7/7 Tanabata 七夕大好き [EN/JPN]

I love Tanabata. 七夕が大好きです。

It's almost like New Year :) Because you can make a wish, or two, or even three! In the hassle of every day life, sometimes I forget why and what for am I pushing myself so much. So these kinds of special days make me stop and think about what I really want to do or with whom and where I want to go :) 


In Japan Tanabata (also known as Star Festival) is usually celebrated on the 7 of July. It was introduced to Japan from China around the Heian Period (what a cool time it was!). It is based on the story of Orihime the weaver princess and Hikoboshi the cowherd. They fell in love and both forgot to do their work. So as a punishment they were separated and put on different sides of the Milky Way. They are only allowed to meet once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month. 

from Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji by Hiroshige

One of the customs on Tanabata is to write wishes on strips of colorful paper paper called tanzaku (短冊) and put it up on bamboo branches. 

It's not so easy to celebrate Tanabata in Germany, since bamboo isn't as available :)

Two years ago, I only remembered about Tanabata when it came. So we put up our wishes on the leaves of Wisteria instead (hahaha). 

Last year was too hectic so I didn't organize it. 




This year I found a branch of Bamboo in the morning (*found some at a garden on the way) and brought it to the art school. I also prepared paper for my friends to write their wishes and hang them on the bamboo branch. I hope everyone's wishes will come true :) 


My friends tying up their wishes. 友人が笹に短冊をかけるところ。

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