Jehovah's Witnesses - A Religious Cloak for Dark Secrets


4 More Dead

Triple murder-suicide shatters quiet of Keego Harbor

imagine for a moment

A dreadful Eye of Judgement keeps watching as you sincerely try to live up to impossible standards.


Your mind starts racing...

You are immersed in fear, wondering if you've done enough to earn Jehovah's favor. You think things through...

You attended all 5 meetings that week, committed an hour daily to personal study, went in the field ministry all day Saturday, and you even took care of yard duties for Brother Hypocrisy. He really appreciated it as he got too drunk the night before and didn't want the Elder, Brother Molester to find out.

Brother Molester praised you for covering while Brother Hypocrisy was "sick".

"I prayed to Jehovah that he have a speedy recovery."

He said joyfully as he knew he will be asking you shortly to help him with a little yard work at his place "while we're at it".

You even took some time after mowing his yard to share in reading the daily text provided by The Watchtower, as you didn't have time that morning, due to rushing out to cover for Brother Hypocrisy.


A wave of relief washes over as you beg Jehovah to forgive you falling short in any way.
"In Jesus name we pray... Amen."

Now to get what little sleep you can.
It looks like 4 hours tonight before field service in the morning!


I was raised as a JW.
I was extremely proud to be one.
I was in a beautiful bubble of attention, fame, and affection from all the "brothers" and "sisters".

This is a rare bubble come to find out, as I have found out many dark secrets about the organization and even some people I was close to in our regional congregations. From molestation to extremely violent abuse, it became the same ol' story I was told that Satan was only manifesting in "The World".

The World:
the label we would paint on everyone that was not a JW.

The World was wicked and would soon pass away with the wicked one.

We were a joyful bunch, praying for Jehovah's will of death and destruction to all humanity...


You really don't view things such as our 'loving God will destroy mankind' as anything illogical when you're in the mindset of a JW.

Somehow they MAKE it all make sense

Then arises in most a feeling... The feeling is FEAR.

It is extremely addictive.

But once we understand the subtleties of life, we cannot stay in that vibration.

If we do, we destroy ourselves and those around us.

Fear divides JW's from accepting anyone from The World until they are agreeing to follow Jehovah's will. Fear keeps most JWs from seeking beyond what The Watchtower provides.


A God of Love would never promote Fear.

Love is Intelligent & Unifying

Logical intellect consumes materials of all sources, then discerns it against all else that remains as Truthful.

Divisive organizations conceal evil.

This is intentional to provide a safe haven for those who wish to bask in the illusion of division and fear.


Transparency with decentralized knowledge, currency, and a new devotion towards honesty is needed to bring humanity forward.

If you're interested in learning more about the 4 More Dead above, please watch Kim & Mikey's video here.


I'm going to spread more awareness on this issue of divisive organizations. Please help spread awareness by sharing this post or any of the links within.

Jehovah's Witnesses are just one organization of thousands in religion, education, corporations, governments, banks, and secret societies.


There is a way forward:


with our voices united
calling out those hiding within these divisive organizations



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