Be careful when you go out with Japanese girl

Some people may say "Oh, Japanese girls are so cute. They are always smiling, so nice, so submissive blah blah blah..."

It looks like many people want to date with Japanese girl.

But I will give you one fact.

By the way, don't give me wrong. As I am Japanese , I can say they ARE nice! I just want to tell you one thing lol

Many guys, especially from europe, complain about when they asked their girl friend to go out. What doest exactly mean?

Here it is.

"Honey, would you wanna go out for dinner?

"Yeah, sure."

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Nothing particular. Dunno, you decide."

"OK, how about BBQ?"

"No, I don't wanna go."

"How about Chinese?"

"Not today."


"Not there."

Then boy friends get frustrated "Why doesn't she give choice if she is not for my offer? Just tell your opinion!!"

Yes, Japanese girls tend to be like that. They don't say their preference, but when boy friends offer something, they sometimes deny.

Strange, huh?

I don't know why that is, just nature of Japanese women lol

So guys, be careful when you go out with Japanese girls.

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