Japanese Language Chat Forum ~ 日本語チャットフォーラム 〜 日


(the Sun/a Day)

1)What day is it?
2)Have you been to Japan?

Let’s Learn some Basic 漢字(Kanji)!

Kanji: Characters which express Meanings and Sounds.

Kun yomi: When a single Kanji is used for a word.
車 (くるま) = Car
On yomi: When Kanji are used together to form words.
電車 (でんしゃ) = Train

Katakana: Words adopted from other languages.

テレビ = Television

Hiragana: Basic Japanese phonetic alphabet.

ありがとうございます = Thank you

~ Created for those wanting to practise and/or learn a bit of basic Japanese. All levels welcome! ~
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