Pre-Homeless Check List: Safe Deposit Box, Coinbase Account, Salvation

The first problem I experienced as a homeless was my appearance. It was my new clothing, new suitcase, and my valuable (and stylish) watch which made me a target for thieves. Storing my watch in a safe deposit box would have reduced unwanted attention in the shelter. It may have helped me to find a job by showing a sign of non-homelessness, but the benefit was not as great as the risk of being preyed on, which did happen.

In addition to storing jewelry and valuables, consider using the safe deposit box to store a second copy of a driver’s license, birth certificate, or any documents that would be necessary to escape homelessness.

Also consider printing passwords for email accounts, social media accounts, and the phone numbers of anyone who might be willing to help you. I would also consider including as many personal details as possible for those people who might help you. Print personal details for those who may have contributed to the pending possible homeless situation you are facing. Think about printing everyone’s email address, work address, home address and anything in your email account(s) that might be useful in court, or anything that might be useful, embarrassing, and even uplifting. A homeless can’t always play by the rules. Believe it or not, a few encouraging words can be more valuable than food. A kind email from the past, resent to someone with resentment from your past may help to remind you or them of how things used to be and could trigger them to help you. It is also likely you may need a witness in court and will need their home address.

Court and the related costs are one of the largest causes of homelessness. Trying to win in court as a homeless without records or accurate contact information will be impossible.

Consider putting everything on the cloud to back up paper copies of documents. It is very likely that you will lose access to your email and will not be able to recover your email password once you become homeless. Email verification will require a cell phone. If it is missing or broken or doesn’t have a charge, it will make access to your email impossible unless you have all the details about when you opened the email account, previous passwords, and the email addresses of those people you have emailed in the past, as well as recent emails you have sent. There are data points that won’t be possible to get without access to email, which you need, to get access to your email.

Think about not having access to your resume which is in your email account. Think about not having access to your job history which is in your email. Think about not having access to a letter of reference or contact information for a previous employer. I had to cold call people out of the phone book to find a job. My family was unwilling to send me documents that would have proved my identity, which is obviously required to find/keep a job.

I was lucky and ended up working for a kind Christian man who allowed me to delay delivery of these critical and legally required documents. Normally an employer will not allow you to start work without documents who prove who you are. Consider lying to the DMV and telling them your drivers’ license has been lost to get a second copy. Then store the extra one in your safe deposit box. My bank will automatically deduct the cost of the safe deposit box annually. Be aware that may be an option which in the future could be critical. Paying monthly bills is difficult as a homeless. Annual bills are not as difficult to pay. Remember some banks are not open on the weekends.

Most importantly, remember Jesus was homeless. Try to be nice like Him as you plan for your homeless adventure. He is your example and your savior. He will return to destroy both the courts and the banking system, plus those homeless who have shown they won’t even be kind to another homeless.

*Legal Disclaimer: Lying to the DMV that you have lost your license is illegal.

*Spiritual Disclaimer: Breaking God’s laws is a sin and is punishable by death. A homeless will have an advantage in court after death because Christ is a former homeless. Maybe you think you won’t be judged after death. Think how unfair it would be if those who make their living lying in court are never judged. And don’t even get me started on the banks! Cryptocurrency had to be invented to hedge the hedgers!

Open a Coinbase account and get a working Cryptocurrency account and use it like this:

Donate BTC: 12XExegqAdMMo2noc7C7jRYxDRXtp9QH7u

Donate LTC: LLENN68aAmbmpmn2JvA7658fj1D5QZc8f4

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