"Supernatural Writing Contest” The Malevolent Spice Spirit

As a believer in the mystical world that encompasses our physical reality, and the miracles that can occur, sometimes things happen that even I have a hard time believing. Even though we know these things to be true, to experience it is a whole other level.

Darkness in this world is viewed as something that must be avoided at all costs. People desperately try to suppress that which speaks the loudest to them from within. This voice that our inner darkness speaks is there to show us who we truly are. We are equally both the light and the darkness.

I’ve had only one encounter with a dark spirit before, so what was going to happen next would really rock my world.

I was approached by a man seemingly in desperate need for assistance wanting some money. I had just woken up from a nap in my car (because I drove Lyft) to this man trying to sell weed to me. I said I didn’t have the money and opened my wallet actually thinking that I didn’t and, low and behold, there was the exact amount he was asking for. Since I practically showed him my wallet, it seemed to be a sign from the universe to give it to him. So I did.

I didn’t really want the green that he was trying to give me, but he quickly handed it to me and took off.

I didn’t think much of it over the next few days and also hadn’t had a chance to test it out. After eating dinner a few nights later, my wife had just laid down on the bed to take a nap so I thought I would test it out and make sure that it was safe.

I was sitting at my desk packing it into my black and shimmery-gold bong. When I took the first puff, I instantly felt that something was wrong…

The room was spinning insanely fast so I leaped for bed. Luckily the bed was a lower level than the desk and there was a pile of pillows waiting to catch my fall.

I laid there staring at the ceiling feeling like I was in a limbo state, fighting with all of my consciousness to remain in that moment. If I let my guard down for a second I would slip, lose control and who knows what would have happened from there.

An up-tempo fast-paced song called “Midnight City” by M83 was playing in the background and this was the song that guided the trance I was trying to break out of. The problem is that everything seemed so chaotic but so structured at the same time. It was as if everything that happens in the entire universe was happening all at once at that very moment.

I heard random voices shouting at me saying things I had no idea where they came from or who they were coming from. It was voices I didn’t even seem to recognize. But in this chaotic tornado it was only white noise to me as my focus was on keeping myself stable.

But I continued to hear these random voices saying things to me. Like an old aunt telling you to take out the trash or a distant cousin making random suggestions or an old friend that I hadn’t seen in awhile. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it, but for some reason it was happening. I have had several psychedelic trips but this was the most energy I have ever felt in my life all at once and it was as though all of my life force was being used to keep myself alive.

This went on for probably a little less than 5 minutes (but seemed like an eternity) before I couldn’t hold on any longer. I felt an overwhelming blast of nausea fill my body as waves of energetic chaos crashed over top of me causing me to sink. I made a slight grunt noise and instantly passed out.

This coma-like state that I was induced in was very peaceful. I felt as if I was in a mystical forest and I was drifting over top of a pond. I could see the beautiful purple and white tinted energy flowing through and around me. The entire area was gleaming with mystical creatures and sparkling energy that seemed so dazzling. But at the same time so very confusing.

Next thing I know I am waking up with the paramedics, my wife and her mom surrounding me. I felt as if I had woken up from a very long dream and almost felt for a second like my memory had been wiped. But as I laid there regaining my focus and clarity, I realized what had happened.

While I laid on the bed, the paramedics began taking my vitals. “His vitals are dropping!” I heard them say something like that while I felt a dark void begin to draw me in. My wife lay there holding my hand staring at me in utter fear. At that moment, the room began to shrink and grow all at once while I felt myself sinking back into this energy void that I was previously battling to fight off.

As I began to fall back under, I began to focus my energy knowing that I can bring myself back and restabilize myself. By working with the healing arts of Reiki, I have been channeling energy for years.

But something was wrong… It wasn’t working!

For the first time in my life, I couldn’t draw energy into my body for healing. I felt a demon with long horns and red eyes glaring at me, eating away at my energy supply.

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The only thing I could think to do at that point was ask my wife to hand me my small pouch of crystals that I always carried with me. One such crystal I have deemed my protector stone, called Shiva Lingum. My wife shuffled around the room for a bit looking for them before handing them to me just in the nick of time.

I grabbed them and held them right up against my chest. At that moment, I felt as if an energetic force was pushing against the crystals, as if the crystals had created a forcefield to protect me from the malevolent spice spirit. I could literally feel this dark spirit pushing against the forcefield, trying to fight its way back in after the crystals had pushed it out. Within a few seconds, the demon was gone.

I began to regain my clarity once again.

Almost instantly after that, my vitals began to restabilize back to normal. I was able to sit up, feeling like a new man. I went to the hospital that night and felt fine. It seemed as if my encounter with this spice spirit was over with, and my life was back to normal.

In the end, I overcame it and it showed me an aspect of darkness that I had never seen before.

This experience, while it may seem to be a poor decision on my part, taught me so much. It showed me more about myself and my ability to react in life or death situations, my ability to fight for life and the INCREDIBLE power of crystals. I will say that because of the synchronicity of the entire event and how everything transpired, I felt within my heart that I was meant to smoke this spice and go through this experience.

As an energy worker, this gave me direct proof of the capabilities of crystals and the power they possess to truly transform your life. And it also showed me the darkness that is out there. I felt as if this was showing me that this was a demon that gained access through a chemical-ridden spice herb. But I felt as if so many people could experience similar things without using spice.

The reason I believe this is because of fear. When you have so much fear that it totally rules your life, you begin to create a reality based around such fear-based thoughts. These thoughts are what govern your reality and attract spirits (both of the light and of the darkness). If the darkness someone experiences is strong enough, then I believe it is very possible to attract demons, such as the one I encountered, into your unconscious reality.

In my case, it happened so fast that I could instantly detect something was amiss and something was inside of me. This was an extreme example of a dark spirit. But for others, they may come in more subtle, undetectable forms such as common experiences like depression or deep uncontrollable anger.

The solution is to develop a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Learn to detect the subtle energy forces that govern your life. Develop a connection that is unbreakable with yourself and a sense of “higher power” and most importantly live life with love and good intentions in your heart. Know that love is the most powerful vibration of all (it is this vibration that gives you power over all perceived darkness you encounter in your life), and that with it you can overcome anything! So embrace the darkness and let the light shine through <3

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