Magical Moments - Surrender (SWC)

Being a newbie to steemit, I was quite excited to read #jerrybanfield s post on the supernatural writing contest as the first full article I read. An opportunity to share a couple of my experiences, fantastic. Yes its about time I came out of the spiritual closet. I decided after 5000+ words I had better stop, edit and cut right back my article. So hopefully it has some flow, not too lengthy and won't bore too many of you.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder there was a whisper was from a kind gentle male voice, "Are you ready?" I mentally agreed I was and with that I felt myself being pulled up high. I knew I was snuggled up warm and cosy in my bed but I also knew I was being taken on a journey. The only description I can liken it to was the feeling like I was passing through glass. The particles I was passing through gave a prickly sensation but I had no fear, it was a knowing that this sensation was somehow normal.

Arriving at log cabin that appeared to be sitting high in the clouds I had no body as such, I was just viewing the scene with my eyes. The room was a kitchen setting with a wooden dining table in the center but I was drawn to the corner of the room. A young boy no older that 5 or 6 was crouched in the corner sobbing and my immediate reaction was to approach him to try and console him. On my approach my attention was drawn to a figure hovering over the kitchen sink that promptly turned around and headed to the back door.

The lady would have been in her seventies and my first impression was that she reminded of Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter series so I will refer to her as the Professor. Her dress was similar to that worn in the 1800's with the skirt full and her hair tied back in a bun. She had a serious demeanor. Like someone that was ready for business.

As she opened the door the figure of an older gentleman appeared but I was unable to look closely at his face although his clothes were from a similar era with brown baggy trousers that were held up with braces and a scruffy white shirt. He was following her lead. She spoke to me matter of factly - "Did you want to help?" I didn’t hesitate and with a nod I found myself turning to follow her and just as quickly as my acceptance to render assistance to something unbeknown to me I watched as she mounted a horse and rode through the sky downwards with the gentleman and myself flying behind her.

Arriving at mound of dirt and crouching behind it the scene of a city was before me. I couldn’t see the Professor or her helper in my view but could feel them next to me. She whispered something I can't recall but I knew it was a time for silence. My eyes were drawn to a high rise apartment block and I was stunned as to why the scene before me had now turned to that of black and white and grey – very bleak and depressing. Looking back it was either in a lower realm or maybe it was dark or late at night wherever we were. There was no one walking the streets or any cars moving. Focusing on that apartment block approximately 3 floors high I could see a swirling black "mini tornado" hovering outside one of the windows. Instinctively I knew this was a negative entity.

I could feel hesitation within me. I somehow understood this entity was waiting outside the bedroom of a child. Having read about negative energy my first thought was not to gain its attention, but then the Professor said "OK now" and with that she, her helper and other voices from beings I couldn’t see started yelling out loud "Hey you" and "Over here" and a right old noisy commotion commenced.

I could feel the fear rise in me. My first thought was no this wasn’t right, we need to fight with love. With that thought I felt myself being pulled quickly from the scene and land back in my body.

I lay in my bed. Did I react right? I did say I would help but negative entities? Really?

Questions ran through my mind. What would have happened if it had attacked or attached itself to me? I don’t know how to fight these things. Why are we fighting negative energy with yelling? Maybe I should have trusted and not shown fear.

And with that I said out loud "Alright I am ready to help, but I don’t want to fight or use yelling, only love".

When analyzing my experience the next day I had to wonder what had I done differently that night to have such an experience? An experience I had never asked for or entertained before.

I believe the difference lay in my genuine desire to surrender.

I have been on this spiritual path for nearly 30 years. I have read, done courses heard voices had premonitions, studied tarot and card readings, had experiences with telepathy and was on a mission to gain as much knowledge of the metaphysical as possible. And before you ask, No I was not under the influence of anything.

I have done many incredible and intense meditations. Never during that time did I have the sensation of leaving my body. I had life like dreams but never had I felt the sensation of passing through particles.

I had recognized that over a short period of time I was steadily becoming despondent. After taking a break from studies but maintaining my rituals of grounding and connecting I began to believe I wouldn't get to wherever it was I was meant to be. I would never arrive or become enlightened enough. Enough for me and my desire to feel satisfied knowing I had become the best I could be or achieve or reach a level that I would recognize as the ultimate for me. That night before I went to bed I felt down, almost depressed and lost. I didn’t have any want to perform my grounding nor connecting exercise nor bathe myself in white light or even pray to the Universe. I didn't want to place my hand on my heart or express gratitude. I didn’t want to chase an experience anymore. I simply just gave up.

I had simply sighed, rolled over and for some reason I mentally said "I surrender".

What magical words they were that night. I surrender. Simple words which I know at the time with all my heart I sincerely meant.

What an experience to rekindle my journey.

So, what are we as spiritual seekers trying to seek? What the blooming heck is the goal? The realization surfaced that I had been trying to force experiences and had been on a quest to gain knowledge by devouring books and practicing what they were preaching to be left once again with the empty feeling, of not being complete. Not really knowing what to learn next or hoping my guidance would lead me to something that would help find my purpose.

Purpose. Isn't it our purpose in this life what we are all ultimately chasing?

With my declaration of only wanting to use love to help that night, my next experience was profound and was/is hard to describe, it will forever have a lasting impact on me. I know the Earth is shifting and mankind is evolving. I don’t know the hows and wherefores or even the science involved. I just know.

Okay what do I mean. Imagine this....

Again lying snuggled up in bed you can feel yourself about to drift off but suddenly you feel a little nauseous and your body starts to tingle. You feel a pull and almost like a sucking sensation a part of you is floating above where you are laying. The sensation of passing through glass occurs but very quickly so you know you haven't gone far. Then a vision of an angelic face appears in your minds eye and you feel totally at ease.

In your mind's eye patterns of coils appear and then in a sequence you see patches in the coils light up, and whilst this is happening, a choir of the most angelic voices are singing a song you have never heard but mention the words soul.

A totally mind blowing magical pleasurable uplifting experience. You then slowly feel the denseness as you return to your body.

As I processed what had happened I knew that what I had seen was actually my DNA lighting up.

Something in my DNA was triggered.

I have since read a few articles stating that part of the New Earth and changes that are to occur include our ability to access more of our brain with DNA activations. DNA previously thought by scientists to be junk DNA are or will be activated to utilize in the future.

Now, do I currently feel any different? Smarter? More psychic maybe? Nope! Nothing yet !

But I swear it happened and it felt magical. So I believe we are evolving and I hope I am around long enough in this body to bear witness to the new human and our potential.

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