"The Message" Entry for (SWC) by @jerrybanfield Supernatural Writing Contest

Once you take a picture of something beautiful, you no longer care to look at it.
Its captured. Through this screen you can check it out later, so why should you care to see the actual thing? Yes! Sadly thats how your home becomes boring. That very boredom is a virius which spreads itself throughout your entire nervous system, sucking the joy out of your very existence. I NO LONGER CARE TO LOOK AT ANYTHING! 

I'm blind to the beauty of life that I once held as a child and there is no wondrous feeling in anything. Unless I go on vacation, I have to go way to the Grand Canyon just to feel alive! That is why I admire children, they can still see the magic. They live lifes of passion, seeing god in everything.  So I asked myself, "When did you stop living!?"
I sat and sat, i listened and i listened.
No, not listening for answers, listening to live. Listening for the experience of listening and enjoying it.

For there is a sweet sweet Symphony deep deep within the silence. 

A never ending harmony singing directly to my soul.
Then, suddenly I noticed a breeze blowing. 

This breeze it came for me through the window it came for me sending chills throughout my entire being and I wondered, is this a precense sensing my questioning?
An alternate being blessing me with answers?

 Or possibly a demon comming to silence me once and for all. I should move!
I could move sure, out of fear i could deny its existence, and turn on the TV  but something froze me still and i stood there, persistent!
The next thought was an honest inquiry, begging for explanation of this mystery.
Oh! Great invisible essence teach me, teach me to hear thy song!

And with the Angelic grace of a humming bird
It delivered these words...

Surpasing this deadly disorder expressed throughout stubborn silent invisible  craves
Desires renounced, abandoned beneath the grave
and it was Lit! Haha  Shimmering glorious flashes caress the sky
Behold the majestic all mighty most high
Posted up!  yes! suttle
Invisible yet extremely real.
Temptations are bitter sweet
And the souls of the fallen beloved are Entrapped by gratification
It takes aspiration  to about face
and Climb to the top of the mountain
and when you have worn out animalistic pleasures
It is but a foul tasting medicine 

Which purifies the lead turning it to gold
Behold the stairway to heaven that we have built!
Brick by brick this great work bound us 

Tying us together, we share a knowing which surpasses Words!

 So with us lacking the ability to bottle the expression
Consider the arts our way of sharing truths  realised beyond questions!
A knowing that knows  is a peace that cannot be shaken
One out of a thousand with this chance actually has taken
that necessary step
which breaks the bind

which then liberates the mind
giving sight to the blind
they take off!
Arriving at the furtherst destination one can make.

While still enamoured with physical shape
Behold! Surprise newly divined sensations informing us of the truest information.
Truth without falsehood certain and most true
That which is above is as that which is below
And that which is below is as that which is above!

And since we are all one
no one can be left behind
there is no set apart.

For you cannot seize the victory until everyman departs!
And so we return to offer our lives to service
time and time again

until we all cross the finish line.
then start again.

And just like that it left me, shocked stunned appalled
I cast off my unsure mentality
Regarding these impressions as true
Although the journey has only just begun
Its as if my eyes ears, and mind are new.

Thank you! For providing the opportunity for me to share this experience in this form. 

@jerrybanfield  @gmichelbkk

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