If You Believe You Do Not Have the Ability To Obey Christ, YOU ARE NOT IN THE BODY OF CHRIST, YOU ARE NOT SAVED.


My Lord:

A Preacher of righteousness, is a preacher of ability. I can do all things through Christ, it is absolute. There is no place for doubt, to be unfaithful, it is ability absolute. You will not find this Truth in the pretend churches, you will only find excuses and doctrines of devils. One thing you will find from them that attend these things pretending to be churches is the same lies told by all who attend. It sounds the same regardless of whom you speak to. The same do not judge, as they are judging almost in the same sentence or in the same sentence. Just accept Christ as your Lord and Savior but you will not be able to obey your Lord, no one can. The Commandments are good guide line but you can not keep them, no one can. None are righteous, none are good applied to what is supposed to be a born again saint, unable to rightly divide from the old man to the new man. Works, they love to say it is not of works and again in the same conversation with one of them you will here one work after another but they are certain it is not of works. Deny thyself, but it is not of works, pray but it is not of works, fast but it is not of works, tithe but it is not of works, it is a great work to cast your pearls before swine, to give your hard earned money to the service of some foolish building of mans hands. It is a work to give your money to any man that sells you lies. It is a work to keep up with the needs of those pretend churches, oh it is a lot of dead works indeed!!!

Philippians 4:13, " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. "

After listen to a friend who I have no doubt had a moment with the Holy Ghost and knew the Truth of being filled with the Spirit, yet he became trapped in the pretend churches and he is so lost in the very same old man, it physically hurt to hear him tell me of the things that happened to him in theses pretend churches. Yet even with the evil he knew and confessed of them he could not break away from them and was leavened by their error. He could not obey the Command to escape from them that live in error, he is but a talking point of the gospel of inability now and so sure he can not do all things through Christ but he is positive to a degree perfect he can continue to lust in the flesh and is unable to cease from it. He confessed being of the flesh, walking in it, confessed his lust for women and entertaining that evil within himself and finding pleasure of it, he openly calls evil good and it did not faze him in any way whatsoever. All the scriptures that condemn him he had some weird twisted excuse for why they meant something else. Truly wresting with them to his own destruction, so sure that born again saints of God look just like the old man, maybe slightly better, but had NO POWER through Christ but to submit himself to the carnal mind.

He could quote this verse but he could not live this verse.

Philippians 4:13, " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. "

It is awful and far worse truly then the openly confessed church of satan, and there is a sharp Truth for anyone, that cuts absolutely. A man used and abused by people who are supposed to be of God, and rather than edify him, build him up they have torn him down to an useless empty well, spouting foul talking points of inability, like all the false witnesses do. God will repay, better to put a millstone about thine own neck and cast thyself into the seas then to harm a little one, better to kill yourself then to cause others to fall into the pit of hell. Yes I judge, I judge truly they are false and hell bound and they ought to be stopped, God willing the day will come.

Matthew 18:6, " But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. "

When Christ said better to be hot or cold, then luke warm one can see so clearly what He was speaking of. The damage these places who pretend to be of God do, as they sell all the many doctrines of men and devils, all done for you, the finished works, not of works, can not be perfect, can not be without blemish, without wrinkle, just believe, just accept Christ, unconditional love, irresistible grace, born to sin, sin nature, license to sin, born in sin. Once saved always saved a great killer of many, for it teaches so many to run not, dig deep not, fight not, it makes provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof and leaven with inability, no need to do anything. It is God awful that these things are taking place upon every corner in place pretending to be the church of God. The past, present and future sins already forgiven just go and boast of your sins, your inability and make Christ more by being unable to do anything that He said to do, keep asking what would Jesus do and never be able to do what Jesus did.

Here is a sword that cuts, it is sharp beyond all things to have ever been called sharp, it is makes a scalpel dull compared to it. Nothing that ever was could be sharpened more.

Revelation 3:15, " I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. "

My friend spoke of obedience and yet had none of it, it was so strange to listen to him talk and not be able to hear himself speaking so vainly of God. He knew not that taking Gods name in vain was to name Him but show forth a false witness of Him. He only thought using Gods name to curse with was taking His name in vain. Using Gods name to curse others or cursing His name was not taking His name in vain, it is to make His name of no use, no value. A man who has spent two decades or better in the fake church system could not explain this simple Truth.

Exodus 20:7, " Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. "

Deuteronomy 5:11, " Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. "

Him having his hands strengthened as a sinner and not being told the Truth, he is far down a broad path that so many can be found on. He would use the phrase "that the old testament" and then quote it when it was fitting to explain his inability or the inability of all Christians as he knew them. "None were good but God" was quoted when it served his sin nature lie, but then went on minutes later professing "good" Christians all whom were unable to simple obey the One they professed to be their Lord and Savior. Christ is their Lord as long as He is doing it all for them. Christ is Lord as long as they do not have to do anything but say they believe and that they are sinners. Christ is their Lord as long as they can be unable, and all they have to do is try. The double mindedness was overflowing, talking out of both sides of his mouth was endless. One minute he was aware that we are not to swear and then he proceeded over the course of the next two hours to swear over and over without being fazed. The contradictions were endless, the confusion was great. I wanted to cry for him being so far gone, the gap was so great, his mouth drew near but his heart was far away.

Psalms 10:3, " For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth "

This simple little Command by the Lord Jesus is ignored by so many, I hear the professed swear constantly, it is like a river being flooded and it does not even faze them as they are doing it. Their professed Lord said do this not and so they do it with recklessness. Unable to even "TRY" to rule over themselves, not real desire, no light at all. The story I was being told was filled endlessly with nothing that was stable, not consistent, saying one thing and then the opposite thing moments later and having no idea that he had done so.

Matthew 19:17, " And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. "

James 1:8, " A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. "

Matthew 5:34, " But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: "
Matthew 15:8, " This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. "

I rebuked him and tried to reprove and exhort. To encourage him that he had the same ability as I. When I told Him I keep the Commandments first thing as all like him do is to accuse and try to reflect their failures in you. First thing was to fulfill the scriptures before me, to the pure all things are pure but to the defiled NOTHING can be pure. Instantly I was hit with "you do not lust when you look at a women" and I said NO, I look away from them, I avoid them, I have no pleasure in them that dress to draw a my eyes to lust. I find it shameful and I do not find pleasure in it so I do not entertain the temptation, for blessed are they who resist it not give in to it. He proceeded to tell me a joke to make light of it all after my stance of absolute ability. I was grave, he did not want to be, I was sure, he was not at all able to be. I stood fast, he was being blown by the wind. I knew upon the which Rock I stood, he could but parrot all the usual points the lost in the church of hell use to deflect, accuse and judge unrighteous judgement, yet this was everything he said not to do as he went doing it to me. It was sad to hear him make light of something so grave as life and death. To be able to make a joke in the face of something so sobering was clear proof of the fruit of the tree. He was defiled and he wanted to find that same state in me, I could feel it as sure as anything that is tangible.

Titus 1:15, " Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. "

As soon as I began to rebuke him, he told me not to be angry, I told him I was filled with passion, it was indignation in the face of such awful teachings handed down to him by so many lovers of evil things, lovers of inability, lovers of lies, lovers of doubt, lovers of self, truly. I was not angry in the sense of hate towards him as he was trying to accuse me of or felt, I was angry and I was not sinning, I hated the lies, the liar was for God and I not I. I was doing what one is supposed to do, defend the Gospel as it was taught to me and he said the very same thing after I said it. Two opposing views, that had nothing in common, one was the Truth and the other a lie. In one the Truth was being defended and in the other a lie, this was the common thing. The image I was shaped in and the image he had made himself. Each must work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, and if, as he said "being able to keep the Commandments works for you, then that is me working out my own salvation with fear and trembling and him not being able to keep them or need to, or want to was working out his salvation with fear and trembling. One makes absolutely no sense and one makes perfect sense. To make my passion and defense of the Truth into anything but what it was is what he needed to keep his stronghold together and not allow it to be torn down, for it was clear no one had rebuked his lies ever or for a very long time. Always when this takes place I think of Paul, they accused him of being rude, they accused him of being contemptible, rather then see his passion for the Truth, his love for them and that he was trying to help them, they only could see what they wanted to see so they could accuse him, blame him, and dismiss him. So they could remain hedged about with lies.

Indignation - anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean.

It was mean, it was unworthy, it was unjust what he was saying, it was lying about the Truth and having been forgiven for so much by the Lord. Christ having to suffer so much for me, how could anyone that loved Him for that be silent in the face of one so unjust? As I grow in the Truth I find it absolutely something to be angry at is a lie, having served lies for so long I hate them and do not want them in my life nor to be able to stand when they are to be torn down by the Commandment that God has given.

2 Corinthians 7:11, " For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter. "

Be instant, do not put it off, reprove and rebuke instantly. In season or out, there is not a wrong time or place, it is instantly. Do not fear them or their terror seen in their faces. Please God and not men always.

2 Timothy 4:2, " Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. "

2 Corinthians 11:6, " But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things. "

2 Corinthians 10:10, " For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. "

Contemptible - cheap, cruddy, deplorable, despicable, dirty, grubby, lame, lousy, mean, nasty, paltry, pitiable, pitiful, ratty, scabby, scummy, scurvy, sneaking, sorry, wretched.

The Truth is by the world all these things and them that love it not see it as all these things, it matters not that they name the Lord Jesus, it matter what they do or do not do. It is a fact of things done or not done, despite the many liars that say other wise. All who name Jesus Christ are to "DO" something and "NOT TRY TO DO IT". They are to speak with their actions, they are the words they speak and they are of you. It is to be of POWER and not words, it is actions and not words, it is POWER to do. It is nothing less than, it is absolutely more than able to do all things through Christ. If you are not a FALSE witness then you name Jesus and DEPART from ALL INIQUITY, you are absolutely able if your witness is true. If you are a false witness you are absolutely unable to depart from ALL INIQUITY and your witness is true that you are not a true witness but a false witness.

2 Timothy 2:19, " Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. "

Having this happen just makes it all the more important to not cease speaking the Truth. It made me more stronger knowing that all who know the Truth must fight with all their might to continue to tear down the many strongholds the false have built up and hide themselves in so they can make light of the Rock of salvation, not be grave, but be able to joke about it. So they can feign salvation and not have to be able to rightly divide between the old man and the new man.

I see it was a test for me as well it showed me where I stand and that I am strong but not strong enough, I need to be even more grave. I will certainly find much treasure from this gift God has given to me, praise Him for it Amen.

Grave - having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor.

I have spoken many times of this with others in the beginning more so. When in the Spirit the gravity of the situation was absolutely urgent and grave, their was no room for the small talk and foolishness that had no profit. What is it to be justified and sanctified and righteous? EQUITY!!! Profit, increase, gain, to grow, to have more, to be rich indeed. To be serious about such equity and to fight for them all with all your might, to do the will of God with all your might, to please God and not men at all costs. To count the cost and to know the cost and to be willing to pay it, for it can not be forced. Who wants to be loved by force? Evil!

Submit thyself to God, Obey God, Please God. Do not allow their faces to deflect you from the Path, the Way, the Life, The gravity, The Importance of what lies before us all. You can not allow evil to reign ever, never, not this day, not any day, not on my watch, be a dog that barks for the Master, warn them, let them hear it in you, the candle lit is seen to be speaking by what it is doing, shinning the light into the dark so they can see the evil for what it truly is and not the vain imagination of foolish men well spoken of and foul traditions handed down. I demand with all that I am FIGHT, fight for the Truth, do not allow anyone to rob you of something so great and precious, FIGHT. I demand this of myself, I demand perfection, completion, holiness, godliness, righteousness, ability, able, doer, I demand it of myself and I know that God will give me the desires of my heart for He is my delight. How great art Thou O Lord? Words fail me at every turn when I dare to be able AMEN.

Psalms 37:4, " Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. "

Psalms 21:2, " Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips. Selah. "

Hearing this scripture is not enough, you must be a "DOER" of it. You must fight for it every single day till the end ye must endure it.

Galatians 1:10, " For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. "

Acts 5:29, " Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. "

It was live or die, heaven or hell, it was now or never and it was urgent. The flesh and so many say the same foolish thing of this, and I will quote myself " I do not want to turn anyone away from the Truth". How many times have I heard this? How many say such foolishness, the Truth does not turn anyone away, the lies do, the inability does. If you see a stronghold and tear it not down shame on you. If you think pleasing anyone over God is right then you have no understanding. This is the terror of their faces placed before you, the sharp Truth that cuts, dividing asunder of soul and spirit. How dare anyone who knows the Truth water down the Truth, make dull the sword. How dare you be fearful of their face, let them accuse, let them think you to be rude and contemptible. You speak the Truth at what cost? ANY! We are to please God and not men, I am not here to make friends, I am here to tell you the Truth and to be about the business of the Father, it is so easy to be distracted from this Truth. You have to be diligent at every second, every moment, fighting to retain Him, for this world is trying to strip you from Him, keep you from be able, fill you with doubt, and fear. It is trying with all its might to kill, steal and destroy you and it will use all that is has to do so.

The PATTERN of gravity that must be. Do not let their face detour you from the business. Lose them all, worry not, you have God Almighty and with Him you will possess all things again and more.

Titus 2:7, " In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, "

I was told to tell of the Lord and not to be timid but to be bold. God gives the increase not you or I, if the Truth offends then so be it. It is not for me to worry about, it is for me to plant and water and God to increase what He wills to be increased. Hearing my friend say how when he was in the Spirit he was absolute in the Way, he told them straightly they were going to hell and he made it known, but the terror of their faces made him fearful and he did not want to turn them away he said. Is own family rejected him and this I know very well, it is not easy. But it proves the book of the Lord to be absolute. You can not love anyone more than the Lord, for when you do you will be fearful of them, rather than please the Lord you will please them and your own flesh and give in. Not stay the course but you will be blown off the course. Your candle hidden, the city on the hill removed. All so you could please men, it is so easily taken if you are not diligent in the fight. Let them be in terror, for they ought to be. By compromising I would be doing great harm to all who see me and hear me. If I do not speak the Truth at all cost them I am not worthy to be saved and in the end I will not be.

Hebrews 4:12, " For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. "

Is that sharp, rude, contemptible, does this not divide asunder the intents of the heart? Does this not make you quake exceedingly. Does the gravity of this Truth not make you grave, is there a joke to be made, something light to be taken, is levity needed here? Could there be a razor that could cut in deeper then the Truth?

Matthew 10:37, " He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. "

I have said it over and over and again I will again say it, write it. The terror of the Lord is awful, and the terror that is coming is a dark and terrible day. It will not be a nice day, it will be a horror to many. Do not allow anyone to lessen the Truth, you being of the Truth you do not lessen it, you sharpen even more. No one is to be spared, not man, women or child all are to be slain by the Word. Do not take from it, do not lessen it so it please anyone but God. How can this not be understood perfectly? Evil is strong in this world, but God is greater. You take from the word when you refuse to express it exactly as God gives it. You add to it when you do not express it exactly as God has given it. To make it dull so it does not hurt anyone is not doing anyone a service, but it is doing all a great disservice. It is killing more than you can count, You who say your are of God and go about murdering them that seek Him. Do not be the false witness, be the True witness that is able to show forth the Life that is only found in Christ.

Again, the everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord is not a joke, not to be made light of, or to be lessened in any way. It is terror beyond all terror to be kept from Him. I was allowed to taste of this terror and it was the worst thing I have ever known and I never want to feel that again. I never want anyone to know it but God wills it. It is a shame to see I have lessened it more than once to try and appeal to someone to be convinced of their error. I saw it back in the beginning and recognized it but was unsure how to explain it and retain it. But God gives the increase it can not be so by my own understanding. I know this but then I was still growing, and still am. This is the true growth, the walk with the Lord and not the forever inability to cease from sin. This is the easy part once you see, yes it is a war, a battle each day but what is it I can not do? The hard thing is the increase for I have no power over it, I can not make it come, I can not control the Holy Ghost, if I could I would be filled again right now. The hard part is the test, the trial by fire, fighting for the Truth, to be increased, to stay the Path so few are able to stay. How many times can this be said? So few are ABLE. How many times can this be ignored by them that only "try"? So few are ABLE, so few believe, so few have faith, true faith, so few are able but many are trying as they like to say, but they are not able. This is the warfare, to be the few who are ABLE, ABLE, ABLE, ABLE, ABLE, of the ability, the power that is found only in the TRUTH. Not the watered down dulled partial truth men sell, but the two edged sword so sharp it divides the joints and the marrow, it discerns the thoughts and INTENTS OF THE HEART, HEART, HEART, HEART...

This is what I heard over and over from my friend, "TRY", but never did I hear once "ABLE". The hard part is coming to the full knowledge of the Truth that you are able, and not just trying all the time and giving up settling for their filthy lies of sin nature and inbility. It is persistence, the book tell us of her. That hard part is to be persistent, not giving up, fighting for that increase. Focus less on the sin and more on the persistence, keep chasing the Lord, keep seeking the increase, for once you get it, sin becomes less and less the focus. Not that it is should be ignored or forgotten, for is will not cease to tempt, to try and get you to sin. You see it more and more clearly and it gets easier to turn from it, see it coming and be ready to defend before it gets near, to give that answer, to explain, to be more than unmovable, but be like that which you stand fast on and for, a Rock, unfazed by the terror upon their faces, unfazed by all the wind of the storms. The hard part is waiting for it to come, that need of patience, but first temperance/self control. First you must RULE over yourself and make no provision for the flesh. If you can not do this you can not possibly be waiting, standing fast, for you are to busy being caught up in other things. You can not advance when you are unable to do so. It all becomes one thing and gets clearer all the time as to being just one thing. That faith and the pattern set in the writings of Peter, to faith add virtue, to virtue add knowledge, to knowledge add temperance, to temperance add patience, to patience add godliness, to godliness add brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness add charity/love. It is all one thing, but without the persistence one will never see it. Faith is love, love is faith, in between are all these quality's that must be present for it to be true faith, true love. A faith working by love, it is love filled with faithfulness in that which ye love. It is a faith filled with love in that which ye have faith in. It is all one thing and it must be complete, perfect so to speak as it was spoken. Be ye perfect as the Father is perfect, be ye holy as the Father is holy, be ye righteous as the Father is righteous and so on. It can not be just faith, it must be faith filled with the works of faith. It must be effectual, it must shown forth in power, ability, or what good is it?

What is it that has not use, no real use, no true use, no value, no profit, no equity? VANITY. It is vain, useless, of no value. To not be grave when you should be nothing but grave, you have lost the value, you are vain, useless, not being able to do what must be done. You become false and one of the things God hates. It is a work to work out your own salvation, how is this something to marvel of? You want to be sharpened, read books that are of the iron, read James, read 1 John, read Titus. My friend professed that he walked in the flesh and yet was certain he pleased God somehow, ye the Truth that is surely rude to him says he cannot please God.

Romans 8:8, " So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. "

The contemptible Truth teaches us what pleases God and it is not walking in the lust of the flesh, having a carnal mind, for they who are these are not subject to His Law.

1 Thessalonians 4:1, " Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. "

Faith establishes the LAW, you must put the ax to the root of evil, that old man must be put to death. You must be born again, raised in the newness of life and if by the Grace of God you find this and I pray you all do, then you must know to escape from them that live in error. Flee from them that feign salvation, who walk in the lust of their flesh and serve platitudes to dismiss the absolute Truth. Do not hear them, do not pretend to fellowship with them, you go and tear down their strongholds while there is time for them to be saved. You are not here to please men but to please God. A bold soldier for Christ is bold as a lion and you spare no one, no man, no women and no child. You speak the Truth at all costs, it is faith working by love and proven by deeds. It is WORKS MEET/WORTHY of repentance. It is Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. It is eat of the butter and the honey to KNOW to refuse the evil and choose the good. It is what grace absolutely is and not that cheap filthy disgusting thing they try to make it into so they can go sin, be unable to cease from sin. There is NOT any freedom in sin, no liberty in sin, only death.

Romans 3:31, " Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. "

2 Peter 2:18, " For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. "

FLEE, flee what? Not try, but do it.

1 Cor 6:18, " Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. "

1 Cor 10:14, " Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. "

2 Tim 2:22, " Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. "

1 Tim 6:11, " But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. "

Lasciviousness, licentiousness, license, liberty, freedom, to live like a devil is a lie of devils. It is sadly what they do to the Truth, trampling the blood of Christ under their feet, making Christ into a minister of sin. It is foul beyond my ability to express how awful such teachings are and yet all these things are the soul of what the pretend church is. A stolen church that destroys as they pretend to be the church. It is why there is no Spirit moving in them and how can it be, for they profess and love the inability and the freedom of being not under a Law that true faith establishes. The carnal minded can not be subject to the LAW of God, for it HATES God. Yet they speak as if they love Him, they pretend to love Him and it is all false. A pretense as they draw close with their lips but their hearts belong to satan. They look like lambs and speak like devils selling the inability, the unholy, the unrighteous, the all done for them, Christ paid it all, do nothing just say you believe.

God forgive them for they know not what they do.

We are to be able to stand in His presence if ye be able, no sin can bear to do this, it is literally impossible for sin to endure the presence of the Lord God Almighty. You are not hidden in your sins from God by Christ, God sees you. You are going to be judged for your deeds, not Christs. You are going to given an account for ever single idle word, how much more for them that were not idle words? You will be either justified by your own mouth or you will be condemned by your OWN mouth. Not one single soul is going to be judged by anothers actions, works, deeds or words. You will reap what you sow and no one else is going to reap that which you have sown. They are liars, I testify what I was given in my death, NONE knew Him, I knew this as sure as I write this. Consider how many are so sure of their salvation, so sure they are known to the Lord Jesus but are not at all known. Hear the Truth that Jesus spoke, hear His words. MANY will seek/try to enter, for there are many who are so sure they belong, just as long as they try, or give lip service of trying, so sure they have been saved by grace, so sure they believe, so sure they have faith, so sure of anyone of these words, so sure they said that silly sinners prayer and were told by a devil you are now in the kingdom, but they were not. Yes it was the devil selling that foul filthy vile lie to all them poor souls so wanting to find the easy way in, to climb over the Gate, to take it by force, by violence, yet it will not be so. I beg, I plead, I beseech and I tell you the Truth. I did not give myself this, what the Lord gave me I tell you. It is all I have, all I can do. Hear the words of Christ "STRIVE" ye, "STRIVE" you o man, fight with all that you possess for that is the absolute cost of it all. With all that you have, heart, mind, body, soul and all your might you fight and you do not stop fighting until the very end. I beg you to stop heeding the words of all those fake church preachers who serve the devil and their own vile lusts through their flesh. Who say God hath said and He said nothing. He has said nothing that they say He said. They who sell the gospel of inability, of no one can, of the filthy rag wretch forever chief of sinners LIE! Run form them, fight with all your might to escape from them, do not go willingly into the place they say come and worship with us. Do not fellowship with darkness. Do not sing with them reprove them, rebuke them, exhort them with the Truth, Give them true encouragement, they have the ability to walk away and be peculiar, separate and to be the thing that displays the POWER OF GOD BEFORE ALL THE WORLD, Go and Sin No More.

Few are able but many try, be able, stop trying and do it.

Luke 13:24, " Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. "

You must be able to stand, stand, stand and that means complete, perfect in all that is Truth. Do not give heed to all the seducing spirits in the world who allure you, entice you with words of fools that please the flesh. Do not be called off to the finished works of Christ being your works already, that the book of Christs life becomes the book of your life. Have you ever heard these thing being sold? Then you have heard satan himself speaking and seen a minister of its (its or satan). The works of Christ are to them that "DO" the works that He worked. It is not imputed, imbued, magically transferred or any other foul invention of men. It is found in them that "DO" as Christ did. It is in them that OBEY what Christ said. Blessed is the man that hears my sayings and DOETH THEM. Blessed is the man that resists temptation not gives into temptation. You are not made strong by being weak to sin, you are made more sinful. You are made strong by being weak to the Lord God Almighty in submission. Submit thyself to God, He is not slack to forgive, unable to save, His hand is not shortened, is ear is not unable to hear. But iniquity, sin has separated you from His hand, sin and lawlessness has kept His ear from hearing you. Do you hear?

2 Peter 3:9, " The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. "

Hear the Truth, Hath God not POWER? Then you who are of Him, hath you no POWER?

Isaiah 50:2, " Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst. "

Isaiah 59:1, " Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: "

It is "YOU" who refuse, you who choose to not refuse the evil that cause yourselves to be separated from Him. It is your will to be where you find yourself and all you have to do is have enough of it, REPENT and turn back, confess and forsake your sins, till up the ground of your heart that you may receive the good seed. Break up the fallow ground of your heart, you do it, you do it, you are able, it is not done for you. You must REPENT and make the Way straight. God will be right there waiting for He desires NONE to perish so why will you O man? Why will you for the lack of knowledge choose sin and death over righteousness and life?

Have you not read that a house divided can not stand? Your house will not be able to stand before God Almighty defiled with sin. You can not serve two masters, you can not know sin and death and know righteousness and life. You can not be drinking out of the cup of the Lord Jesus and out of the cup of devils ie. every foul church pretending to be of God Almighty. You can not sit at the table of the Lord Jesus and the table of devils. You can not be a good tree and a bad tree. Your eye must be what? SINGLE, you can not already be married to another (satan). You must be single in your eye that is set upon the Lord Jesus and Him alone. You can not love your wife more then Christ, or child, or parent, or anything. You can not be divided in your love, it is all or nothing. Again, count the cost, weigh it, understand it, do not attempt to build without knowing this. Do not set your hands to the plough/plow and let go and look back. It is far worse for them that do so. You must realize the cost is your whole house, you are a tabernacle, a temple made with the hands of God Almighty. It can not be defiled, do you not know that all who defile their temples will be destroyed, for a divided house CANNOT stand in the presence of the Lord God Almighty. I tell you what I know, what was given me, I ask for nothing, I do not want you to like me, follow me, give me your money so I can live in a mansion and fly around in planes living off of you. I want you to love Christ who died for you, who suffered so much for you. That is the free gift He gave, His life. So you could be freed from sin and death and able to Go and Sin No More.

Mark 3:24, " And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

Mark 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. "

Gabriel stands in the presence of God because he obeys God, and has not spot, not blemish, not wrinkle. If Gabriel was divided in himself he would not be able to bear the presence of God. Nor can any evil thing bear His presence, have you not heard? The reason for an everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord is because you refuse to obey and Go and Sin No More. Because you have bought the lies of inability, because you doubt, because you have no faith not even as a small mustard seed, for if you did you could move MOUNTAINS. You could be able to do anything, you could ask God in the Name of the Lord Jesus and He would give it to you as long as you did not ask amiss. Do not play the fool what is said is the Truth and ought not be made light of. Do not take the Rock of salvation lightly, for the time is short it is always short, life is but a vapor, do not take this warning lightly, realize the gravity of the situation that lies before all men. FIGHT I say to you all, FIGHT with all that you possess, RUN the race and yield ye not to the evil that is in this world. Stand ye fast and hold fast to the Rock, do not be moved because you are able to not be moved. All severity, all seriousness, being sober I tell you FIGHT with all your might as the Lord Jesus has said. Strive with all your might to enter in for it is not done for you. You must be able to stand in the presence of the Lord. You must be able to endure till the end. You must be able to rejoice at His appearing and I do testify again.

Luke 1:19, " And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. "

You who have sin in you can not bear His presence, the conscience defiled before God is not hidden it is instantly known and it is like your about to be hit by a speeding train, the shock, the terror, the horror of realizing you are found wanting, lost in sin, spots, blemishes and wrinkles, it rips through you and your eyes will be wide and the terror I speak now you will understand completely. As it was shown to me, so I tell you again and again do not take one to many steps, a train is coming and you better prepare now for it. You must be able to stand, you must be of the ability, of the faith, of the understanding of what these things truly mean and not the vain inventions man has created and handed down for thousands of years. Who am I, nobody, but you are worth saving, if I, then you but you must REPENT from the heart. It must be now for now is the time. The urgency I once knew in me faded, yet I recall it. It was any second and I was in constant need of doing it NOW. I testify of the Truth and my conscience bears witness through the Holy Ghost that I lie not. A good conscience before God and all mankind. Eat of the butter and the honey refuse evil, choose good. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

It says it over and over, "YOU" must watch, you must fight, you must "DO", you must because it is NOT done for you. You are not hidden by Christ as you wallow in the mire, that is what satan sells. The lies remains the same, you shall not surely die, yes you will surely die. For true faith is faithful and is obedient to God, without this you will die, you will go to hell, you will suffer the everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the smoke of your torment will rise forever and ever before the Lamb and His angels. I testify for I know this torment, it was shown to me and it was exceedingly great, beyond mans ability to understand. I can not express something so awful. To be kept, separated from all that is good and surrounded by all that is evil, to have a lust that can not ever be quenched, a fire burning in you that can not ever by lessened. A want so powerful that is torments you in a way no words spoken by any man could ever express. I beg you to realize the chains that bind me to bring forth such Truth a sword so sharp that it divides, Christ came not to bring peace but division. I do not want anyone to know this horror, to know not one single drop of good, a perfect horror. NO rest, NO peace, NO safety, NO love, NO kindness, NO mercy no not one single drop of mercy, not one single drop of any of it. I speak the Truth in the Name of God Almighty I tell you the Truth. Do not take this warning lightly, do not cast it behind thee. Truly count the cost, truly weigh what lays in the balance, the vision was true, what I felt was for you to be told. So many things I want to express, but my hands can not type, my mind lacks the ability to express it all, I do try, I do ask you to forgive me in my lack. Forgive me for every second I have wasted since coming to the Truth that I have not written, spoken or tried in some way to convince anyone, someone who is lost in this world of the Truth, forgive me.

Luke 21:36, " Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. "

I recall when I was told to tell of Him, how after I thought "tell them what"? What did I know? Then all that took place after, how it all was given to me, all that I would need, all that He wanted me to say would come out of it. The testimony He gave to me and not me creating it. I still find it hard to believe this is me writing, yet here I am. It makes me cry right now, tears in my eyes, God called me, saved me just before I was going to hell. I was more than worthy of it, and yet here I am doing what He asked me to do. I am telling you about the Lord Jesus, me (as I point my finger back at me), me Leslie Wayne Ross is telling others about Jesus Christ. People say there are no more miracles being done, nonsense, look at me, I am writing about Jesus Christ Lord and Savoir of all who will come to Him. Absolutely a miracle it is that I am doing this, Amen and praise God for it I do Amen.

Can you hear the Truth in the word "STAND". To be able, to have the ability. It is power, it is speaking of you being able to be a doer and not just a hearer. It is far greater than that thing called the church, far greater then that foul lie of the american gospel, shame on all those souls who will have to answer for that. God forgiven them, for they truly are lost. God forgive them that shut up the Way to the Truth to have Life, if it be in Your will to do so Amen. Stand, be able, for you can because you are able. Again, what did God tell Cain? Who can answer this? Cain do well and you will be accepted, do not well and sin will lie at your door and desire to rule over you but you Cain rule over it. You do it Cain for you are as able as your brother Able.

Genesis 4:7, " If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. "

You "DO" it Cain for I am not going to do it for you, but I have told you Cain all that you have to "DO" but Cain refused to heed the Lord God and he slew Able. Cain killed the ability to do and chose to accept the inability, the very thing they who pretend to be the Church offer all who will sadly fall prey to them. Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Lutheran, Baptist, Jehovahs Witness, Methodist and each and every single one of the denominations of men all selling the lie of inability. In one form or another and in the end it is all the same license to sin that satan sold to Eve, you shall not surely die. Yes you will surely die if you buy from them that glory outwardly for appearance. Yes you will die if you listen to them that promise liberty as they themselves serve corruption. They who can not cease from sin, empty wells, useless, of no value, no equity and what is equity? Truth.

When you tell them this you will see the terror in their faces and do not be moved by them, do not fear their faces. Fear God and tremble at the Truth, tear down all the strongholds built with untempered mortar, lies, deceit, hatred, sin, lust, want, deception, they yearn to be in their sins loving the filthy lies of sin nature, born to sin, born in sin, liberty they scream it from the tips of their tongues, Christ did it all for us we need to do nothing but accept Him!

Does this offend you? It does not offend God, the Truth does not offend anyone who loves the Truth, it is a joy to them. I would rather know I am not saved than to be those who pretend to be, or once were but have turned away from the Holy Commandment once received. I would rather know for certain where I am standing so I can either hold tighter, or let it go and grab a hold of what I should have been holding all along. Love correction, despise it not.

It is remission of sin past and not permission to sins future.

Seek, Repent and Sin No More.

This is my Lords day, a day made foe me and not I for it. A day to rest and be renewed, a day He rested and I desire to do as He.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...


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