Paranormal Experience in Bulacan (SWC)

My story is based on my real-life experience. Before, I don’t really believe in ghost and “aswang”. It all started way back on July 20, 2009, when I saw a young woman with white whole dress or as what they call it a white lady. This is where my paranormal Encounter started.


I was hired by the company in the Bulacan province, municipality of Sta Maria, this company is a Medical Drug laboratory in Bulacan. Eight of us from the province of Negros Oriental were hired by that said company. We then travel from Negros Oriental on July 1, 2009, and we arrived at Bulacan the following day, at 10 pm. Since it was already night time, when we arrived we were not able to see the view of the place. When we are already in the plant, we were accompanied by the guards to show us our place to stay our barracks or staff house. We felt slightly scared because the barrack is located at the far back of the plant and along the way you get to see some mango trees and an abandoned swimming pool with no water. As soon we get there we entered to our room at that night. I have this strange feeling that I don’t seem to understand, I felt so uneasy but I just keep it to myself to avoid my colleagues to feel scared as well. The next day in 12:30 noontime, I and my three co-workers carry out our cushion to the living room we usually lie down there to rest and make phone call or just checking our phones. Suddenly I feel terrified and had a goose bumps when I looked at the comfort room area, I saw a woman with long hair she’s wearing a white dress in a side view position walking towards the comfort room. I did not panic, and I just try to get myself together and try to think of a rational explanation about what I saw, so just to confirm I asked my three co-workers, if they also saw anyone who went to the Comfort room, but they didn’t see anybody, out of my fear I shouted, “there is a ghost!”and we all rushed outside of the house. We are already afraid to get back in our room, so we asked the guards to check the CR and see if there is a person inside but the guards says there’s no one inside.


From that day we started to stay together all the time, we don’t go out alone because of fear. In the morning we are required to report in HRD office, the guards informed us regarding that announcement, because we are going to have our interview for the job. We woke up 5:00 am in the morning then all of us are in the dining area to have our breakfast together. After our breakfast some of my boys coworkers are falling in line waiting for their turn to take a bath they didn’t use the other CR for the ladies because someone is still inside and the shower is still on and based on the sound they’ve heard, you can say that there’s still someone taking a bath. After 10 minutes the water stopped and there was no sound from inside and nobody get out from the bathroom. So one of them decided to check the bathroom but when he opened the door no people inside and the floor is wet and the shower is off because of what happened they chose to take a bath outside because they are now scared. One after another supernatural thing occurs inside our barrack. In my first day of work, one of the employees shares a story that they do see ghost inside the plant as well. They’ve seen a child, a giant, a woman, and a man and some are imitating someone else’s face. I just ignored it and made myself think maybe its just part of our imagination. After a month being in the department where I am assigned, we always have overtime, like everyday, we end our shift 10:00 pm. So we have no choice but to go home late. On the first day of my overtime around 6:00 pm in the hallway of our office, we smelled something similar to a fragrance of a flower. My colleague says maybe there’s just someone who sprays a perfume somewhere out there, but my supervisor said it is prohibited to spray or used a perfume inside the plant because it will contaminate the medicinal drug we produce. We try to see and follow where the smell is coming from until we end up in a wash bay area. We all have goose bumps when the smell suddenly becomes stronger and our supervisor felt the fear as well. We cannot pin-point where the smell is coming from, which we know was every 6:00 pm we do smell the same scent everyday in the hallway.


While I am assisting one of my coworker, He asked me to get a box where we can put the capsules and tablet. Because the entire box was already full. Since there are still drugs unpacked we need a box, so I went to the receiving area it is in another room where boxes are stored, and you need to pass in the hallway to get there. Then after I picked up the boxes, I then have a goose bump I just ignored it then I started walking to the door through the hallway all of the sudden I heard a weeping baby inside the room. I don’t know what to do, I can’t move and the cry became louder, it sounds like the child is being hit by his parents. I’m so scared because I feel like it’s just in my back. Because of my intense fear I threw the boxes and run as fast as I can to get to the working area where my colleagues are. I shouted and cried. My coworker to their shock and curiousness to what happen tome, they asked me what happened? I told them with a trembling voice what had happened, and then they all feel petrified and hurriedly completed their work to leave the plant and go home immediately.
Tomorrow morning I was transferred to a different department they were curious about what happen to me last night on our overtime. In this new department we still have overtime, the office is located at the main building of the plant. After our break time around 6 pm in the afternoon when we returned to our stations, we were surprised because our manager visited our office because they saw someone who is walking in the hallway since by that time all employees should be in their respective departments to work. It is prohibited to go out after break time.


My manager saw someone is outside in the hallway because from time to time my manager look closely to the CCTV to see if all employees are in their stations. So one thing that makes them wonder is that person they saw on CCTV walking in the hallway, they followed that person to see if where that person will go. They notice that it is going to the gowning area that means it will go to the CR. They waited outside the comfort room for that person to come out, after 15 minutes it never shows up. They tried to review the CCTV and zoomed the clip, but they can’t recognize the person because it is blurry. So they requested all employees to go out and they asked everyone if we have a coworker who looks like the person in the video but none of us have a coworker that looks similar to the person in the video. We still can’t believe that ghost can be seen in the CCTV. Not just that but there are instances that ghost imitate someone else’s face, it happens in our QC Department the next day while everyone is busy, QC Department is a quite place where only two QC personnel was required to have an overtime. At that night our supervisor went to QC department then He told us if we have questions or concerns just visit him to the QC Department. While he was busy in his paper work he kept talking to the person sitting beside him. He noticed that the person wasn’t responding at all. But he wasn’t bothered by the fact that the person isn’t responding. And then at that time it happens that I went to the QC Department to submit an essay. Then the two employees on duty that night arrived, they said that they are from the Comfort Room. My supervisor was shocked because He was just talking to one of the female QC personnel a few minutes ago. It is not possible because he saw a woman in there, the two employees on duty that night was frightened because they really are from the comfort room and they just punch in, in the biometric. My supervisor asked me if I saw a woman with her inside the room when I arrived. But I did not see anyone who was with him. There are a lot of creepy activities happening inside the plant even the new hires they do have stories to tell that they saw a white lady and etc.


Some New hires went to the gowning area to change and use their uniforms then one of them asked me why is that there is a child sitting inside, I told her that children are prohibited inside the plant that is against the regulations of the company. And by then I realized that may be that child was the child I heard crying in the receiving area during my overtime. Until now I still haven't forgotten those happenings that I experience about ghost because I really don't believe in those things before but based on what happen in Bulacan. I can now say that Ghosts are indeed real.

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