Ghibli's Great Exposition part4 ジブリの大博覧会 パート4

imageIt is a continuation from the previous. Since there is no picture in the free ghibli newspaper, I have uploaded pictures taken in a nearby building.


In the next room of the ghibli warehouse there are decorated Oscar statues and medals awarded in the past.

ジブリ倉庫の次の部屋には 今まで取った賞のオスカー像やメダルが飾ってあります。

imageIt is a photo spot of a Neko bus. There are Institute put not adults the Neko bus in the Ghibli Museum of art to mitaka in Tokyo. But Here you can take pictures by going inside📸 A lot of people were making rows to take pictures.


After the chronology where the history of the plane was written, it is a model of Tiger Moss that appeared in Laputa: Castle in the sky. It is expressed to details.

imageIt is the appearance of a flying flying boat after the flying machines of Ghibli. Here you can take pictures. Most visitors were taking pictures. Of course I took some pictures😆

ジブリの空飛ぶ機械達を過ぎると空飛ぶ飛行艇の登場です。ここでは写真が撮れます。来場者の方々はここぞとばかりに写真を撮っていました。もちろん私も撮りました😆 image

This is the end of the exhibition. I trace my memory, so there may be a place different from the actual one.
After all, please actually visit and experience the ghibli world!

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