When u are alone-MY OWN EXPERIENCE~~ My Entry for Supernatural Writing contest by Jerry Banfield

This is my entry for the Supernatural Writing Contest (SWC) by @jerrybanfield

Its a tremendous job to present my story according to requirements but its always refreshing for me to share my horrible as well as interesting experience ever done with me.

Well, I never thought I could until this happened to me in the summer of 2017
I m 20 years old guy and having grown up in 90's. M fond of photography and adventurous tasks. I have a small family that includes my father, mother, 4 brothers and 2 sisters. All of my siblings are older than me and i am one of the most stubborn as well as annoying one.we are living in Abbottabad and my father is an Army colonel at Pakistan military academy (PMA) Kakul.
My dad belongs to a very small village that is 100 km far from Abbottabad. We have a lot of property in that area including plots and homes as well. One day i was reading the newspaper and my dad called me to his room. He asked me about my holidays and gave me a task that seems to be very ordinary , he asked my to visit the village villa and to sale it at reasonable price. As i was free because of vocations so i agreed to go there. My brothers didn't want me to go alone as they get offended. One my brother decided to go with me and we both started our packing.it was fine day of August when had to leave for village but a bad thing happened to us. My brother slipped from the gallery and his ankle was hardly damaged. He was taken to hospital , after a small treatment he was home but doctors strictly asked him for a complete bed rest. Now i have to go alone because the remaining siblings were badly busy in their daily works. Well at 7:00 pm i was on the way to my village. I was too much excited because i am going there for the very first time.i was driving my car with Slow music. It seems to be very filmy when the lyrics were defining the scenery of the beautiful areas passing the way. I reached there within three hours and it was a beautiful place. Everything was green and cool breeze blows gently. One of beautiful river was also passing over there. This place was nothing more than a heaven. It felt that Allah almighty has created these mountains and scenery with full love and generosity. Our home seems to be quite old but place where it was situated was amazing. I opened the door it was all dark. There was no electricity connection so i have to use my cell phone's torch. There were 2 bed rooms 2 bathrooms 1 drawing room, a kitchen and a gallery. It was a rainy night of August when suddenly my eyes opened in a deep vial.


it was a thundering night. I opened the door of my room and rushed towards the gallery. Unfortunately the light was not connected there and i have to move with the torch of my cell. As i have entered into the launch the windows started opening and closing simultaneously. At that moment i thought it as a an effect of strong air so i closed the window properly and moved towards my room. Almost 5 mins were left when i heard a sound of crying. It was not an animal's voice but was a girl's voice. I hardly removed the blanket from my self and there were nothing around the room. And wrapped the blanket with myself hardly and when i slept i don't know ....
In the morning i went to visit the city. It was a calm and beautiful city. People were generous but clever too. There were beautiful mountains that has covered the town peacefully. I wished that the sun never go as i left alone in that house. Well after dinner when i was reading a book i felt something is crawling over its paws. When i checked all around there were nothing. I don't believe supernatural things until i saw them with my eyes and feel it with my hands. So i was ignoring all these situations. Days passed away leaving many nights containing the same disturbance. I talked to my dad about the property agent but dealer has to come after a week because his wife was going to have a baby.so i have to live in this house for about a week more.These supernatural things were extremely powerful at 3:00 am. It is infact the time when all the human are half dead. I pointed out that black crows also come into play when these supernatural things encountered my home, and not only one these were about hundreds and their scream was extremely terrible.
Uptil now i have just accepted this thing that there is something that is not happening good. On next morning i reached to the near mosque, there were a lot of priests that were reciting the holy Quran. Their voice was beautiful and amusing. For an half hour i stand by and listened to that recitation. It gave me internal happiness i wished to listen more but azan time came and they suddenly make lines for namaz. I also offered namaz. After it i met the most honorable person of that mosque he was too caring and polite. He take me to the guest room of that mosque and served tea with biscuits. I told him everything that has happened with me. He gave me an egg an asked me to place it at the corner of my house. I didn't understand his logic but came to home and did the same. I have to put this egg at night so at mid night i placed it at the corner of gallery. This night nothing was happened with me and woke up quite relaxed. When i checked the egg it was completely changed. Its colors turns black. I take it to that person he smiled and said that he will talk later and advised me just don't go home. I was waiting curiously for the time when i have to listen what actually happened.after an hour he called me and said the blackness of the egg indicate that a very bad evil is residing in your home. He wishes to live there alone so that's why he don't like to have you in that house.he is annoying you so that you should leave yourself and if you don't he may harm you badly. He was quit and i was gone out of senses.my forehead got sweat and my hands were trembling. I asked him for any way to get rid of that evil. He completely refused and said go back to abbottabad and leave this home for god sake. I came back home quite hurted. I called my dad and told him all that happened.my father said to be brave and don't believe in such stupid things. Sell this house as soon as possible and come back to him. My father was not believing but i was firm about evil and i decided to do something. I told my story to all of my family members they laught and still don't believe in my words. It was really very bad when someone doesn't believe you and you alone to fight. I was hurted but this had never broke my enthusiasm i decided to face all these situations and will fight against that evil till my last breath.
I sprinkle the holy water all over the corners of my home along with saturated salt that needs to b scattered at the entrance so that no evil spirit should cross the door and gets enter into house..for this i was very grateful to molvi sahab for such helping attitude and everything he gives to me was free of cost that reaky create a sense of respect towards religion and molvi sahab on serious notes. Well after doing such precautions i havn't observed something supernatural and i sell this house on a heavy amount. I m back to home with a lot of amazing memories.

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