Ghibli's Great Exposition part3 ジブリの大博覧会 パート3

@nonono san requested "Please report in detail". So I'll introduce you with the picture of Ghibli newspaper.

imageTotoro will welcome you as soon as you enter the hall. The figure of Ghibli work is lined up behind Totoro.

会場に入ってすぐにトトロが出迎えてくれます。トト ロのうしろの棚にはジブリ作品のフィギュアが並んでいます。

imageMaterials such as posters, original drawings, memos that wrote the synopsis, and location schedule are decorated on the entire wall.

壁一面にポスター、原画、あらすじを書いたメモなどの資料やロケハンスケジュールが飾られています。 imageMr. Suzuki producer's desk is reproduced. Accessories of cute Ghibli works are lined up on the desk.
A poster exhibition will continue at this next hall.

この次の会場も壁一面のポスターが続きます。 imageReproduction of the warehouse of Ghibli. Rare items such as distributed watches to stakeholders are exhibited here and there. I had plenty of items I wanted to take home with.


It will continue to the next.

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