Please support Japan!!

Hello people of Steemit, how are you?
I’m @yoshiko from Japan.


Today, I would like to ask everyone to support #japanese
In Japan, Steemit has only started with a limited number of users, and the platform is still at a very early stage.

That’s why we need everyone’s support to create a fund to help and promote the #japanese community of Steemit!

There are, however, no Whales in Japan at the moment.

The only person supporting Japan is @knozaki2015. @japanfund and @ramengirl in Korea is also cheering us to move forward, and I am very thankful for both.

There are several funds in why I believe a fund would be appropriate to boost the #japanese community.


Firstly, there are people wishing to join the STEEM FEST that’s going to be held in Portugal in November. I am, of course, planning to join as well, but because Portugal is so far away from Japan, it requires a high budget. @shogo is one of these people wanting to join, who is still a Uni student, but has decided to fund himself through his part-time work.

However, as noted above, the fee involved in travelling to the event is a high burden for a Uni student, so we wish to minimize his own expense through the fund.

There are also a number of members hesitant to join because of the fees involved.

I am hoping that as many people as possible will be able to join the STEEM FEST to expand our community.

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The second reason why, is related to the running of the Steemit official FAQ. There is already a Japanese translated page for this, but this was all done by @inoue through volunteering.

Even through these hard work to expand the Japanese Steemit, there is only a limited number of Japanese users, which makes it hard for us to increase the number of votes.

I think that one of the major attractiveness of Steemit is that valuable posts such as the above increases the number of votes. This is why I think a fund should exist, to boost the Japanese community until it expands further.


Another reason is the existence of the ALIS. They have directed to Japan as a valuable market to expand into. ALIS has made the following statement:

“We perceive Japan as the first market that we should tap into, as it is a huge, but an underdeveloped market that is ‘left-behind’. First of all, western countries take the lead on block-chain technologies, which means Japan is lacking main players. Additionally, due to the newly changed legislation in Japan, foreign players are unable to develop domestic businesses, and even domestic players need to overcome the hurdle of entrepreneur registration.

Secondly, there is the language barrier. On one hand, because of the language barrier, the market is often left behind from various global platforms (Examples of these are WhatsApp, Tumblr, and Pinterest, which is often not even recognized in Japan). On the other hand, however, as seen in the fact that Microsoft has already released an instant facts mean that there is a high possibility that once we tap into the market as soon as possible as a first-mover, we will be able to stabilize our position because of the large hurdle.

In addition to this Japan continues to be a huge economical market, with the nominal GDP still ranked 3rd among the world at over 4 trillion USD, along with the top ranked amount of net foreign trade. The SNS and web media market is Japan is also valued at least 11 billion USD.

The above reasons are why the market in Japan is a huge market, but underdeveloped and ‘left-behind’. We, however, perceive these as a reason to enter the Japanese market. Although already stated above, we think that it is a completely rational strategy that will enable our success to enter and expand our share within the huge but ‘left-behind’ Japanese market and to later extend into the global market.

Finally, as the core members have been brought up in Japan and hence are familiar with its culture and business rules, starting our venture in Japan is most likely our best strategy at this point.

It is easy to imagine that they will enter into the Japanese market and acquire many users. With the current situation of Steemit (in other words the small number of #japanese voting each other and resulting in minimum outcome), it is inevitable that a large number of people will stream into ALIS from Steemit once they enter into the market.

These are the reasons why I believe that setting up a fund for Japan is a needed matter that requires urgency. Please support us in Japan.

For anyone who is in favor, please kindly forward your donation fund to @knozaki2015.

He has been continuingly supporting us in Japan and us in Japan also trusts in him.

He will, we believe, come up with the most beneficial way to use the fund for Japan.


I, myself, would like to donate all the votes to this post and also to present a Steemit stained glass, as the photo, as a gift to some of the supporters.

I will announce this later in a gratitude post.

If you are in favor, please Resteemed this post!

I hope that this will reach out to as many of you out there.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post until the end!




私は日本の @yoshikoです。



唯一日本を支援してくれているのが、 @knozaki2015さんただ一人です。
そして、 @japanfundさん、韓国の @ramengirlさんもエールを送ってくれていてとても感謝しています。


一つは、11月にポルトガルで開かれるSTEEM FESTに数名が参加を希望しています。もちろん私も参加予定ですが、ポルトガルは日本から遠く、とても費用がかかることです。

日本の参加者の中にはアルバイトしながら大学生に通う @shogoさんがおります。彼は自費での参加を決意しました。
私は日本のコミニュティの発展のためSTEEM FESTに一人でも多くの日本人が参加できるよう心より祈っております。

もう一つの理由は、Steemitの公式FAQの日本語翻訳のことです。公式FAQは既に日本語に翻訳されたページがありますが、それは @inoueさんが全部ボランティアで作ってくれました。



一歩目のマーケットとして日本から攻めたいと考えている。まず、ブロックチェーン技術に 関しては欧米諸国が先陣を切っており、日本ではメインプレイヤーがほとんど存在しない。加えて、日本 の改正資金決済法により海外プレイヤーは国内事業を運営できず、国内プレイヤーについても事業者登録 という大きなハードルを超える必要がある。これは一度日本において先行者としてのポジションを確立す れば、言語という壁が逆に強固なものになり独占的プレイヤーとしての立ち位置を確立することできる可 能性を示唆している。言語の壁についても Microsoft 社が同時通訳ツールをすでにリリースしているなど 、あと 5 年もすれば言語の壁を意識することがなくサービスを利用できる世界が来ると予想している。 加えて、日本の名目 GDP は 49390 億ドルと世界第 3 位であり、対外純資産は世界一を誇るなど未だに大 きなマーケットであるといえる。
なおかつ日本の SNS と Web メディアの市場規模は最低でも 1.1 兆円はあると試算されている。 一方で、常に「日本語」という言語の壁を抱えていることが原因で、グローバルプラットフォームから 乗り遅れることが甚だしい(例えば WhatsApp, Tumblr, Pinterest など、日本では存在すらほとんど 知られていない)。しかしながら、だからこそ日本は狙うべきマーケットであると我々は捉えた。繰り返 すことになるが、日本という世界的からみれば取り残されたマーケットで圧倒的なシェアを獲得し、その 後グローバルマーケットに進出するという方法は合理的な競争戦略に則った方法であり、我々のサービス の成功確率を高めるものであると考えている。加えて主要メンバーが日本で生まれ育ち、言うまでもなく その文化とビジネスルールに精通しているため、日本でビジネスをスタートすることは我々の現時点での 最善策と言える。



賛同いただける方は、支援金を @knozaki2015さんに送ってください。



Please follow @yoshikoDQmTiCwPX5Eh6J9TrHZ9Aki1E8u7jM6gc2LqvycQ91JFrjQ.gif

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