The Angel - My Entry to Spiritual Writing Contest by Jerry Banfield

This is my entry for the Supernatural Writing Contest(SWC) by @jerrybanfield in this post.

I appreciate the gesture by @jerrybanfield to create an opportunity for anyone in Steemit to share their supernatural experiences. Well, I have had some supernatural encounters which of course proved to me that there's a reality beyond the material. I will however share just one of these stories and if the contest permits me to do more, I'll write subsequent posts narrating these encounters.


It all happened on a cool late Friday evening. I went on a Christian event earlier in the day which spurned till late in the night. I was a guest pianist and because of this I couldn't leave the program until the closing time. The event was awesome on its own therefore there was no nudging in me to leave early.

Now you may ask why the fuss about going home on time. Well, where I live then (with my parents) is a restive environment so everyone stay indoors from 10pm. Being outside can only connote two things; you're an armed robber or a potential victim. Being outside at ungodly hours makes one susceptible to robbery and attacks.

The event closed by 10pm and since it wasn't in my city, it took close to 1hr drive home.

When I got home, the reality of the situation dawned on me that I was all alone, everywhere was locked! Knocking at the gate is not an option, it'll attract unnecessary attention of hoodlums or security officers. None of these is good for me at the moment. I did not go out with any ID so I could easily be tagged a thief by the security guys.

I was only left with one option, calling my dad. Sounds so good but we've got a problem here; he left his phone in his minivan and I could hear it ring from outside the gate. There's no way he could hear it from his bedroom. I gave up the idea.

At this point, I remembered that angels are ministering spirits who are sent as helpers to us. I just said with all the faith I've got in me, Father send an angel to wake my dad to go and check out his phone at the minivan. Seconds after I said those words, my dad came outside to his minivan, checked his phone and knew I was at the gate. He opened for me and left me with the few words that sent chilling running down my spine. He said, "Someone came to wake me up and told me that people are waiting for me outside".

I never believed that will ever happen even if I prayed for it! I spent time brooding over what happened that day.

Original content by me. The baby in the picture, that's my baby friend, Zoe.

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