My Supernatural Experience! The discovery and research into UFOs

Hello Steemians, with this entry i want to participate in the Supernatural Experience writing contest, because the truth is that i also have a story to share and this story is about the discovery and experiences with UFOs or UAP ( Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ).


You see this picture here? This is a picture what i made of unknown orange/red bright lights, what fly around in the night sky. And i noticed them, what from my point of view was coincidence, in a way that it might not be coincidence from their point of view. But to me, was this all one huge surprise, and in this post ill explain all about it. But first thing first. Who am i?

I live in the Netherlands and had a normal regular life, like anyone else. I have a wife and two children and i live on the edge of a city, near farmland, forest and a lake, and its close to the Belgium border in the Netherlands. And for start i really had nothing to do with this subject, i was doing business and everything was normal until Christmas eve 2012. And believe it or believe it not, but everything what i describe here is the truth and nothing but the truth....

Chapter 1 the first meeting!

How it all begin in 2012.....

It was on the evening of December 2012 when i saw them for the first time. I was driving home with my nephew and we were talking about the upcoming Christmas evenings. And we got almost in my street, until i saw something weird in the night sky, right in front of me, but on high altitude. I was looking at a orange light flying slowly in a straight line to the right. And with the naked eye it looked like this.

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At first i thought, it must be a balloon, but then i saw it was flying and not moving by the wind. I noticed that because it was flying slowly in a straight line and made a turn right. It was a impossible move for a balloon, and there for i asked my nephew, do you see that? What is that?

He said, ah that's a plane. I said a plane? Impossible because a plane have different lights, and what we are looking at is a orange light, with a reddish glow flying in a intelligent way!! He said no no no, that must be a airplane, because it's flying. I said nope impossible, because airplanes fly with conventional aircraft lights, it's like with cars, a car have universal lights, that is needed for the traffic. This means, every aircraft in the night sky should have these lights below here...


But on that moment we both thought, forget it! It's just a weird light in the night sky, god knows what it is was the thought in my mind, and we continued on our way home. But in the back of my mind i thought, something is not right here, it was a weird strange light what i could not explain. Until i got home and forgot about that subject, i mean what could i say.. that i saw a strange orange light in the night sky?? But on that moment i did not realize that it was the beginning of a long journey.

The Maya Calendar said something about December 2012, that the world would end. And in some way they were correct, because the world did end on that evening after i saw the orange light in the sky. But not in a way of a destruction of the world, but more in a way of the destruction of the image of the old world. Because in the new world i started to look more into the night sky, and then i started seeing them more often. So the sighting brought a new awareness with the reality that there might be something unknown in the night sky.

And don't get me wrong, i was not busy with the subject on that moment, it was more like i kept the information in the back of my mind, and sometimes when i get the chance i just look up towards the sky, and i told nobody about it. I mean people around me might think that im crazy, and there for i stayed silent about what i saw once a while. Yes in the following year i saw them more randomly anywhere in the sky, an always in the same old colors, orange with red.

They could appear like a orange light flying in a straight line towards one point, then make a turn and then move on. That's how they would appear randomly anywhere in my area. And many times i started making jokes with my friends about it, i would say...look a UFO and then we laugh about it and forgot about it. This happened in many occasions in 2013, i never took those lights seriously and just ignore them. Until one evening in late November in 2013....

Me and my woman came back from a party, and i was driving on the highway towards home. Until we saw four orange lights making circles about a indoor farmland closet, i don't know how to call it in English... And the closet lights where on and those four orange lights where on high altitude right above it, making circles?? It looked like this... (this is not the picture, but looked like this with the naked eye)


Then i stopped the car on the side of the highway, and it was just before 2 in the night, and almost nobody on the highway and there for i could stop the car and got out to look at those lights. But right after we both got out of the car, took those lights of and fly away into different directions. Then i thought, a fuck it and we drive further to home. But this was another weird encounter in the night sky, and it would not be the last.

Because two weeks later me and my woman sit in a car and we just left home, then on some point we drove on a one way road and then out of the blue, we saw two orange lights flying in a pair crossed the path of our road. They latterly fly over the road in front of us, and that was also very weird, but again i thought , ah fuck it. And this was in early December 2013.

Chapter 2 The massive encounter

On that evening me and my woman had planned to visit a new year's party at the home of the uncle of my woman, our plan was to drive to my brother-in-law, and then leave my car there and then walk together with my sister law and her children together to the house of the uncle of my woman. And we did everything what we had planned and together we reached the party and had a good time, until it was around 9 o clock.

Our 4 year old son was very sleepy and wanted to sleep, but that was not possible on that party and there for me and my woman decided to go home, and let him sleep there for a couple of years, and then just before 12 we could come back. And my sister-in-law also wanted to go home, to let her children sleep as well. After we all agreed about the new plan, i started to go outside and stood alone on the streets waiting for the others to come outside.

But on that moment i saw something flying into my direction in the night sky, this time it was not a orange light and it was much bigger and had more different lights. It was flying very low and slow and was flying into my direction, it would fly above my head on very low altitude, i remember thinking...WTH im looking at?? And on the same moment came my woman, sister-in-law and the children outside, because we all would walk back together. And everyone saw it.....

Some said, it's a airplane, or others say it's a helicopter, and others said it's a drone. But i did not know to what im looking at, my brains could not find a rational answer. Because the lights are not conventional and it was flying to slow and low for a airplane, and it did not make the noise of a helicopter and it was to big to be a drone, it was a Boeing size object with different lights, it also had a orange light and it was almost silent!! It looked like this, with lights, altitude everything was almost the same!!


But then we thought, aah fuck it, and we continued our way home. And after i moved on i thought, why on earth did i not make a picture with my cell phone?? I was only looking at it in awe, it was more like a WTF situation. It made me frozen for a split second, because my brains could not figure out what i was looking at. I mean, i would not make a picture of a airplane or helicopter right? It would be different with what i know now on this moment, now i know what to do, but back then it was like....uhh what is that? Ah fack it!

Then we got back home and we put our son into bed and then we waited for the time to reach 11.30, then we woke our son up to go back to the party, but our son was to sleepy and did not want to leave the house. Then we decided to stay home because our son did not want to leave. But right before 12 i woke my son up, because i knew he wanted to see the firework at 12. I mean the whole day he was talking about firework, every time when the neighborhood kids play with firework, got my son very excited. Then the clock hit 12 and we first wished each other happy new year, and we stood there in front of the window, with the three of us watching the firework, until i saw something fly again....

But this time i was home and after i saw the same color lights flying again, then i grabbed the Philips handy cam of my kids and rushed towards the attic, and opened the window to see the full horizon above the neighborhood, and then i saw them fly. Two orange lights flying in a pair in a straight line latterly between the firework, this happened right after 12. They were flying like this what you see here below on this frame shot, and looked identical like on this frame shot.

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So first i saw two flying in a pair, then moments later i saw another one flying low above the houses between firework. It was like a small event of orange lights flying low and intelligent very low between the firework. They obviously where flying intelligent, because i saw them stop in midair, make turns, go left or right, or two fly into opposite direction. And it's also forbidden to fly on new years with air crafts and helicopters, and in those days was there almost no drones.

Basically what we witness was a massive encounter of intelligent orange lights flying low and slow above the neighborhood, they all came after each other. First two and then a minute later 1 or 3 and then minutes later another one and this when on and on and on, in fact it when further till 02.30, but im on that point. So what i saw was a weird event of orange lights flying low between the firework, then i mean latterly between the firework. Now i don't have a video to proof what i saw, but there is another video filmed by security cameras, what filmed the similar event on the same time i saw it, and it was filmed in a city not far from my home.

A local tv channel used the security cameras to film the skyline of the city of Eindhoven, they filmed a live program with radio songs to film the skyline of Eindhoven, but they filmed more than that. Just put this video on 28 minute mark and then focus on the sky, what you will see in that video, is the same as what i was looking at from my home window.

Chapter 3 The Close encounter...

Then after 34 minutes of seeing orange lights flying left and right above the neighborhood, all going one direction, i was bored. And i was also bored because the whole time i was arguing with my woman about those lights, to her those lights were balloons or firework, but i saw them make moves what a balloon could not do. I saw them stop in mid air, make turns, two going in different directions. Like the frame shots below here from the original video. I was filming with a Philips handy cam what only had 5x zoom. I was filming in black and white, while i thought i was filming in night vision....
Anyway here on this picture you see two lights, below is the tree line of my garden. And one object is going to the right, while the left one is going up.

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On the next frame shot is the one on the right further to the right, and the one on the left is further up.

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Here same thing.

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And this situation can be seen on 13.07 mark of the video, and it will show two different flying in opposite direction, and that my friends is impossible for a balloon. This means i was convinced that those lights where flying, and on one point i was looking at three lights what slowly moved behind my home.

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And then i said this to my woman.

We can't say what they are unless we see a crazy action from them, but the truth is, it's forbidden to fly on new year's eve and still im looking at three objects flying behind my home????

And then 30 seconds after i said these words, came a fourth object from very low straight towards our window.

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It was flying straight towards our window, and it was almost on the same altitude as the window of my attic. It looked so unreal that i needed to look for 2 seconds to realize what is going on, because it was flying very slow, in walk speed.

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In this picture you can clearly see the differences is of size of these three lights, the one on the right is the one what came directly towards our window, and out of reaction after i realized what was happening, did i said Sooooooooooo, and then my woman jumped up to and stood next to me, and then we both stood there and said Soooooooooooo. Both of us stood there in awe while we were looking at a car size light flying straight towards our attic window, and it nearly passed our window, it came as close as 3 meters if i must guess, WE SAW IT VERY GOOD with our own eyes!

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Let me explain what we saw with our own eyes, and show the object from other pictures. Because the camera what i used on that moment was not good enough to film them properly, and only years later i manage to film them with another camera. It's still not the same with what i saw with my own eyes, but at least it's a better quality then what i was using that evening. The Philips handy cam have a crappy zoom and standard HD quality, and i was using that!

So what i saw was not a metallic object, or a object with a physical form, no nothing like that. I mean you can forget everything from the movies, EVERYTHING! Because these things are a complete other ball game, it's not even in the movies or in cartoons!! I think nobody would come up with what me and my woman saw, nobody would imagine that.

The object was a car size light with a lighter color core and with a red/orange aura around it. It came slowly and silent in walk speed straight towards our window, and it was slowing down. Then on the moment it was on the closest point of the window, i looked straight into the core and saw the surface of that object, and then it shocked me. I saw a weird plasma type of liquid solid energy in beautiful colors. And the colors looked like small parts of diamonds, and it was moving in a strange way. The colors were moving within each other, and that's how the object changed colors. The colors looked like the colors on the pictures below here.








It was very weird to see, because it looks like the object was alive. Like the skin of a octopus what change color for camouflage? Well same movement in changes of the colors on that object. And the light came from every color and we could look at it without hurting our eyes. We could clearly see it, like seeing everything else around us, it was a amazing sight. It was the most beautiful thing we ever saw in our life! It looked like magic! I never ever saw that in a movie or cartoon before, it looked like a piece of heaven, it was beautiful, amazing and it was a eye opener!

Yes it was a eye opener, because we saw something what should not exist in our science. The technology what we saw made my stomach turn around, like the feeling you might have when you sit in a roller coaster and you go down real fast. Well i had the same feeling when i saw the technology of that light within 3 meter range, and for 15 seconds. We saw it, no doubt about it.

Then instantly i realized that the stories were true, all the stories about UFOs are true. They are real! It was all real and we saw it!! And then we thought about all those lights we saw right after midnight, that those lights must have been the same. Then my stomach turned around even more, like i had to throw up for a second. Because WTF UFOs???

We are not that type of people! We are just a regular family and then suddenly paranoid strikes me. I started to think about why it was flying that close near my home? i live there with my woman and two children, i was not waiting for mister ET to stand next to my bed, and there for i could not sleep for days......

Chapter 4 The Aftermatch

Well in the first week of 2014 was i very paranoid, i was confused but not scared, i was more angry and i needed answers asap!! I watched the skies the whole day long!! And i told nobody about what happened. And my woman who was a skeptic in the first place had seen the "light". She instantly accepted the idea or the concept of UFOs, because we saw it to close.

We are a regular couple who don't drink, we don't use drugs or medicines. In fact my woman is a Buddhist, and im a truth seeker, i always argued with people about the truth and i never believe others. But in some way we manage to live happy together and we did in live what every other couple would do. But the UFO encounter surprised us big time, and even if we had interest in the UFO phenomena, is seeing a UFO near your home a complete other story. Like its nice to see videos on youtube, but its different when you see one with your own eyes, and that happened to us.

It created a complete other reality from our point of view, because now we know that there is something out there in the night sky, what is hidden for the public and have a technology what goes way beyond ours. And how do i know that? Well the first close encounter had introduced them to me, but it did not end there, it was just the beginning of a journey what i would never dreamed of i would take. If someone said to me 10 years ago, Mark you will search for UFOs in the future, then i would laugh about it.

But not anymore, what we saw with our own eyes, had forced me to search for the truth. I wanted to know first if they are friend or foe, because that technology was clearly not human, it looked like magic, way more advanced than ours. You have to see it to understand it, and i know much about our air crafts and what i saw was nothing compare to that. So i knew they are something else and there for it was important to know about if they are dangerous, and i could not wait for a answer, i needed to know asap for my kids. What made me take huge risks to find that out, but that will be explain in my next post about my research into UFOs.....

Thank you for reading my post. This is my entry for the @jerrybanfield supernatural experience writing contest. And this story might sound unbelievable if you heard this for the first time, but the truth is that everything explained in this post, is nothing but the truth, from my point of view. And every picture in this post, was made with my camera and i have the raw footage from every video. It was because of the sighting what forced me to figure out what was going on, and in the beginning it started out of paranoid and real soon that changed into curiosity.

And then i came into the world of the UFO community, what was mainly on facebook, were debunkers rule the research and dismiss every sighting or even attack witnesses. So what i also found out was that the UFO community don't have a solid foundation to talk about UFOs, it's filled with ridicule or debunkers, who will do anything to attack anyone who wants to talk about UFOs.

For that reason i came to Steemit, because i notice here on Steemit are people more mature and open minded enough to talk about this subject, and that's what truth seekers need. People want to share information and knowledge with each other on a mature way, because some people like myself really saw something weird, and we want to know answers. There for me and many others who saw or see the same thing stay hidden or in close groups together, and those people never heard of Steemit before, i talked about Steemit and they don't know. And many of them have huge fan networks or huge networks around them, im talking about UFO researchers who also film and have a audience, i want to bring them here to Steemit.

Because Steemit have a mature audience.
Steemit is not censored!
Steemit is more secure.
And steemit can create funding what many researchers need for better cameras or software, what totally could improve the research into UFOs. Because it's not needed to wait for the government, we can do it ourselves, people worldwide can bind hands and work together to share data and information, to understand more about our reality. Because there is something in our reality what seems to be everywhere around the world, and have a advanced technology and its stay hidden for the public and the military. I saw it with my own eyes and i saw how the military have chased them, and they appear right above our houses on every clear sky.

Now on this moment im in contact with several scientists and amateur researchers and witnesses worldwide, who all seek for the truth about the UFO phenomena. And i can tell you up front, that the military don't even know who or what they are, they also don't have a clue, only a small group within the military knows. But who they are is also a mystery. So the truth is, that in our world is a hidden world. A world were UFOs and secret groups play a cat and mouse game, and we the ignorant public and the majority of the government and military have no clue what is going on. It will stay like that until the majority of the people work together! Thanks for reading!

If you want to know more about my case, then you can find my youtube channel here.

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