Time to Switch Channels and Interrupt Your Regular Programming! {-} Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower {-} Chapter 2 {-} Part 2


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Here is how, in 2013, the Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses spun the parable found at Matthew 24:45-47:

"Jesus said that he would use 'the faithful and discreet slave' [the Governing Body - ED.] to give 'food [Watchtower doctrine - ED.] at the proper time' [ at the time of the end of this system of things, beginning in 1914 and historically always just about to end at any moment - ED.] to his domestics [the worldwide membership of baptized Jehovah's Witnesses - ED.].... That faithful slave [the Governing Body - ED.] is the channel through which Jesus is feeding his true followers [Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide - ED.] in this time of the end. It is vital that we [all of Jehovah's Witnesses - ED.] recognize the faithful slave [the Governing Body - ED.]. Our [Jehovah's Witnesses' - ED.] spiritual health and our [Jehovah's Witnesses' - ED.] relationship with God depend on this channel [the Governing Body - ED.]." (The Watchtower (Study Edition); July 15, 2013; pg. 20.)

We have already identified, in the introduction to my book, what is that "channel through which Jesus is feeding his true followers in the end"; we showed there, from 'The Watchtower' magazine of 1960, that this "channel" is, quote, "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society".

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is one of the names of the several legal entities through which the Governing Body of the Watchtower Organization operates. It is disingenuous of the author of that 1960 article to not be more specific in naming the Governing Body as that "channel"; for, nothing published in 'The Watchtower' magazine, nor in any of its many other publications, is ever published without the royal seal of approval of the Governing Body.

At bottom, it is, and almost always has been, the members of the Governing Body who are to be understood, collectively, as "the faithful and discreet slave". And, as we saw above, in the 2013 magazine article, "It is vital that we recognize the faithful slave. Our spiritual health and our relationship with God depend on this channel."

Moreover, Biblical interpretations, as well as the dissemination of those interpretations, is the prerogative belonging to "that faithful slave", within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Governing Body.

Furthermore, as we have also shown in the introduction to my book, in the 1970 'Watchtower' article, the claim there found was, "The Watchtower...is the only organization upon the earth guided by God's Holy Spirit, and the only organization capable of understanding the meaning of the Holy Scriptures." Once again, it is disingenuous of the author of that article to not name the Governing Body as that particular, authoritative representative of "the Watchtower" "organization."

Therefore, don't be fooled! Whenever you read about "the faithful and discreet slave" in 'Watchtower' publications, you are always reading about the Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses. Thus, all of the responsibility for all of the statements ever published in 'The Watchtower', and in kindred Society publications, ought to fall smack on the shoulders of those to whom those shoulders belong, namely, on the shoulders of the members of the Governing Body - and not on those of the average Jehovah's Witness who is obligated, at pain of physical excommunication from the Society and spitual extermination from the universe, to adhere to the teachings of that so-called "slave"-class.


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