Healing My DNA & Soul Trauma - SWC @jerrybanfield (repost with proper 1st tag)

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Image via YouTube

Shortly after the birth of my first child I became involved in a movement that would guide me to a woman that would change my life forever. The movement is known as “We Are Mauna Kea” and it was based on the protection of one of the most sacred places in Hawai’i known as Mauna Kea (for short). Mauna Kea is a mountain on the Big Island of Hawai'i but more than that it is a sleeping volcano and a site of great spiritual significance. The summit is said to be in the realm of the gods, the place where heaven and Earth meet and held with the upmost respect and sacredness by those who still honor Hawaiian teachings. In pre-contact Hawai’i, strict protocol was required to ascend the sacred slopes to bury ancestors, harvest rare resources, or pray and bring offerings to the many gods that dwelled there. It is said Poliahu (Pol-ee-ah-hu) the goddess of the snow would bless the top of Mauna Kea covering the summit in snow during colder months.


Copyright Herb Kane LLC

My close friend at the time who was deeply involved in the movement, a young Hawaiian woman with a passion for culture, healing, and protecting all that is sacred, told me of a healer who could channel spirits. Not only was this spiritual healer going to various sacred sites to help release blocked energy and suffering spirits that were stuck here for various reasons, but she offered her services to anyone in need. She was an important pillar for the spiritual growth of all who stood with the We Are Mauna Kea group, offering powerful prayers and healing for those experiencing difficulties. All she asked for was a fair donation for her services, but that if you were unable to pay she would not withhold her services to those in need. Truly living in a “service to others” state of being which can be difficult financially at times as many are still living in a “service to self” state of being.

I was very interested in seeing this healer but it took some time before the right situation aligned for me to do so. Many members of the We Are Mauna Kea movement had seen her at one point or another, some being very prominent members of our community. All agreed their experiences with her were very healing and profound. Out of respect and privacy I am going to call this healer Ana. She is of Anishinabe descent, a tribe with powerful women healers who have fiery passion in their blood. They are warrior women with advanced spiritual gifts and their abilities have been acknowledged for hundreds of years. For me, my husband, and even my children, her presence in our lives has been incredible. Not only that, but she has been so giving of her gifts, asking for only donation among people of lower incomes, that she often received little to no payment for her time.


Copyright Vision Quest Tarot

The Healer Ana
The first time I finally saw her, I had no idea what to expect. She was a small, seemingly gentle woman, with a graceful strength to her I had only experienced when meeting Native American grandmothers at an indigenous elders gathering. After I told her a little bit about myself and why I was there we opened with a prayer; first her, then I. It felt very awkward for me at first but as she began to tell me about my spirit guide, my deceased grandmother, my awkwardness faded away. She informed me that higher vibrational beings, such as angels, elementals and spirit guides needed to be invited and requested to assist and that they could not do so without our invitation. She also brought to my awareness that she saw a fawn with me, a young deer being my first introduction to spirit animals. To be honest I had some disappointment as I expected to have her uncover that I was a powerful being here to do something so important I could not fathom such a calling. Sadly my ego was far more enlarged at that point which prevented my intuitive and spiritual energy from activating more fully until several years down the road.

It wasn’t until after the birth of my second child, that I would have one of the most profound healing experiences with her of my life. At the time, we were living with my in-laws due to financial strain and a lack of affordable housing (not uncommon in Hawai’i). I was finding myself feeling incredibly violent for no reason. I started to see a therapist but it didn’t really help. I had urges that were so unlike me, with an inner rage practically oozing from every cell of my body that I felt very confused and I didn’t know what was happening to me. I knew I needed to see Ana as soon as possible. When I finally arranged a session with her I felt like I was at the end of my rope, like I was a caged bear ready to go on a rampage. I told her a little bit about what I was feeling and then we started the session.


Copyright Theta Healing

DNA Healing
Very soon after the opening prayer she got knocked off balance, breathing and exhaling like someone had just polluted the air she was breathing. This was the way she would respond when spiritual energy would come forth and flow through her so she could relay what was being communicated. She told me a guide from my lineage, a shaman medicine woman had come and that she was pulling at my energy field. She said she was pulling out strands of what looked like light unfolding. She said she had never seen such a sight. She told me that this medicine woman was from my lineage and that she was healing my DNA. Then suddenly it got even more intense. She said energy began coming out and she started having visions of what this energy was. She saw people screaming, running, women and children being murdered left and right, horrible images. I began to cry. Then she saw men come out, bound at the hands. These were some of the men who had murdered my people. She said they were asking for forgiveness and to be released, that they were ignorant and did not know the evil they were committing and for me to please release them from the prison within my DNA.

I was astounded and shocked. Like a deer in the head lights. I was in tears and I was frozen with disbelief. I had never told Ana the history of my tribe but I knew after finding the information in college, what had happened to my tribe from my mother’s lineage was exactly as she described. My ancestors were brutally murdered by the Spanish, the first wave being Hernan Cortes' men, and several waves of Spanish conquistadors afterward, all because they refused the church and they refused to give up their way of life. Knowing I had spirits held prisoner within my DNA caused me to feel angry for a moment, vengeful even. I questioned, do you deserve to go, do you deserve to be free after what you did? I realized I needed to let them go. As much as I knew my family suffered for generations because of their actions, I needed to release them from my energy field and I needed to heal my DNA. She said that the angels were coming to take them but that I needed to say they could go, that I had to choose to forgive them and free them, or not. I agreed, I forgave them though somewhat reluctantly, and she told me they were being taken away.

After the session I was in shock. I finally felt at peace. I finally felt calm, more calm then I ever remember feeling. The deep inner rage I couldn’t seem to release for over a week was gone. I was amazed that after all these years this happened at a time in my life when this healer could be a medium and bring forth the healing beings necessary to help me and my entire lineage. I do not understand how these spirits were held as prisoners within my DNA so I will not attempt to explain how this was possible but I am very thankful I was given an opportunity to heal this within me, as I have come to understand that it heals the lineage in front of us as well, meaning my children. Like karma, it reminds us of the circular way in which energy is connected and shared, especially in a family lineage.


DNA Energy Healing

After that experience I knew and felt the importance of healing first hand. Many of us are unaware of the deep seeded energies that need healing until they are bursting at the seams, begging to be released. In this particular instance, energy from the experiences of my ancestors began affecting my current life in a negative way. I was eternally grateful to Ana for her gift of healing and for her courage to be of service for people in a spiritual capacity. In some cases we have trauma from our present lives that affect our energetic field which can cause us to limit ourselves and suppress our own growth and spiritual development. Since that healing, I have gone through many more experiences to heal trauma from a past life as well as trauma held in my body from my childhood and young adulthood. Despite the leaps and bounds I have made in my healing, I am still continuing to find repressed energy and blockages in need of being released.

Releasing Soul Trauma
In one session later on down the road Ana asked if I knew what star I was from and that I should ask my higher self and my guides during meditation to discover that for myself, kind of like homework. I had never thought about that question as I had always been fascinated with animals, even dinosaurs so I assumed I had been on Earth my entire “soul life”. There is a quote, “We are not humans having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience.” I feel like that sums it up nicely. Especially after my past life regression where the details of the events on the eve of my death were exactly as described in history texts.

I asked to do a past life regression with a skilled hypnotherapist. I like to think of hypnotherapy as guided meditation. Part of the reason was that I figured there must have been a past life that was important to my current life so I wanted to see what would come. I know and trust what I saw during my session was real. At first the images came very slowly and I didn't quite understand them. I saw a dark sky, burnt tree, a skull, a giant reptile. Surely this couldn't be Earth I thought, am I on another planet? I saw faces that changed, changed, and changed and then it stopped at a man. I saw a man wearing a jaguar cape and soon I realized it was me. On on my left shoulder two others were connected to me. I had a wife and a daughter and we lived in a home near a large stepped pyramid.

I questioned if this was a Mayan city or an Aztec one, I wasn't sure. Suddenly my city was set ablaze. Flames burning high I could hear yelling and screaming. People were dying everywhere and the sky and ground was red. The weight of the death of my family on my shoulders and hundreds, maybe even thousands of others I could feel that I felt responsible to this city. I knew I was shown this past life for a reason but it was very intense. I could only handle so much of the feelings as I broke down in tears from the deep suffering I was feeling. I was clearly here to release the trauma my soul had experienced being unable to save my family and my people.


Blue Feathered Serpent

After the scene faded into a red glow, nothing but burning buildings and a crumbling city I saw a huge blue serpent with feathers emerge from thick dark clouds. This serpent slithered through the sky and from its body rain drops fell and put out the fire. It was as though the rain from this serpent was a healing rain of sleep and healing, putting the fire and all that was burned and dead to rest bringing peace. It seemed beautiful and magical but suddenly I felt and overwhelming sadness wash over me. Moments later it was like an upwelling from my soul, pain and suffering filled my consciousness. I got scared for a minute as it felt like darkness was pulling me down and trying to consume me. I knew the energy needed to be released so I called on the universe to open a portal, or a gateway for this energy to be siphoned into so it could be recycled into the abyss of creation. I saw darkness sucking from me and into this spiraling hole of stars similar to what a black hole might resemble. When this was finished I finally felt at peace and I knew the trauma from this life had finally been released.

Later on I wanted to confirm what I saw so I looked up some of these details I experienced. I found that the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan was indeed burned to the ground by Cortes. The warriors that protected the city were known as warriors of the jaguar who wore jaguar capes and were known for their stealth and agility. And Quetzalcoatl the great feathered serpent was one of their most beloved deities who is said to have come from the stars. I recall when I saw this great feathered serpent I felt relieved and the way it dropped its soothing rain was so nurturing. With a kind content smile on its face it almost had a feminine feel to it and I did not feel frightened seeing this massive being in the sky.


Devian Art Quetzalcoatl

Reincarnation and Healing
For me it always made sense why reincarnation was a fact of life. Everything in life is cycles. Cycles of water, cycles of soil, cycles of energy, circling and recycling itself. Why would our soul and the energy that we carry within us be any different? For me it resonated and I felt the truth of it, from the core of my being. Over the years learning more about other healing systems based on the concept of chakra within the body and then how sometimes this energy system is reflected out on the energy network of the Earth was fascinating. As I began to look for more I would discover more and soon I began to realize the spiritual wisdom available to us, if we looked for it, was vast and ancient.


Awakening & Activating

I took a course on the basics of reiki clearing and healing techniques which has also assisted in my own self healing. It has allowed me to practice my mediation more regularly and to tune into any blockages that may need clearing. Blockages can be caused by lower vibrational energies such as anger, fear, resentment, judgment, guilt, jealousy etc. It is difficult to remain in a state of acceptance with these emotions and let them pass as each of these emotions hold with them valuable lessons and are experienced quite often in our society yet we often resist or suppress them or cling to them and harbor them. When we fail to release these emotions they can form blockages and when we bury them for too long within our energetic field we open the door for illness and pain to manifest.

Addiction, emotional abuse, mental abuse, and self inflicted suffering on varying levels can all occur from energy blockages and unhealed trauma. It can take some effort but there are many different way to heal blocked energy. If one method doesn't work for you another might. As I have learned and believe as truth, we all come here under a spiritual agreement with a mission and a purpose. Depending on our choices, we will either complete that mission or return in another time, another lineage, another vessel, to try again.


Dolores Cannon Quote

It is said by many indigenous peoples and spiritual leaders that the time of great awakening is upon us. It has been said the Earth will soon go through dramatic changes and the people will all have an opportunity to awaken. Awakening to your soul, also referred to as your higher self, often comes in waves. For some, it can be sudden and intense and push people beyond what many deem as rational thinking or logical behavior. Too much too soon and it can be difficult to digest and maintain balance in your life. Patience is key for spiritual development so that it can integrate and allow you to slowly adjust. Trusting the little nudges from your heart, the fascinations and passions for cultures, art, music, travel and adventure can lead you to profound, life changing experiences. Why wait to discover what you are searching for?


Earth Ascension


Spirit Guides

I hope you enjoyed my Spiritual, Supernatural Writing Contest Entry for @jerrrybanfield.

For those who made it this far in my story, may you find the teachers, healers and guides you are seeking in your life. True healers are few and far between but they do exist. If you are longing for spiritual experiences but don’t know where to start I encourage you to look into things like chakras, reiki, and cranial sacral therapy. Prayer and meditation is very powerful and in time you can call on your spirit guides and you may even feel them or sense them in some way, perhaps receiving images or feelings. For me, information on star nations awakened another level of awareness for me and I found it very interesting to consider. Past life regressions are also a great way to deepen your level of consiousness. Meditations can be found on Youtube (though I am unsure which ones are good) or with specialized hypnotherapists. Hypnotherapy is another great way to heal trauma and explore your own consciousness. If you can dream it, you can manifest it. The sky isn’t the limit, for we are limitless beings of energy and spirit dwelling in bodies made of the same molecules birthed from stars!


Higher Self Chakra Activation

Hope you have a great day and thanks for reading.

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