Friday in Pictures: My Days in Albania / 写真の金曜日 - アルバニアの日々

Last week I read @yo-yo 's #fridayinpictures introduction & post. It sounds fun. I write a post with pictures I took in Tirana, Albania. Excuse me they are not taken on Friday ;) Thank you for hosting the tag @fukako!

@yo-yo さんが @fukako さんの写真の金曜日を紹介&投稿していて楽しそうだったので参加します。アルバニアの日々のおかしな写真を紹介します。はじまりはじまり!

One morning I said "Hm I feel like eating a croissant." then papa-baby team went to a neighbor bakery to pick up one. I couldn't help smiling at the shape. It looked like a caterpillar. Cute :D

朝「クロワッサン食べたいな」と言ったらお父ちゃんと赤ちゃんが買ってきてくれました。袋をあけるところころした芋虫のようなクロワッサンが出てきました。なんだこいつ、かわいいぞ w


It seems it's common to fill a croissant with custard cream, chocolate cream or jam in Albania. I think it's quite up to one's preference but I don't don't like it or I must say I like the custard cream and chocolate cream filled ones. French people may get angry though ...



We buy our food at street stands as much as we buy at super markets. Some of them have seedlings too. I really like that their seedlings look like home grown unlike mass produced uniformed seedlings.



Next picture is my lazy dinner after handing in some articles. Yes it's just rice and Teriyaki zucchini ;) Mama needs rest sometimes too. Next day I started cooking regularly. Ah but under this heat how tasty the light Balkan beer is!

仕事が終わってもう全てがめんどくさくてごめんなさいな夕飯。ええ、白米と焼きズッキーニだけですよ w 翌日からはきちんと作りました。それにしても太陽さんさんの気候もあってかビールがおいしい!


The last picture shows my eyeglasses. I lost it while I was walking through a park. It was quite hard to search for my eyeglasses without it. But a group of young boys with rugged looks (excuse me!) kindly offered me help and finally one of them found it. Big thank you to the boys! I almost gave up finding my eyeglasses.



It's my days in Tirana capital of Albania.


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