


Jasmine flowers are always present in every sacred ceremony of the archipelago society. This flower really must be presented as an offering. Many people who consider this flower mystical, has its own mysterious power.

The image of jasmine is increasingly attached to horror things since the flower is widely used as a horror movie property played by Queen Horror Suzanna. Even the late Suzanna has a favorite of jasmine flowers.

Jasmine flower actually does have the virtue of this flower can to symbolize sanctity. Where sanctity is actually the essence of many religious and mystical rituals lived by man.

Jasmine flowers are believed to affect the human aura, to become more smooth and calm. So it easily penetrates the spiritual dimension. Inhaling the scent of jasmine can make the human body easily blend into the cosmos or universe.

Unification with the universe can not only be done with this interest. There are other flowers that also have similar effects, among others, are roses and yellow. Its flame is capable of triggering interconnections between dimensions, physical dimensions with magical dimensions.

Jasmine flowers are magical with all the charm and benefits. But we as human beings must be aware of one thing. Flowers remain flowers, as wonderful as any jasmine flowers, he is still a sentient beings who are not intelligent and should not be revered because it will lead to the act of shirk.

Jasmine flowers should be used as a means of beauty only. As a decorator for the mood of people who see it so happy because it affected aromaterapik emitted by jasmine. There is no power and strength other than God alone, jasmine flowers are mere beauty, manifested by the power of God. Allah is the one who creates the beauty of jasmine and its properties.

Do not imitate what Suzanna's actress did. He is too extreme in looking at jasmine flowers. Until each morning he always ate a plate of jasmine flowers. I do not know what that means, he felt jasmine flowers can nourish his body and emit his aura.

Nevertheless jasmine is just a flower that is biologically and chemically surely contains substances that unknown human layman. Do not get too close together even eat jasmine, will bring bad impact. Already many people who say jasmine can make dizzy. Maybe this is one of the bad effects that need to be aware of. Therefore, do not force-style with jasmine flowers. Thanks

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