ゴディバが女性の味方になったらしい( ^ω^ ) It seems that Godiva has become a side of a woman





チョコの売り上げが減っちゃうかもしれないのに( ˘ω˘ )…そうか!そもそも義理チョコにゴディバ買う人がいないからか(゜-゜)!ゴディバからしたら自分たちは関係ないから、むしろ他社を蹴落とす作戦ね?


…とか色々ブツブツ言いながら、まだ義理チョコ買いに行ってない私( ˘•ω•˘ )なかなか「楽しく選ぶ♡」っていうテンションにならず…。


私のバレンタインは、いつからこんな苦痛になったのでしょう( ˘•ω•˘ )あの純粋なバレンタインはもう戻らないのね…切実

Next week, the valentine of fear finally finishes ... ( ' ; ω ; `) 


Chocolate to chose for or buy for father is a lot of fun, but I feel that the task of having to go to buy chocolate for a bad man is bad. 


Thinking of such a thing, it seems that Godiva advertised in the newspaper that "Japan should quit obligation chocolate"? 


Ooo, that's right! He told me well! I thought why Godiva made such advertisement, did not he? 


Although the sales of chocolate may decrease, ( ω ω ) ... That's right! Because there is no one to buy Godiva in obligation chocolate in the first place ( ゜ - ゜ ) ! Since Godiva does not concern themselves, it is rather a strategy to kick other companies? 


Godiva is pretty expensive, I will only buy for the person who is really important or important. 


... or something various, but I have not yet gone to buy chocolate-in-law (˘ • ω • ˘) It is not quite like " getting a fun choosing __ ". 


Was it used to be a junior high school student? When giving it to a favorite child, at tension MAX at the stage of shopping, it is always exciting even when making a handmade, carefully wrapping, putting in a letter ( about 20 pieces of writings ), calling to the backyard when delivering It was a level to rupture really whether it should go out or not .... 



From when did my valentine get such a pain ( Þ • ω • ñ ) That pure Valentine will not return anymore ... 

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