Kasa-pyon, My Japanese Tree Frog(アマガエルのカサぴょん)

A couple years ago, in cold November I met my pet, Kasa-pyon. I was on a bus trip to a mushroom farm with other mums from Little Biscuits' kindergarten, and in front of the BBQ place there she was hopping. I first caught her on the concrete floor and brought her to the bushy area so she won't be stepped.

I had my mushrooms and 2 thin slice of Kobe beef with bunch of other veggies lunch then went to check if the froggy disappeared back into the mountains. I was hoping she did, and I was also hoping she didn't.

Well, there she was still hopelessly hopping while the temperature was below minus the night before and as the winter was approaching. It was probably wrong decision, but I decided that she will die the same night frozen, and she missed her chance to sleep in the winter because she was too hungry. To justify my motive to keep her...

I finished my bottle of pet bottle green tea, and chucked her into my pet bottle to bring her home.

2 years later, she is still here with us. Last 2 Springs and an Autumn, the Biscuits vote for her to leave us or not, and obviously still she hasn't left us. I think next spring we will let her go finally but more we keep her it gets harder to go. It's not easy life for small froggy like her to survive.

Japanese Tree Frogs eats insects. And only insects. Whenever weird farm insects comes our of the cabbage I buy, she gets her special treat but otherwise she eats turtle food. We used to move the turtle food around to make it look like caterpillar, but it changed to just a spoon in front of her face then now turtle food just dumped in a plactic case. She eats whenever she feels like eating and when it's empty, I clean her box and put more food...

It's amazing how the frog learnt that non moving green pellets are food... Next Spring she will have to go through a lot of training to get her back to the nature, we will need to find a place with easy prey for her to get back to the wild side...


Well, Isn't she s cute chilling on the plant? She doesn't hop away when she is full. She is content, she will even chill on my finger...






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