Again, Preaching Righteous Obedience

My Lord:

It is all one absolute thing, obedience. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Perfection is obeying, completeness is obeying, faith, belief, loyalty, fidelity, trusting, each and ever word all leads to one Way, one Path, One Truth, one belief. A path defined by definition leads to one Lord, it does so faithfully through obedience. From beginning to end and everything in between, obedience. Monogamy, sincerity, severity, grave, gravity, soberness, obedience. No matter where you start, obedience. No matter where you end, obedience. First and the last, obedience. The doer is doing, is obeying, is obedient.

Stand fast being perfect and complete, obedience. Encouragement, yes you can hold to the Truth. Yes you can hold fast. Yes you can stand fast. Yes you are able to do all things through Christ whom is our strength. Encouragement is obedience, it is to that which ye yield yourselves servants to obey, to obey, to obey, to obey. It is either sin and death, or righteousness and Life. It is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of the One True Living God. A terror of the greatest and a joy to know the terror to them that love Him. Who will be able to stand in that day?

One is either slaying or being slayed. The Truth or a lie! Obeying from the heart, that is, out of love or not.

You either serve Life or death, there is no other thing. It is "two" and you get to choose to whom ye yield yourselves servants to, sin unto death or obedience unto righteous. It can not be said to much, to often, it is never enough. Cement thyself with mortar tempered, the Word of God has been tried, tested, tempered seven times. The words of the Lord will try all who dare to read, to hear, to obey, it will build you up, that high tower, the buckler, hedged about with Truth, a city with a wall that nothing can enter in but YOU allow it. No empty words can move you. No wind can toss you to and fro. You will be a well filled with water, clouds filled with water. You will be a servant worthy of the Master, a vessel meet for the Masters use. Rise up and sin not, fight the good fight of faith WORKING by love and PROVEN by deeds. They are synonymous, deeds and works, you will be known by thy fruits, works, they are synonymous. All of it again obedience, and obedience brings fruit, righteousness. God loveth the righteous, for the righteous obey from the heart. The righteous hear His voice and obey it. The righteous hear His voice and follow it. The righteous hear His voice and will follow no other voice. For God loveth them that loveth Him, and truly we have not loved till we have been loved by Him. To be forgiven so much, one loves so much more. Let the filthy be filthy, let the just be just. Resist not evil, resist the devil. Resist not God, submit thyself unto Him.

Psalms 12:6, " The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. "

Submission is weakness, and it is obedience. Made strong in WEAKNESS, not to sin, but submission to that which is greater. In this weakness one is made perfectly strong, perfectly complete. Built up a high tower filled with power, shielded from the foolishness, fiery darts of nonsense, of lies, of half truths, deceptions, all from them that serve that evil one. Nothing can move you but you open the gates, guard your hearts diligently. Do not allow anyone to work out your salvation, but you desiring to eat, must work. They who say not of works are liars, deceivers, using the Truth with deception, wanting to consume it upon their own lusts. They mislead, and all who love the Truth can not be moved by them. No greater power is there than God Almighty, no sin so great that one just can not but be a doer of that sin. That is doubt sold and bought by them who love provisions for their own lusts.

We are workers with God, fellow labours with God, called into the FURNACE of affliction, to be tried, tested, tempered, to come through it stronger by doing what is right, obedience. Grown up in the Truth, for a lie does not grow. Built up how? through obedience, regard the works of the Lord God Almighty, regard it and follow it. The operation is virtue, it is effectualness, it is proof of thine state of being. Whom do ye love? Whom do ye trust? Whom do ye serve? Hearken unto the Lord, the Truth, the Word and you will be build up by God, and what God builds no man can destroy, nothing can be taken from it or added to it. It can not be changed, the same today, the same everyday. Be not moved by great swelling words of emptiness, tossed about by enticing, flattering words that allure through the lust of the flesh. God sees YOU, nothing is hidden, through Christ you are made clean, do not forsake the blood, Go and Sin No More. Be it you have heard truly and not pretending, then being awoken, sin not. Fight for it, live for it, die for it. Give it all, for it, for nothing in this world is worth losing ones soul. What is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God? Find it and do it, be ye perfect as told, complete as told, be without spot, without blemish, without wrinkle. All glory to the Lord, who gave His all for us. They say it requires nothing and surely not your all, but the greatest of all Commandments is the Truth. With all thine heart, soul, body, mind, might and strength, love ye the Lord God Almighty.

Psalms 28:5, " Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up. "

Who knows not Acts 5? What did they do worthy of death? Kept money? No! They lied about giving their all. No this, there are people who will tell you you do not have to give your all. I have no doubt they can twist the Truth about Ananias and Sapphira into something for the flesh to consume. The simple Truth of it is they held back their all and for it, we are shown the cost of doing so is death, that everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord.

John 14:15 never leaves me, it has been there since I started reading out of the book of the Lord. Stuck to me like sap of a tree, tattooed upon my heart and my mind. If you love the Lord Jesus then you will do ONE absolute thing, keep the Commandments. Love is walking, doing, keeping, maintaining the Commandments of God Almighty. Everything Paul wrote were the Commandments of the Lord. How many "do this" and "do not that" can one count in just his writings alone? Again, IF you love Him you will be a doer of the Word. Obeying from the Heart, for if you do with all thine heart, you may. Do well and you will be accepted Cain, hear ye the Living God, do not well and sin will rule your life. If you love someone truly, you set out to prove it to them. By mere words alone? Absolutely not, but in works, in deeds, in actions. Again, anyone can recall what they have done for the love of another and the extremes they went through to be noticed by the one they loved. What would one not give? Without any lessons, one produces the effects of the Law of Love, they give all they can out of that love. They become obedient to the Law which proves their love, proves they love, produces fruit that shows forth to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. No shame, no doubt, let them all see it, whom do I love and yield myself servant to? God Almighty, the One True Living God, the Most High God, gave us Law. He gave us an expression of love so perfect that once recognized it makes one cry, makes me cry. Gods testimony to all is Law, the Law of Love, and what is love? Go learn what it is, prove it to yourselves, define it, do the work.

John 14:15, " If ye love me, keep my commandments. "

I cry knowing I broke the Commandments that God gave so I could be in His presence, so I could walk with Him, follow Him, hear Him, know His love towards all of them that love Him. To know because of my actions I separated myself from a love that is literally perfect, words can not express it, there is no measure that can be brought to it. A perfect expression of love, would it not be nice if we did that for each other in this life. Hang a sign up that says if you love me, do this and that, and you will prove your love to me. God certainly did, He hung a sign for all to see, Obey this and that and you will have a life abundantly. By doing this, this and that, you will shine forth thine love towards Me and I will see it, hear it and I will return that love 30, 60 even 100 times more than I received it.

Proverbs 8:17, " I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. "

Over and over again one can read, they who love Jesus, keep His Commandments, everything His disciples wrote are Commandments of the Lord Jesus. That the Commandments are love, are an expression of love towards all who obey them and desire in their hearts to walk with God. The Ark of Testimonies, Gods testimony to all who love Him, held the Commandments. If you Love Me, keep My Commandments. The heart that is written upon by the Lord contains what? The Commandments. The vessel, the ark, that now carry forth the love of God is what, is who?

John 14:21, " He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. "

Psalms 109:5, " And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. "

Who hates the Law and professes it without blushing? Who makes void the Law? Who has hatred for the Law of God, the Love of God?

1 John 5:3, " For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. "

2 John 1:6, " And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. "

I love Thy testimonies, for they convict me, teach me, show me, guide me and truly it is a schoolmaster that once OBEYED, is no longer needed. For there is NO Law against doing what is right, for sin is the transgression of the Law. You that are REALLY, TRULY in Christ have no need of a schoolmaster, for if it be true, then you love Him and keep His Commandments. Going and Sinning No More, obeying from the heart the teachings of God, cups filled and overflowing, able.

Psalms 119:119, " Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. "

Consider what man will do for love, to be ravished by love. When one defines "ravished" one reads how great the expression is being made to be overcome by the love of the Law of God. Psalms 119 the longest of all Psalms why? The Law that is love expressed to all whom desire the Way to the Truth to have Life. The greatest purpose of all, to love something so much more than ones self, they will give it all to that which is loved above all things. Nothing before it, nothing after it. No other image of it will do, once had, nothing can be compared to it. Nothing else can or could satisfy thee, I will give my heart to none other than Thine Truth. Faithful, I believe, I have faith only in Thee and that which Thou has expressed to me to be the Way to show forth my love. I will do all I can to keep that which is required of me. Fidelity, yea, loyalty, yea, submission, yea and more, all that I possess I will give unto Thee. Heart, mind, body, soul ,might and strength, I lay it all at Thine feet and weep, O Lord Thou art mine hearts desire and I will look unto no other, I look no further than Thee.

Proverbs 5:19, " Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. "

Why would one leave their first love for a stranger? Knowing the Law of the Lord and turning from it for the lies of another. Look at Solomon, having been ravished with the Truth, turning from it for a stranger. Learn not the ways of the heathen. Why would embrace the ways of others you know to be false, lies, death? For all who hate God, love death. What is thy first love? Who told you the Truth and set you free and gave you the Way?

Proverbs 5:20, " And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? "

Again, love is keeping the Commandments, be ravished by them, for they are loving, pleasant and to be desired, greatly to be desired. They are Life, protection, a high wall, a tower, a shield, an hedge about thee that can not be over come by this world or them who love the world, who are friends with the world. What pleases God? If you love Him, one ought to easily be able to give an answer.

When I found someone that captured my heart I wanted to know what pleased them, so I could do that thing. Not just do it, but do it before them so they could witness my expression of Love towards them, that I might, just maybe win (a race is won) their love in return. With God, it is absolute, I know if I obey from my heart, that I will not be forsaken. Unlike all the times one finds themselves trying to express their love and it goes unanswered, ignored, unwanted, forsaken.

God Almighty has made it perfectly clear what pleases Him, over and over again. If you seek out of the book of the Lord you will find the same Truth revealed over and over. He loves obedience, He loves righteousness, He loves uprightness, He loves Truth, He loves what is just, He loves mercy, He loves godliness, He loves faithfulness, He loves sincerity, He loves loyalty, He loves holiness, for holiness is the very beauty of Him. He loves them that love Him and they who love Him are to do well, well, being right, pleasing and good. We know what is good, God is good. God has given to us testimony in so many ways it is hard to impossible to express them all. God gave us the ark of testimony and in that testimony we have the Commandments, His love towards all who will come after Him and desire to be with Him.

What is loves? We can easily answer this question by the book of the Lord.

Love is, keeping the Commandments of God Almighty. The Lord God said "tell them about Me", I, loving Him, gladly obey and so I tell about Him. Not with words only, but my life, doing all I can to chase after and produce that image of God, not by my hands, but by His. He guideth, He moldeth, I OBEY! He saith, I DO. He showeth, I SEE. He speaketh, I hearken. I wait upon Him, I inquire of Him, I cast my cares unto Him and when He answers me, I am ready and waiting. No matter the time it takes, no matter how much my flesh wants, I wait patiently on Him. Yes I groan and moan, for I desire to be again in His presence, but I wait, I endure, I keep my eyes set upon the prize. Ever hoping, for we are saved by hope. Yes the flesh complains, it wants what it once had, liberty in sin, freedom to do whatever pleased it, but I refuse the evil, I deny the flesh the lust and the temptation offered. For I will not conceive sin into the world any longer. Set free, received that gift Christ gives to all who obey from the heart and Repent, FORGIVENESS!

Proof, Gods love is that we keep His Commandments. Our love is keeping the Commandments. Gods expression of love to us is the Commandments for He wants us to be with Him, but true love forces no one to love. Our expression of love towards God is obeying His Commands. Walk ye in them and ye will be able to walk with Him. The desires of thine heart will be given. What is sown will be reaped. Like for like, kind for kind, to the faithful, faithfulness, to the merciful, mercy, to the kind, kindness, eye for eye, love for love, truth for truth, faith for faith.

1 John 5:3, " For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. "

2 John 1:6, " And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. "

James 2:13, " For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. "

Matthew 5:7, " Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. "

I love the testimonies of God, for they are His expression of love towards me. A sign is placed high up for all to see, if you want to love Me, then this is how. God hates wickedness, so I will put wickedness away from me and therefore I prove that I love His testimonies, His Commandments. A banner, a flag, a standard, always looking for it. Measures, costs, required, what is good? Be ye perfect, so seek after that which is Commanded. Be ye holy, so seek after that which is Commanded. Do not harm, resist not evil, turn thy cheek, submit thyself unto God, dig deep, which Commandments are not to be heard and done? You are able, so why would I hear someone, anyone tell me that I am not. Whom do I love? Whom do I serve? God or men? Who do I cast all my cares upon? Whom do I do all things unto? God or men? The traditions of men or the Commandments of God? What does ones heart truly desire, sacrifice or obedience? Is not mercy better than sacrifice? That is called obedience to the Truth. He is faithful when all others forsake.

Psalms 119:119, " Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. "

No matter where I look I see the same image over and over. The Truth is all one thing, it is all that is good. If you define a path by definition, you will see it, the path becomes one Way, one thing, it becomes absolute. There is no such thing as a love that is unfaithful, you can pretend but a lie never becomes the Truth. I hear so many speak of it, but never express it, or define it. Not in words or deeds. So many profess faith but ask them what faith is? They say grace but ask them what grace is? They say they believe, ask them what is believe? It is all one thing, all the same thing, forward and backwards reveals the same quality's, virtues, no matter how one slices it, it all tastes the same, smells the same. Faith works by love and is proven by deeds. Faith contains virtue, effectual operation of ones fact of state of being. From faith to love and from love to faith, faith to faith. It is faithful, loyal, sincere, truthful, trusty, monogamous, submits, filled with fidelity, righteous, pure, true, clear, complete, it is obedience absolute. There is no belief without faith and no faith without belief. There is no love without fidelity and not fidelity without love. What one loves is what one obeys from their heart. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. What one yields themselves to is what one loves, is where one will find their heart, is where one finds their treasure, is what they will speak of, is what they work for, fight for, die for, cry for, sigh for, hunger for, yearn for, wait for, live for. Absolute devotion is an eye single indeed. The reason one wakes and rises up and does what ever it is they may do. Tell me what you said today, tell me what you did today, I will tell you who you are.

If you Love God obey Him. He Commands all men everywhere to Repent. That is a Commandment, not a suggestion. It comes from the heart and not some simple change of mind. It is so much more than thy who profess to have done so, saying it is.

Define Repent truthfully, for your own self. You do it, don't let anyone tell you what it is. You do it, you go learn what this means and then you do it. If you love Him and desire Him. If your hearts desire is to be set free from the bondage of sin and death, of dead works, then obey the sign that says if you Love Me, Keep My Commandments. A preacher of righteousness, it is obedience unto righteousness. It is they who do righteousness that are righteous even as Christ is righteous. His finished works are no ones finished works but THEY DO THE WORKS. No one and I mean not even one is clothed in the righteousness of Christ but they actually put that clothing of righteousness on themselves. If they do it, for no one can do it for you. Despite all the filthy lies, no one can do it for you or has done it for you. Christ obeyed for us, so we could have that righteous example and follow it, obey that Truth, that example, do not invent another in which it is done for you. He did not do it so we could provide lip service to His service and make it ours by just saying I have faith, I believe, grace or love. Pick the word the professed love to trample, for without the works it is dead, useless, vain, of no value. You can love your husband with your mouth all you want, but as you lay with another, you certainly do not love him. Sin is transgression of the Law, it is cheating on thine first love, fornication, idolatry, adultery. You can go back home and say it, profess it, but pretending is not truth, truthful or true. You loved one and hated the other. You loved one and pretended with the other. You can not truly love two, you will always love one and that love will cause you to hate the other, to neglect it, to be partial.

They can say once saved always saved until the Lord comes and it will not make them anymore saved then anyone else who has not Repented, let go of sin, turned from it. They can speak of whatever foolish invention they have purchased and or chase, it will not in the end make them anymore known of the Lord then they where before they started pretending. You can turn the Grace of God into some cheap cover that prevents God from seeing you and only sees Christ and it still will not make it so. You can say grace is unmerited favor and yet it is only part of the Truth. If you Repent then it is merited, promised even, but the time to work it out is not merited, the work that Christ did on the cross is not merited. You can say you love the Lord with all your heart but if you sleep with His enemy (sin is transgression of the Law and the wage is death) you certainly do not love Him with all your heart. You can make provisions of all sorts, license to sin, liberty to sin, saved in sin, total depravity, born to sin, born in sin, God made me this way and whatever else one creates to hide themselves in the lust of their own flesh and it will not make the true Grace of God change into a lie, or any one of those lies any more true. You can say Psalms 51:5 prove God made you a sinner, twisting things to allow for reason you can not, will, and do not need to obey and it will never in all understanding of time, make it true.

You can build mountains of reasons to obey not. Excuses upon excuses for why you refuse to obey from the heart and not one of them will be true. You can obey or you can rebel, you are given the freewill to choose and it is factually simple. You choose to be whatever you choose to be, life does not dictate to anyone whether they will obey God or not. One either does it, or they do not. One either love Him and knows they are being tested, the trials of faith or they do not. There are no sinning saints of God, no, heaven is not filled with sinners, no, the born again are not that which they were. No matter what the professed proclaim is the Truth of being forgiven already, past, present and future, saved already. It is not true, and it will never be true no matter how much they beat that lie, it will remain a lie. Salvation cometh after one wins, having endured the race. I can not have obtained that which I hope for, or I would not be hoping for it. If I could see it, I could not hope for it. Get them to stop fighting for it and they will go to sleep and the enemy will devour them. The crown is the prize, life everlasting and Christ is Life, you can not put on what is laid up waiting for you at the finish line but you cross the finish. They who endure till the end will be saved, no others.

1 Corinthians 9:24 , " Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. "

I know what I fight against, I was shown it, seen the devils possessing others with my own eyes. I saw the terror, the fear they expressed when they realized I could see them. I also saw the pleasure they had in my pain. Which I have wrote of many times. I know the Truth beyond the possibility of doubt. I do not beat the air, I am not running a race of maybe, I am certain of it, so I fight the good fight of faith working by love and proven by deeds.

1 Corinthians 9:26, " I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: "

No matter how small the work I may do, or how great, I know it will not be in vain. Even if I am castaway, cast out, I know what work I do is not in vain. If even just one seed sprouts up and God increases it, then it was worth it. Whatever I suffer, it is worth it, for I am worthy to suffer so much more, I am worthy of death. So what God giveth I will praise Him no matter what, no matter where.

Philippians 2:16, " Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. "

Paul knew he ran a good race, his conscience clear in the matter. He knew he had not yet obtained but in the day of the Lord he had great hope to be crowned indeed, for he would love the appearing of the Lord.

2 Timothy 4:7, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. "

Knew one could not have it yet for what would he hope for if he had it already. Why would he run if he had already had received the gift of eternal life?

Romans 8:24, " For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. "

Anything new? Love the Lord and hate evil... Obey the Truth and sin not. Have no pleasure in unrighteousness or them that do unrighteousness. You keep your heart, it is not kept for you. You run the race, it is not run for you. You obey from the heart. You do well. You keep the commandments.

Psalms 97:10, " Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. "

They lie so often about the Truth, many easily fall for the provisions they sell. Paul followed after PERFECTION, you will not find the hypocrites speaking of perfection but to make it void, to make it nothing to be desired. When one should be giving their all for it, to attain it. Never as if they have attained it but always running, racing, striving, fighting for it. Not that useless excuse of chief of sinners, filthy rag forever wretch, none are righteous, none seek after God. Do not allow yourselves to fall for the false version of Romans 3 and Romans 7, that those who can not cease from sin sell, do not be merchandised by them.

Philippians 3:12, " Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. "

Again, we see the Truth if we will hear it. By doing what is right one shall be stronger and stronger. Shall be built up as to be unmovable by all the fiery darts of the devil and those who serve him will shot at anyone trying to run the good race. They who dig for your soul. The righteous WILL hold on to their Way, the Way that is Christ. Abounding more and more in grace, that teaching that abounds more and more in the place that sin abounds more and more. They who know grace, know strength by the Truth of what grace is, they are obedient to the grace that has taught them to refuse evil and choose good (obedience). To deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live sober, righteous and godly in this present world (obedience). Where sin abounds, the teaching of grace abounds more in them that know grace, that love the Truth. Who have taken this time of grace to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Studying to show themselves approved, affirming they are in the faith. Defining the Truth by definition and holding unto that Truth with their all. Letting it all go, so they can grasp tighter unto the Truth.

What is in thine hand? Truth and nothing else. I have set it all down, gave it all away, there is nothing more for me than the Love of my Lord Jesus who gave His all for me. I will work it out, I will work with Him, I will do as asked, I will work. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Daily seek the Truth and the Truth will not forsake you. Be always about the business of the Father. WHO ARE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS? THEY WHO DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER. They who obey, who are obedient to the Truth. They who fear God and keep the Commandments. It matters not what others may do or say, you obey, your obedience unto righteousness, not clothed about you because you said you believe, not imbued in you because you say you have faith, not imputed to anyone but they show forth the fruit of a good tree. The commandment is Love and Love is walking in the Commandments. Christ obeyed so you could obey too, not so you could make excuses for the rest of ones life to live and believe like the devils.

Job 17:9, " The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger. "

Psalms 35:7, " For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. "

In the Name of God we will set up our banners, fly our flags, a standard set up, and being done for all to see. I will profess the Truth all the days that remain of my life. Told to tell of him and I will obey and tell. Having heard I will speak constantly of that which I heard and I will not be silent or silenced by the deceit of sin. For sin is that separation from the presence of God and it silences them lost to it. They can speak but they will not have the Spirit of Power. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteous. A banner, awake to righteousness, which is obedience and sin not. A flag, Go and Sin No More. The bar raised? ABSOLUTELY the bar has been raised by Christ and by grace for it is obedience. We rise to meet that bar, we rise from the dead to meet that which has been set, the righteous example of our Lord and Saviour

Psalms 20:5, " We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the LORD fulfil all thy petitions. "

Christs righteous example, sinned not, obeyed from His heart the Father who asked of Him everything, perfection, complete surrender. Called Him into a furnace of affliction and through suffering was perfected, suffering for doing what was right in the sight of the Father. Through obedience was humbled, putting nothing before the Father, no one and not even Himself. Set the bar, showed forth a standard, a banner created and a flag flown for all to witness, to see it and hear it. If you saw Him, you have seen the Father. If you heard Him, you have heard the Father. If you love Him, you Love the Father and the Father will love you.

John 14:21, " He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. "

I know this verse is true, and I can write how it makes me cry, makes me recall the greatest thing I have ever known. A treasure that I want to share with anyone who wants to share it. Given a testimony that shook me long after I was shaken by it (shook is the past tense of shaken), I still am shook by what took place. It consumes me all the time, at times perfect peace and at times lost in questions I get no answers to. I Repented without knowing I was doing so, I confessed without realizing I was. Creation was testifying to me that God is and I had no idea till I realized it, saw it, believed it. I was keeping the Commandments and had no idea what they were, for all that is written are Commandments. Despite what they who have made them void say about them, about works, about every lie they hold upon high and call truth but are not the Truth. I was no one and still am no one, I am pricked constantly by the devil and it takes so much to endure it at times, yet keep me low O Lord. The past is the past and I do look forward to what is to come, but I see how easy one could think more of them self then they are after having received what I received. I understand that but I understand nothing.

War is ever before me and yet I want to flee it and never do I want to be freed from it as long as I have Christ. I yearn to be with Christ and know it is better for that one who reads this or those I am allowed to give this testimony I was given, to share it freely in the hope it might plant that seed the Lord will increase. The yearning to be with Him and the knowing I was told to tell of Him. To obey this I must remain here and work this out, endure it till the end. I yearn for someone to make it all perfectly clear and tried to find that in the beginning of other men, knowing now nothing in this world could ever make clear any of this, no man can explain to me what I lived.

It all brings me low and keeps me there, it is what I prayed for over and over, keep me low. I know I must be here to keep my mind upon the Truth. Not so little that I curse and deny the Father, not to much that I forget the Father. I know so much and yet I know nothing. Remove useless things out of my life so I do not waste this time to work this out for myself with the Lord. Give to me things to eat that are convenient for me, that will increase me in Truth, that I may increase the Father who does get His by usury. Let me not say Lord Lord and do not what He has said to do. Let me not take His Name in vain, saying the Lord and yet showing no evidence the Lord has said. Search me O Lord till there be nothing found that ought not be. Try me till I be true, tempered and sure. Let there be no secret thing that I have not purged from me.

Proverbs 30:8, " Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:

Prov 30:9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. "

When Christ manifest Himself in me it was and still is unspeakable and yet I speak of it. I can not believe so few want to talk about it. It bores most, and yet it is the only thing I want to talk about. Even though I have spoken of it over and over and I can see they placate me with there imprisoned attention, not all. I desire that interaction but the cost is grief. I hate saying "again" but I will none the less say it and yet I hate it not. If I had great riches of the world, I could have their attention. Hoping each time that I share it I will find something missed and it would be this time that I find that thing that I know not what it is, that would open it all up, understand perfectly, clearly, without anymore questions. Go over each event, the hearing how I was forgiven, the bright light within me, the visions, the knowing, the being told to do this or that, to go here or there. The dreams, the dream that came true right before my eyes. The fire ball falling from the sky. Seeing time stop right before my eyes. The rainbows seen from every light. The Hand of God upon my forehead. Being drained to the point I could not lift my own legs after having died and heard within me that which I heard. Dancing and having Christ reveal Himself in me and the perfection I tasted of, the vision right after that ripped all of that out of me, the horror of it, the shock. The joy of having known it and the sadness it was taken so quickly. The hate from those I thought would never look at me in that way and the love from them I never would of guessed. The joy and the pain, the feeling of every emotion all at once, all the shame and guilt, all the mercy and thankfulness. The fear and the joy, a cup overflowing in a way that words fail at every utterance.

All the tears I have cried, all the begging, the pleading, the yearning, the fighting, the confusion, the knowing and not knowing. All the reading that confirmed to me and all the reading that went in one eye and out the other. Being filled with the Holy Ghost and the knowing it was leaving me, slowly, but it was leaving and I could do nothing to keep it, no matter how much I cried, begged, pleaded, I knew I would not be allowed to remain in the state I was. How much I wanted, needed to share this with anyone and know that they understood the pain I was and am in all the time, it never goes away.

Not looking for followers, likes, pity, or anything like to these, but understanding I yearn for. Like mind I cry for, to find that thing that has not a name, a word that could express this thing I yearn for. That thing that would ease all of this, does it exist in this world? I do not believe it does. The peace and mercy and joy, and love, and kindness, and rest that I knew for a whole second when Christ manifest Himself in me, will I ever have that again in this life? Can I talk to anyone in this world and find any answers to my questions? If I tell of all that I lived enough times will it just happen, will suddenly I find that peace? Just like that faithful night I heard I was forgiven out of no where, there He was, will it be like that? If I stand upon my head, breath in a certain pattern, blinking my eyes, or keeping them shut, holding my breath, lay still, move a lot, cry more, cry not at all, shake, moan, laugh, jump, lay flat, read this, or read nothing, speak to the right person or speak to no one ever, write more or write never again. What thing or things, what combination of things, or nothing will get me the answers I seek? Allow me to be filled as I once was?

I know I have no power to retain the Holy Ghost, to make it come or go or stay. Like the wind is, I can not see it, but I can feel it, but I know not if it goes over there, or goes over here, I can not have power over it. To be filled again, to hear what I heard again, to feel what I felt again, to have what I had again. Like winning the lottery, I have no idea I was going to win it the first time and even though I am rich beyond measure, I want to win it again but I have no clue if it will blow here or there. Is this wrong, selfish, wanting? Is it wrong to cry for it, mourn for it, yearn for it, knowing some have never in all their lives lived what I have. While I want all to have it just as I, ought I not want it so others can too? These are just a scratch upon the surface of things that tear through me constantly. A battle rages within me, not flesh and blood, but spiritual. I seek to have her, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, self control, patience, godliness. To have them and be able to share them by doing them as the example was given. To show forth and give to others by doing that which I know must be. To be obedient unto death so others may know absolutely they can if I can. Christ overcame the world already, made an open show of it for all to see, to witness and be able to do likewise if they would desire it with all their hearts. It is not robbery to be equal with the Master. I know what I know and by whom it was given to me.

When the day came that I read Ecclesiastes, and heard that no man has the power to retain the Spirit, all my begging and crying would not make it stay in me. While it brought understanding, it did not stop me from wanting it. Peace to a certain degree, but oh how I yearn. Always a betwixt, caught between what must be and that is better for others and knowing how much better it would be to be back in the presence of the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 8:8, " There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. "

The last thing I was told after I had died "be careful for what you ask for". Did this mean things I already had asked for, or things to come, or both? Who could answer that? NO ONE in this world could, and that, I have no power over, or ever will. I know the only one who can answer it and it is not happened yet. Six years now. I never thought six more years would I live and yet here I am. It felt as if it was NOW! It was so powerful, NOW, do it NOW, get it done NOW!

The vision of lust that I was shown, who wants to hear about it?

To be completely separated from God, not one single drop of anything good. No kindness, no mercy, no satisfaction, no joy, no peace, no rest, no safety, no love. No not a single drop of it, imagine it? Imagine not a single drop ever, just pure lust, wantonness without limit. It could not be measured ever and it never ceased, just pure want. NO matter what it had, it wants more. No matter if the one thing it wanted most was received it would not quench the wanting. One could cry forever and it no one would ever offer to help, to console you, to try and relieve you, but rather would add to your weight. Even though it had no real pleasure in doing so, for it could not know what pleasure truly is. Hatred, pure hate and it was disgusting, vile, a horror to be in the presence of evil with no mixture. I burned instantly, a fire ripped through me, I was tormented instantly, and I know smoke rose from me.

When I tell people about it, I expect something, I am looking for something in them. Not accolades, for I can not be praised for something I had nothing to do with. I did not give myself this testimony it was given. Looking for that spark of praise be to God Almighty. God be praised for the insight, for the increase, and praising God is increasing Him and that is what deep within one looks for. By sharing this, did it increase the Lord God Almighty? When you see a true interest in their eyes, the eagerness, to understand it with you, knowing a seed was planted and one day the Lord will make it grow. In that hope, hope it will grow strong and they will be able to stand upon the Rock of Truth and never be moved by all the lies. They will be obedient out of love and yearn, crying, to have that which I cry and die for each day, hating this life, not ever wanting to find it again. Thine eye becoming single and it looks upon one Truth, one Faith, one baptism, one Lord God. Obedience unto righteousness, if I will obey from the heart I will endure all of this until whatever end God has for me. In that end somehow, in someway I will increase God who gave me so much more for such a little thing that I am. How to grasp this, hold unto it and not be lost forever. Truly it is all vanity but the winning of souls...

Ecclesiastes 2:17, " Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit. "

Who wants to hear how Christ is perfect and in His presence everything I ever wanted was fulfilled perfectly?

A love so perfect it makes you cry, and yet filled with a joy that no one will ever understand but they know Christ. That the hole that is in everyone, and I mean all. All trying to fill the same hole with this world and they never will be able to. Never able to have peace with whatever they try to fill it with but it be Christ. I never knew love until the moment, true love without limit, without measure. Nothing I write can relate this, nothing I ever do will speak the Truth of perfection being real. I had rest, peace, and safety. I knew mercy perfectly, kindness, joy, Truth, and love without limit and it was beautiful and I at times can not bear the loss of it. It was but a second maybe, a whole second in the presence of the Lord in me. Here is the Truth beyond all Truths that I know for certain, besides God is. That when I was shown that image of lust, as I was in the presence of evil absolutely perfected to a degree that not one drop of goodness could be tasted. God was not there with me, near me, or in me. That evil instantly separated me from Him, it ripped it out of me, robbed me, I felt as if I had been robbed, cheated, it was stolen from me and I was just the presence of evil. That sin is the gap, the divide that separated all from the Truth of God Almighty. That in sin no one can know Him, feel that perfection that can not be understood, measured, imagined. That nothing man can ever do in this world will ever allow them to feel what I felt, know what I know but they REPENT. They can invent all they ever could and it will never allow them to know perfection. They will never fill that hole everyone seeks to fill. I do not care what anyone says, they can say they are content, have peace or whatever they may say to placate themselves. ALL HAVE THE SAME HOLE, that hole can not be filled with anything but the Truth. All can watch tv, listen to music, be entertained with whatever it may be to distract them of that hole, it will never go away, it will always desire to be filled and men will always try to fill it. Watch as many preachers as you can, give all your money to fools, go to so called churches every sunday forever and it will not fill that hole.

Diatribe, a bunch of words pouring out of me, wanting simply to share with anyone this gift that I was given. I have said everything and nothing, and I could just keep going on, saying it over and over in the hope it helps just one. In the hope I find that combination that will open the lock that I seek to open. Who knows what I speak of? God help us all to endure what must be endured till the end. May grace abound in all that love the Truth. Jesus is the Truth and all of the Truth, hear Him and follow no other.

It is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. If you sing the same song over and over and over soon you can not forget it, it just becomes ones nature to sing that song without thought even. So daily,

Hebrews 3:13, " But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. "

Exhort - encourage, embolden, advise, excite, strengthen, urge, plead, beg, ask, warn, caution, comfort, BESEECH...

Encouragement is tell someone they are able. Discouragement is telling someone they are not able.

So what is it we are begged to be able to do? What God is begging all men to do through all who preach the Truth?

1 Peter 2:11, " Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

1 Peter 2:12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. "

Speak with your mouths indeed, but more so by doing, by keeping, by maintaining GOOD WORKS, for it is not by the WORKS/LAW of sacrifice but the LAW OF LOVE, which is the Commandments in which one is able. These are GOOD WORKS in which it is by which all men shall be judged in the end, no one will escape the judgement to come, no not even one! Speak by doing, A BANNER SEEN, obeying, for it is obedience from the heart that they will see and glorify God by in the day of visitation.

So I beseech,

Hebrew 13:22, " And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words. "

It uses the word "suffer" for a reason, for it is the Truth.

Let us examine it closely through definition.

Suffer - bear, pain, grief of mind, grief of body, grief of understanding, knowledge, conscience, guilt, shame, burden, weight, TO ENDURE, to support, sustain, forbid, undergo, affected, CHANGE, NEW, loss, inconvenient, DENIAL OF SELF, sorrow, infirmities, to hold up, to be erect, upright, firm, sober, grave, gravity, sincerity, loyalty, monogamy, faithfulness, endurance, race, strive, digging deep, counting the cost, weighing, weighed, running, war, battle, soldier, fighting, patience, self control, temperance, fidelity, faith, belief, believing, conviction, condemn, condemnation, inevitable or unavoidable, WITNESS, TESTIFY, Truth and much more could be written here.

We see a pattern develop as we define "suffering". It is very clear and concise as the pattern forms before ones eyes and ones ears do hear and nothing is even spoken out loud.

Suffer - to bear something that the flesh would rather not, why not? Because it is painful to bear it. To have knowledge that hurts deep with in, unseen, yet hurts more than what could be seen outwardly. The weight of true power, conviction, knowledge is great power when it is Truthful knowledge and not invented, imagined, created to placate, to appease, to scratch an itch, to tickle the ear, to flatter, to entice with empty words, to be allured, beguiled, mused, amused, entertained, bewitched... While the Commandments are not grievous to the Spirit of God, they are to the flesh for it is against the lust thereof.

Ecclesiastes 1:18, " For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. "

Proverbs 3:5, " Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. "

Able to find joy in that which one never could of before, knowing the Truth and ye suffer for it and yet JOY is found. Can ye hear the Truth?

Proverbs 3:13, " Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. "

Beseech, what is reasonable? It is reasonable that you are able to do what is asked. It is not reasonable to be asked what one could not possibly do. Then whom is the liar, God or man? Who tells you that you are are not able to obey and who tells you that you are? Who makes provisions and is loved for it and who make no provisions and is hated by all? Who says you can not be holy? Who says no one can be acceptable to God? You find these lies at every turn, in places, so called, to be of God. How is this Truth not grievous? Avoided by the flesh but not the Spirit. IT IS REASONABLE THAT YOU PRESENT YOURSELVES HOLY!!!

Romans 12:1, " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. "

Grievous to hear judge not all the time by the professed, but to the flesh it is not. They love them that preach lies, that make provisions, that disobey, for all love like mind, kind for kind, feather for feather.

I beg you judge with righteous judgement...

Romans 16:17, " Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. "

Beg you to judge, this is how you are to walk...

1 Thessalonians 4:1, " Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. "

What is the good, acceptable and perfect will of GOD?

Begging you to walk as you ought to towards God, to please God. This is exhortation and there is nothing greater than the will of God or to be a doer of His will Amen. There is no wisdom against God, no understanding, nor counsel.

1 Thessalonians 4:3, " For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: "

Proverbs 21:30, " There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. "

Fornication - The incontinence or lewdness of unmarried persons, male or female; also, the criminal conversation of a married man with an unmarried woman. Adultery, incest, idolatry, forsaking God for idols. Inability to have self control over ones body. Failure to restrain oneself.

They who endure temptation are blessed not those who fail to restrain themselves from it. They who refuse evil and choose good learn and are grown up, built up, not those who abound in sin. Grace abounds in them who truly know grace, where sin abounds before them, tempting them to join in sin. It does not abound in those in sin. Sinning more does not make grace abound in you, going and Sinning No More does. Obeying from the heart does, this is the Truth and not that other thing they invented. Chase not ignorance! It is faith being faithful, not faith being empty. It is faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity. This is faith filled and overflowing, this is effectual operation that is not great swelling words of emptiness.

Beg you, to know them that labor among you in the Truth for it is great increase for all, for the laborer and those being labored for. But in the Truth, not in the lies. They who walk in the Spirit are nothing like they who walk in the flesh. Some are able and some are unable. Some teach inability and some teach ability. Some warn you of the suffering and some just want to be happy now.

1 Thessalonians 5:12, " And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; "

Again, beseech, beg you to walk worthy.

Worth - value, equity, useful.

Not in vanity, vain, useless, of no value, no equity, no increase.

What is value and equity? Walking in the will of God, abstain from all appearances of evil. Abstain from fornication. They who name the Name of the Lord Jesus DEPART from iniquity, lawlessness, sin. Awake to righteousness and sin not. Stand in awe and sin not. Go and Sin No More, having heard and obeying from the heart.

Ephesians 4:1, " I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, "

Beseech you to fulfill your obedience so you can revenge all disobedience. Judge, yes judge with righteous judgement, remove the beam from your eye so you can help others remove theirs by doing, doer, do. You can not be the hypocrite and helps other with what you need yourself to be helped with first. You are told this, so do this because you are able to through Christ. You are not asked anything that you can not do. There is not a sin so great you can not but do it. God does not allow ANYONE to be tempted beyond what they could endure. You endure it not because you chose not to. Not because it was your nature to do so, because you wanted to. Rebellion and stubbornness are as idolatry and witchcraft! Abstain from fornication, which is idolatry. You are not Cain but you chose to do as Cain did. You are as Able if you do as Able did. They who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous. You are clothed in the righteousness if you are a doer of righteousness. Christ is are righteousness, our righteous example, our Rock in which we stand unmovable if we truly desire to do so.

What is the will of God, judgement, mercy and faith. Being just, loving mercy and walking humbly with God. Fearing God and keeping His Commandments. If you love Him with all your heart, He will love you even more. He loves them that love Him, they who love Him obey Him and keep His Commandments. The Commandments are His love expressed towards us all. Repent and find that He will love you first and you will love so much more for being forgiven and purged of dead works.

I am a preacher of righteous obedience, for that is what I do, am doing. Tell me what you did today, said today and I will tell you whom you are. The mouth speaks of what? The treasures of thine heart. We are the words we speak, not saying I wanna be rich over and over and by chance you win the lottery and now you can vainly say because you said so much you manifested that into the world, that is utter foolishness. No, we are the words we speak, for what we speak of is what we ALREADY possess. What we already have in our hearts, we are already rich and we speak of that which we are abounding in. You are judged by your words, for they reveal you, it can not be hidden. One may try to fool others, but eventually the Truth will be heard.

We will be judge by ever idol word we speak, justified and condemned by them. For we are the words we speak and they speak of that treasure. Christ is the Way to the Truth to have Life everlasting and there is not another way.

It is Seek, Repent and Sin No More. This is the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not another. Having heard, I speak constantly of having heard. Yet never enough for what I was forgiven and given. Truly in this I fall short by my own measure, I can not do enough for what I was given. That makes me cry, to praise God for being so merciful. All praise to the Lord God Almighty, all praise to the King. Bless, Bless, Bless for Holy, Holy, Holy is He.

May the true Grace of God abound in all who love Him. All who do not, may they be accursed.

If you love Me, Keep My Commandments.

Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

Remission of sins past and not permission for sins future.

You mother may have formed you in her womb being a sinner, but that does not make you born to sin. You are that which you choose to be, either refuse the evil and choose the good or not. Obey the Truth, the teaching of grace. Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world or not. Conscience!

This is the Lords day and it is not any other day, nor will it ever be any other day.

If you love Me, keep My Commandments.

Righteous Obedience is grace absolute.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...

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