The beginning to watch escalade with the U.S in the middle..

Protesters clashed with Israeli police and dozens were injured in Bethlehem and other cities Thursday as demonstrations were held in response to President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Palestinian protesters lobbed rocks at troops and police officers and set fire to tires and other debris, blocking roadways in cities across the West Bank and Gaza Strip

“We are here. We believe in our rights and one day it (will) become Jerusalem, the capital for the Palestinian people,” declared Rania Hatem, a protester outside the Old City.

Palestinian protesters run during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest against U.S. President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Palestinian protesters run during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest against U.S. President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Israeli forces fired tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades at crowds near a check point in the city. Dozens of people were injured.

Demonstrators at the impromptu rallies burned posters of Trump and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with Israeli and American flags.

Tensions were high at checkpoints along the border fence separating Israel from Gaza in East Jerusalem as well.

Trump’s defiant move a day earlier, which frustrated many world leaders who warned of potential violence, sparked anger across the Arab world. Jerusalem embassy move has zero upside for America
The Palestinian Authority called for a general strike, closing schools and businesses, as extremist and terrorist groups vowed a violent rebuttal.

The leader of the Hamas terror group, Ismail Haniyeh, said that Friday, the Muslim holy day, will be a “day of rage.”
Thick plumes of smoke hung in the air above Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government.
Palestinians officials said they were blindsided by Trump’s move, which upended longstanding international assurances that the fate of the Holy City would be determined in negotiations.

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