for you or already was done for you.

One can read 2 Peter 1 but one can not add to faith virtue. Effectualness, one can not put into operation the quality's of faithful love, proving the fact of their state of being is loving God with their all. As they say without blushing, "ones all is not required"! The say they love the Lord, that they are already saved before being crowned and they know Him, but they greatest Commandment of all is not needed.

Them, that do many good works, many wonderful works but never where able to cease from sin, same state as them that do nothing for they blame God for making them that way and continue in the vices of the flesh and wait to plead the blood or just say I believed, but Lord, I did this in your Name. Both are empty wells, clouds blown by a tempest having no rain, brute beasts reserved for darkness, called condemnation, to be condemned, reserved for hell. A place far worse then imagination can conjure. Even in this, men make provisions, the world is ripe with the likes of Rob Bell, when I found Christ this I was hit with by the professed so sure they were in the service of the Lord as they gave to me a cup of lies to drink by the likes of Rob Bell. Many write books selling the idea hell is not that bad, can be gotten out of, or just does not exist at all. Both groups will hear the same Truth, depart from Me, you who work iniquity. Yes, you did many works but you never ceased from sin. Yes, you did not works at all and professed to have liberty in sin by saying you believed but produced no quality's of belief and could not give an answer for what belief contains. Yes, you also must depart from Me who worked iniquity.

This time of grace is to work it out and all are called to Repent, all are called but few are chosen. For they refuse to do the work called to do. To study to show thyself approved is not a suggestion but rather a Commandment. To strive to enter in through the straight Gate, that is Christ, is a Commandment. To deny thyself is a Commandment, to bear ones own cross is a Commandment, to follow Christ is a Commandment. Saved by grace through faith is speaking of the quality's of being faithful to what grace teaches, not just words to parrot, chant like the heathen do. Do not learn the ways of the heathen. To define the Path, to have knowledge and understand that knowledge, to be able to give an answer when questioned, always ready, prepared not for the failure, but for the ability. Always ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you through Christ.

They all try to lower the standard, I will do what I want to do and God will accept it. The unconditional lie, them who say without fear, holiness is not required, just believe. They separate what can not be separated, it is all synonymous, one thing. It can not but be, they take from it, to make the cup partially filled, or added to, so that it overflows with mixture, with lies, deceit, deception, guile, etc.

Show piety, show obedience unfeigned, taking not His Name in vain. Sayeth ye love the Lord, then have all the virtues of true love, fight for it. Call Him Lord, then show that He is Lord, obey. It is not difficult to understand this, it is difficult to sift through all the filthy lies the so called churches have invented, bought and resold (church being denominations or just a man). It is difficult to endure all the many inventions and traditions they have put before God so that none are able to find Him by the simple Truth. To show something is to hold it high, a standard, a banner, a flag, a mark, an ensign, a sign, this is to whom I belong and I will not be moved by no other. I hear one voice and I hear no other voice, there is no other voice to hear. I recognize the one voice and I will follow no other. I am faithful, I have fidelity, I will not be moved, standing fast, holding fast, striving to enter in and digging deep. It is not to be mourned, it is to be rejoiced over, that hate of evil, that is wisdom, that is fearing God. Will not listen to the provision, nor take them up in my hand, I will stand fast and tear them down, for strongholds built with untempered mortar are easily torn down with the Truth defined. By working it out for ones own self, trusting in no man to do the works for them.

Stir them up, put into remembrance, beg them, beseech them, implore. You are able, exhortation, to truly encourage others, yes you can do what Christ said, yes you can keep, maintain the Commandments of God. Yes others have and yes others will.

1 Timothy 5:4, " But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God. "

A chain that can not be broken, one link carries to the next link, yet all of it is the same chain, doing the same work, each bound by links that are the very same thing that binds them all together, marks them. Obedience...

They mock it, ridicule it, talk down of it, this is the Truth in your face, the rebellion, I will not submit. The high mind, the haughtiness, the stiff necked, the proud, the boasters, God hates a proud look. Ridiculed, to be morose only, single in a thing the flesh truly hates (faithful, eye that is single), when all it wants (flesh) is to be happy but never can be satisfied, a paradox, an impasse, expressed perfectly in the book of the Lord. You lust for it but can not have it, you want happiness and you will kill for it but still cannot obtain it. You fight and war, yet have it not. What is asked for, is not what ought to be asked for. It is to be consumed upon ones lust, which is want. This worldly sorrow works death, but the godly sorrow works life, which is a joy, but comes with knowing, understanding is grief. Seeing so many chase nothing, and them who think they have, but have it not. It does bring one to mourn but we always rejoice in the Lord no matter how lowly, contrite, broken.

Keep, Watch, Make, Fortify...

Nahum 2:1. " He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily. "

What I have lived I could of never fathomed it to be. One mourns for the evil they have born into the world by want. That never ceases, that prick in the side is always present. Like they say, the more one wants to forget something, the more it is present. Yet the Lord always lifts one up, joy in the Lord is always found. The words "forget not" can not be held to high. Do not forget from whence ye were forgiven, washed, lifted up, this brings sorrow, but this brings joy. The Truth does set you free, the world finds many ways to mock this freedom, to ridicule it. This is scorned, ridiculed, look at the beauty of God it is unhappiness to the flesh, when it is surely a joy to the Spirit. To deny thyself is not a joy to the wicked who desire to serve the want, the lust, which is satan. Holiness is separation from that which is unholy and to be sad of this separation is death. The beauty of the Lord is holiness, for He is absolutely obedient unto truth, His oath is absolute, His Commandments endure forever, His Love is unsearchable, His mercy endures forever. Holiness is absolutely obedience and it is beautiful, God is faithful, and He His beautiful.

Men pledge and they break that pledge, God is always true. The Truth is always true, it takes time to work it all out but for those who will fight for it out of love, will find they will not be forsaken. Love does not fail, it is beautiful. Tested, tried and put through trials but they who will endure unto the end will be saved. The crown that is laid up for them will be given to them who endure till the end.

Bound to God? Chained to The Lord? Remember my bonds and tempt me not. One who pledges their loyalty to God must be loyal, must understand they can be. Make an oath, break it not, say, and so do. When faith becomes this blind unkind thing so many turn it into, it no longer is faith but something to be consumed upon ones want. To make provisions for, reason they said I made and allegiance and kept it not. It is always mixed with the double mind, devoted, but unable. Married, but single. Free from sin and death, but, sleeping with it. Able to do all things but can not do anything. Born upright, formed by God in the womb, but born a sinner. Each time this Path is looked at it always leads to the same foolishness. They who promise liberty but serve corruption. Always to Genesis 3, did God surely say you will die? No, you will not die, you have freedom like God, to be gods, knowing good and evil it the same old lie.

Always asking amiss. Always making promises, shaking hands, but never keeping that which is agreed upon. Born again saint, yet lives like a devil. Loves God but it will be my will which is served. Crooked path upon crooked path, always another year walking around the mountain. In love but the eye is anything but single.

James 4:2, " Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. "

Psalms 29:2, " Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. "

Holiness - sanctification, quality, standard...


Holiness: Obedience...

HO'LINESS, noun [from holy.] The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes.

It is remission from sin that is true joy. The flesh loves permission to sin. Your either freed from sin or you are not. The weak have made this freedom into lasciviousness, it is anything but new. Tired, worn out, used up, yet it just keeps on being sold, and handed down, truly an old filthy rag. To be free to sin and not suffer the wage of sin. You will not surely die if you continue in your sinful ways, if you do not turn back from evil, if you do not amend your ways, love is unconditional and God loves you just the way you are, lies. He even made you to be evil, so no need to even Repent. You will have life when it ought to be death. REMEMBER, they promise life, when it truly is death. Hiding themselves in lies, the fig leaf is just a lie to hide behind.

Ezekiel 13:19, " And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies? "

Isaiah 28:15, " Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: "

Making no difference between the holy and the profane. Self righteous, they love to say self righteous. For all are loved just the way they are, no need for moral reform, no need for change, no need of the new heart, or the new man. God loves you just the way you are, lie.

Ezekiel 22:26, " Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. "

They who call evil good and good evil. The righteous are self righteous and the unrighteous are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. They condemn the just and and justify the wicked.

Proverbs 17:15, " He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD. "

Again, words of the professed, Christ did not come to morally reform anyone. Holiness is not the Way, righteousness is not the Way, godliness is not the Way, spotless is not the Way, liberty from sin is not the Way, all of these things (standards, ensigns, marks, banners, contents, quality's, loyalty, monogamy, fidelity, trusty, truthful, faithful, ability, able, waiting, watching, striving, digging deep, running, WORKING, proving, studying to show ones self approved, being worthy of the Masters use, fighting, going to war, entering the battle, unmovable, standing fast, holding fast, denial of self, temperance/self control, complete, perfect, endure, and all like unto these), makes them sad, makes them to mourn and be unhappy. It creates in them the need to invent, to corrupt the image of God into their own image. God would not want me to live like that or this, would not want me to reap what I have sown. God does not punish they say, yet it will be an everlasting one if one does not awake and sin not. Strike hands and keep not, oath breakers. Endure even a froward person whom is over them. What Peter wrote surely is a Commandment of the Lord as all that He (Christ) ever spoke. Just as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:37.

1 Peter 2:18, " Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. "

1 Corinthians 14:37, " If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. "

Truly words of the corrupt, I will do what I want to do. Perfect obedience, not possible, you hear this upon every side. Work in progress that never progresses. Saved by grace, but can not define what that grace is. Been a Christian for 25 years, yet has no knowledge of the Truth beyond empty words parroted from others. To be single in eye is depressing, I want to live life to be free to do what I want, to be happy in vice, sin, death, again, the paradox. What they call living is death, and what is life is hated. What Paul tried to explain is difficult to understand. I do what I do not want to do, when that is what the old man does who obeyed not from the heart. The heart that God gives is fully able, is not what the old heart was, yes mistakes will be made, but you will not believe yourself to be unable to learn to walk as God forms you to do. You will learn the Truth, to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and to live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world, waiting, watching patiently, at the door even now. You will not find holiness to be morose, a mournful thing. It will be a joy, a delight to be found in you, to be known by you. For those who love the Truth is it a delight to find the Law written in them, and to obey it from the heart. A delight to want to obey and to be able to obey. For through Christ you can do all things! A delight to share the walk freely. Freely given, freely give. Repent...

There are none that are righteous without Christ, for without Him you can not be righteous. Without Him you can do nothing. No matter how many good works you do, it will not matter without Christ.

John 15:5, " I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. "

First thing, Seek, Repent and Go and Sin No More, just as I learned in the first few minutes of finding the Lord that faithful night. A night time is trying to rob me of. A thing this world is doing all it can to steal, kill and destroy. To hide it from me, so one must be stirred up, put into remembrance, fight to keep it, fight to define the Path and stay upon it. To look not back but forward to that which is to come to all who faithfully endure to the end.

This is the Lords day and it is not any other day, they can pretend, they can obey men and even love the commandments of men, but that will never change the Truth into a lie. A day made for man and not man for it. It is called the fourth Commandment, and it is perpetual.

It is, just, to obey, just, that God requires us to be faithful, to fear Him and keep His Commandments out of love. It makes the flesh sad but the Spirit to rejoice and be filled, built up.


Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.



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