We lived in a haunted house for 10 years, We experiences several paranormal activities for real (SWC)

All of the stories below are based on my personal experiences, you believed me or not...i can swear to God it’s all true. It’s up to you if you believe on it. And i will not tell if its paranormal or not, but it’s very unusual thing happened.

When i was young, my dad always told me not to be afraid of the dark. I asked him why? He said... ”when you walk alone in the middle of darkness, no one can see you.But if you are holding on something to light up your way, you will be visible to someone else especially those who have a bad intention to you bad". My dad are not believers of bad spirits and paranormal activities. He is not afraid of any supernatural beings or paranormal activities, but he is afraid of the same person who can do bad things against human.

His point came into my realization, that he is correct. I should not afraid of any paranormal being because they are not real. Paranormal activities are just a human invented story, unless if I can experience it by myself.

After 3 years, I enrolled in a university to start my college life. The university is way far from my home town so my parent decided to rent a house and lived with me. After searching for possible house that is suitable for a whole family member, we got a good offer. Someone offers us a big house, it was kind of old house made of wood from first floor up to second floor. It was just located walking distance away from my school where i will be studying. The rental is affordable and we grab the opportunity to take it and start living in there. We are all 7 members of the family who are living in the same roof, but we are happy because the house is just big to accommodate us and it can accommodate even up to 15 members of the family. There are 4 rooms and 2 bedrooms. The inside look if the house is nice, just need to put some designs and appliances and dividers.
After a week of staying, it started to get weird...

Smell something different, several nights we smelled scent of lighted candle. ( We are weeks old living in the house)

After a week of stay, we started to realize some weird things happening around. But we just ignored it because are strong believer of God and we don’t believe in any paranormal related situation.

Source: Pixabay

It started when my sister knocked on my door at around 12 midnight. I was wide awake since i was studying with my first report. She asked me, if I am using candle? I told her no...i smelled it actually. I thought it was just from the neighboring houses.

The scent of lighted candle continuously happened every 11:30 up to 1 o clock in the morning and happened for 10 consecutive days. We just ignored it, because we thought it was just from my neighborhood.

Shutting door in the middle of the night while we are in the middle of deep sleep. ( We are month old living in the house )

I experienced this once, but my sister told me that she heard several times the door of our cr located at the first floor closing itself with force without anyone in there. My niece supported the allegation of my sister.

Source: Pixabay

I heard once, the door was shut off with full force that seems someone is very angry and tried to shut the door to close. Again, we just ignored it. What we did, we locked the door of the CR and never used it. We used the upper CR instead, just to stop the door shutting off. It works, but we never thought of something paranormal. Except one of my cousin decided to leave the house and find his own boarding house to stay. This was actually one of the activities that i am trying to figure out how the door will closed with force by itself, without even wind passing through the area. I slowly poisoned my mind to believe in it, even how strong I ignored about this paranormal but it seems pushing me to believe so.

We continue to live like normal ignoring whatever unusual things happening in house. After we closed and locked the door of the CR, we never heard it again.

Telephone rings in every 12 midnight, not just me who answered the call...someone tried to pick it up and leave it hanged. ( 6 months in the house )

I am about to sleep, my room is located on the second floor of the house. Our phone was just installed together with the internet 2 days ago. We never expect for anyone to call our phone since it is new and no one knows the number of it.

Source: Pixabay

I was so happy that time because i had brand new computer to be use for study purposes and to start exploring internet and playing games as well.

One night, when i am about to sleep at exactly 12 midnight, the phone rang. I knew the time because I stopped using computer every 11:30 and fixed my bed after all and ready to sleep. It Rang several time, I rush to pick it up. But the thing is, the phone is located in the first flood and I need to walk down to answers it. When I am about to get off my bed to run down to pick up the phone, it stopped. So I went back to bed and sleep.

I set my alarm clock to 4 am, so I can have a small time playing computer before preparing for school. Early morning when I wake up, I went downstairs to open my computer and play. I noticed, our phone was not in place. It was hanged up. I can hear the beep sounds of it. I picked it up and put in it in the right position. I asked the family member if they left the phone hanged up. But they told me no, they are all sleeping during that time. Now, it started to scare me...

After a night it happened again, for the next time around. I am about to close my door when the Phone ring. I hurriedly run down the stairs, turn on the lights and answered the phone. Hello, who is this? I said. No one is speaking on the other line except I heard a deep breath. It’s like a breath of someone that is about to die trying to catch air by breathing so deep. I put down the telephone and go back to sleep. It happened again, and again and again every night....Sometimes my sister picked it up but they heard the same voice. Until we used to it for a month, every 10pm, we cut remove the wire connecting to the telephone so we can sleep without any disturbance and we never heard it again...until we decided to cut the line permanently.

A shadow of a girl, standing in my room, she is tall and dark! ( We are 1 in a half year living in the house )

This is not my personal experiences, someone who passed by told me about it. Not just one but 4 of them including the owner of the laundry house.

Source: Pixabay

It was December 25, when we all leave the house for 1 week. All of us went home to celebrate Christmas and New Year. We lit up the light in my room facing the main road and the other light outside our house. No one in there during that time. But someone told us, there was a girl wearing a black standing in the first window of my room that it seems looking outside. She stayed for 30 minutes in there and disappeared. It started to appear, every 6 pm in the evening. One of my friend told me, when he thought I was in there to invite me for a dinner party with his family during Christmas night. He knocked on the gate calling my name, but no one answered him and seems no one open the door except the shadow of a lady, tall and wearing a dark cloths standing in the first window of my room. The owner of the laundry house, just besides us confirmed it and saw the same thing. But they never thought of something different, they thought it was just one of our family living in there.

For 5 days, that shadow thing appears until we came home. And that was the time that we started to believe, that there is something in there, something not the same with us. After several confirmation from 4 people actually, I decided not to sleep alone. But then, we just hold on our faith and ignored it. I asked one of my cousin to sleep with me.

The same nightmare, almost all of us living in the house dreamed the same thing.

I was so silent hen i dreamed of something, especially when it comes to nightmares. I only tell this when someone will open up.

Source: Pixabay

Not just once, but it several time when i had a nightmare during my deep sleep. My nightmare always includes a black lady, a white lady and a child. It seems that they are living in my dreams in form of nightmares. I believed how strong is the prayer is to protect our sleep against nightmares. But sometimes i forgot to pray, and the nightmares comes in. This was just a normal for me, i thought those are just a bad dream. But when i heard that most of the family member in the house had the same nightmares it told myself this is not normal anymore.

When my sister friend spent time there for 2 nights, told us that she dreamed something really bad for 2 nights. There was black lady, with black hair standing in front of her, she cant move and she cant even screamed until she realized that it was just a nightmare. It was not just a nightmares, there something that it wanted to tell us. It could be a paranormal or not, but the most powerful is prayer. When i pray, this nightmare never enter and ruined my dreams. This is not about the black lady in our dream, it is about why we had the same nightmares?

When reliable person, who knows about the house told us something scary...

An old man, he was once a Brgy. Captain of the said place where we rented the house and it happened that his son is my friend, told us something that i am about to dropped my jaw.

When i came in their house, it was Fiesta.. We ate dinner and a little chit chat. My friend name Mark introduce me to his father. He was a good man, a 78 years old but still with a sharp mind and very talkative. It came to a point when he asked about me, if where did i lived and if where did i study. I answered him politely, but when i mentioned about the house he verified it from his son..if we really lived in that house owned by someone, that i really don't know...i forgot the name.

That house was old, it was for sale for several times since 1995 but no one bought it after knowing the background and the story of it. No one bought the house and no one rented it and lived for a long period of time except us.

I was a little bit scared but interested to hear what is the story behind that house? Before he share the story, he told me with a strong confirmation that we experienced something in there, even if i will say no. It seems that he really knew what is happening in there when it comes to super natural Phenomenon. I am about to say no, since i want to hide but then i cant resit the fact that there is really something in there. Without telling him what is in there and what we experienced from that house, he mentioned about the lady, the little kid and the suicide something. What? I just said to my self..why did this man knew it all? Long time ago, the owner of that house was a filipina married to an american guy. That Filipina was once working as domestic helper in USA and got married to an american old man. They are not the original owner of the house, they bought it from someone else. But the story goes like, the women poisoned her husband to death, killed his little daughter and she hanged herself in the bathroom.

I supposed not to believed in it, but the story really connects the dots. After those confirmation from the old man, we call for an immediate house prayer and blessing and everything wen well. But i am not sure, if how was it now. Its been 6 years i never came back but we stayed there for 10 years. since 2003 to 2013.


I never had an actual photo of the house, its 5 hours travel from the place where i am right now. And upon writing this post, i never had any chance to go there. But i will promise to take photos of it maybe next week or so.

If you want to verify it, or maybe want further information of the story i can present to you the persons whom i am with during the time where these paranormal activities happened and i can get you into the location and into the house where it happened and we can also verify the information from several people who lived near the place. But i am sorry to tell you, the person who really knows the story and the former Brgy. Captain just died 3 years ago.

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