Introduction, from Adam

Hey there, my name is Adam. I'm stoked to be on Steemit. As a supporter of blockchain and the potential of such platforms as Steemit, I'm looking to take the work I've done since 2006 into this realm.

I'm a marketing technologist as a career. But my passion since I was a kid is traditional Japanese martial arts.

In 2006, I built and deployed the internet's first fully interactive online martial arts training resource for my students abroad and to fulfill the request of my teacher in Japan, to help people looking to learn our art.

This has continued to this day with 300 students around the globe.

So, while I work in the world of web all day, my evenings are spent training jujutsu, sword, meditation and a host of other things relating to the bushi-do of Japan.

Teaching a seminar to students in Morelia, Mexico. 2016.

Now, I want to bring the first martial arts lessons in what I do to the BC, starting right here on Steemit, cataloging our evening lessons, and offering a way for people who either want to train - or just dig watching what we do - to enjoy traditional Japanese martial arts.

Looking forward to this wonderful opportunity ahead.

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