Moto Hagio - Interview No. 1 - 2/2

Moto Hagio - Interview No. 1 - 1/2

Please check it out if you haven't read the first half of the interview with Ms. Moto Hagio. @mizuosemla/moto-hagio-interview-no-1

When was the "The Poe's Clan" timeline created?

Morikawa: About "The Poe's Clan". I received a lot of questions about it, and many of them are similar to this question.

Question - "I would like to know at what stage the chronology of the whole story was created."

Morikawa - I also think that the author has a tendency to summarize a lot of the stories. I wonder if the author has a chronology in her/his mind.

Hagio: The first episode of "The Poe's Clan" was written in 1872 in the story, I think. And, I drew the first episode, went back to the past, and then came back to the present. Then, I just put in the titles of the episodes I was going to write. I didn't overthink the details. I was just trying to figure out why I wanted the episode to be in this time period, and I'm a clothes geek, so it was all about the dress. And then I do a lot of research on the political background and other things later on.

How to do a preliminary study when painting dated objects

It is a story how "Queen Margo" was created by Moto Hagio.

Morikawa: Well, let me ask you about "research". There is a manga called "Queen Margot". How long did it take from the time you decided to draw "Queen Margot" to the time you started writing it? You had to do a lot of preliminary research on the history, culture, language, scenery, accessories, and houses to depict a real person, and it was a long time ago. How did you cover that? This is a great question for me and Mr. Yatagawa. I don't think writers of your generation had access to the Internet, so I don't think you were able to do any research.

Hagio: We already had it at the time of "Queen Margot."

Morikawa: Did you have the Internet? (*Note: The serialization of "Queen Margot" started in 2012.)

Hagio: Yes, I looked it up. And, for example, there are painters who lived in this period, such as the painter of the year 1500. For example, there is Holbein or Holbein who painted a huge portrait of King Henry VIII.

KITAGAWA:Hans Holbein, yes.
Hagio: If you look up such a painter on Wikipedia, you can find a list of things he/she painted in that period. So if you explore tables, floors, walls, windows, knick-knacks, and so on, you will find quite a few interesting things.

Morikawa: So that's how you do it?

Hagio: Also, if you search for the religious painting "Annunciation of Mary," you will find "Annunciation of Mary" from various ages and periods. Then, "The Last Supper" also appears. The Last Supper" is a story from B.C., but the drama itself is not. However, since people of the time period depicted the story, people of the 13th century depicted the "Last Supper" of the 13th century. It is the same as the dinner table of the 13th century. For example, I was wondering why the table was made of a single piece of wood with crossed legs. I wondered why he painted on such an unstable table, but when the meal was over, people would take the board and the table apart and put them away. The table was not always set out. Just by looking at "The Last Supper" for a moment, you can understand that much. You can also tell when the glass was made, how the fish was cooked, and so on.

Morikawa: Wow! The way you approach it is totally different from my own. Amazing...

KITAGAWA: I learn so much.

How to maintain your body?

Morikawa: "I think being a manga artist is a physical occupation, and one that tends to cause shoulder, back, and wrist injuries, but how does Hagio Sensei build up your physical strength and maintain your own body?" What do you think?

Hagio: The simple answer is simply nipping and tugging. Just like an athlete often tickles walnuts, without holding anything.

Morikawa: I will do it. I will do it from now on.

Hagio: That's really about it, nothing more.

Morikawa: That's about it?

Hagio: I also sleep a lot to keep my strength up.

Morikawa: Kitagawa-kun, you are still lifting barbells weighing about 120 kg.

Hagio: Oh!

Kittigawa: I don't think I do that much now...I'm a little over 50...I do it once in a while.

Morikawa: You still do it occasionally?

Kittigawa: But I don't raise it like I did when I was younger and say, "How's it going? like I used to do when I was younger.

Morikawa: I see.

Hagio: That's amazing. I really think it's great when I hear about it, but I don't do it myself (laughs).

Kitagawa: No, no, no, Ms. Hagio, not like that (laughs).

Current drawing environment

Hagio Moto’s The Poe Clan: graphic novelty

Morikawa: Next, let me ask you the last question. I'm wondering how you are doing, Ms. Hagio. This is quite interesting. I would like to know what you think will happen in the future, looking at the current situation of the manga industry and the Web. You mean the electronic age, right?

Hagio: Yes, that's right. I also buy and read a lot of electronic manga.

Morikawa: To begin with, Ms. Hagio, what kind of art materials do you use now?

Hagio: I use a combination of analog and digital materials. For digital, I use an iPad and Clip Studio. Analog is the same as before: manuscript paper, screen tones, and a sign pen.

Morikawa: Oh, so it's not too much to say that you are already doing exactly the same thing as today's young artists, right?

Hagio: I met with Mr. Yukinobu Hoshino the other day, and he draws all of his figures with a pen or a brush. He scanned them onto the digital screen, and then drew tones and patterns on top of them. He said, "Ms. Hagio, let's draw the figures in analog. But my hands are so wobbly that they shake after I draw one picture, so I can't do analog pens anymore. I can draw digitally, so I decided to use the digital method.

Morikawa: You mean you don't use as much force with digital?

Hagio: It doesn't use as much force. I just started, but when I draw very thin lines with digital, they all get lost in the printing process. When you print it out. I have been asked to print out the entire image as data without printing it out, but I have to print it out and apply white and tone to it. I'm still in that stage of feeling. When I draw with thicker digital lines, it looks a bit unrefined. So, I'm trying to solve that problem now.

KITAGAWA: Ms. Hagio, do you use analog screen tones?

Hagio: Yes, I do. I don't have the skills to apply screen tones yet. Neither I nor my staff have the skills to apply screen tones.

KITAGAWA: Nowadays, however, most of the people who are working digitally are too lazy to buy screen tones, so they do the screen tones digitally.
Hagio: I bought a lot of them in the analog era (laughs).

Morikawa: You are very interesting, Hagio-san. But, you really are a challenger, aren't you?

Kitanogawa: That's amazing, isn't it?

Morikawa: Kittigawa-kun, that's great, this story.

Kittigawa: It's a treasure, this.

About the Manga Industry's Growing Web Expansion

List of manga books by Moto HagioCheck it out here!!!

Morikawa: I understand how you draw, Mr. Hagio, but you said, "Look at the situation in the manga industry and on the Web. What do you think will happen to the manga industry, Ms Hagio?

Hagio: I think there are many people who want to express themselves in the world of expression. However, until now, the barriers to making a debut were very high, but now people can draw what they want to draw as if it were a diary, not like "Today's Mr. Nekomura. I think it's great that you can now smoothly draw what you want to draw in a diary-like manner and have it read by other people. Even if a work is good enough to be published, if it doesn't get any surveys, there is no more sadness that it won't be published in a book or that it will be cut off. Even if there are not many customers, if it is on the Web, there may be more people who will eventually sympathize with it, and I think the Web is very good because it has created such a path. I read a webcomic that I was told was interesting, so I bought the paper version of the comic.

Morikawa: So it is easier for both buyers and new manga artists to enter the industry?

Hagio: That's right. Like a big Comike? ( What is Comike?

Morikawa: I've never heard anyone say that it's easy for newcomers to enter the industry. You are very kind, Ms. Hagio.

Hagio: I think that Japanese manga is an "asset" of Japan. That's why I want more people around the world to read such interesting things. But sadly, there are not that many people who can read Japanese. I wonder...if we had that automatic translator, we could translate the lines of the manga.

Morikawa: I think that field will progress rapidly.

Hagio: Hey. It would be interesting to see progress.

Who is Moto Hagio?












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